My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 406: Let the red light shine on the 9 states

In the early morning of the next day, as soon as Wang Shuyue struggled to get up from the couch in the office, she heard the early riser screaming excitedly all the way to the political hall.

"Master! Master! Master, wake up soon! There are so many people here!"

The child's voice became extremely sharp because of the excitement, and Wang Shuyue's still a little confused brain seemed to have been pricked by a pointed needle, and she suddenly woke up.

"What's the situation? What did you say?" Wang Shuyue walked out of the office and asked the little apprentice who couldn't stop the car.

Shenger took a deep breath and smiled and pointed outside and said, "Big brother brought a lot of people here, they are all at the counter."

Wang Shuyue raised her eyebrows, thinking that this speed is fast enough.

"Go back to the house and stay, don't run around and hear you." Wang Shuyue patted the little apprentice's ass, and Wang Shuyue was about to send him back to the room.

The little guy wasn't happy anymore, twisted to run out, and said, "Master Ai Qing is here, I also want to help."

Seeing the villain ran out, Wang Shuyue reluctantly shook her head and let him go, heading towards the canteen without hurries.

After all, as the project leader, you still have to install it if you want to modify it.

When Wang Shuyue arrived, Bai Qingfeng and Okeqin, who heard the wind, had arrived long ago. The two cooperated tacitly. One person organized the team of hundreds of people, and the other took the recruitment form handed over by the other party. Everything was in order.

Seeing this scene, Wang Shuyue nodded in satisfaction and coughed twice to remind the people on the field of his arrival.

Everyone heard about the reputation and saw Wang Shuyue, Bai Qingfeng sneered secretly, standing in the front of the crowd Li Xianzhi immediately raised his arm, waving at Wang Shuyue excitedly.

"The president of the report, this time we brought a total of 110 people from the Imperial Beast Sect, the Imperial Music Sect, the Fu Zong, and the Qi Sect. Most of them were exchange students, but there were also forty local disciples of the Sect. I am very interested in this project and hope to join."

Li Xianzhi reported seriously.

Wang Shuyue raised her eyes to look at the sect disciples behind him, each of whom was a young and strong young girl. Seeing her, she stood up straight subconsciously, showing her best mental outlook, looking forward to being selected.

Wang Shuyue was very satisfied, "Very well, I declare that from now on, you are all the builders of Eastern Dragon Village. This great honor will eventually belong to our group of pioneers!"

She stepped forward and raised her arms enthusiastically, "On behalf of our Oriental Dragon project team, welcome everyone!"

"I hope that in the next construction, we will overcome difficulties, not be afraid of difficulties and dangers, and jointly build a modern new countryside, so that the red light will flourish on the land of Kyushu!"

The impassioned words inspire every young heart, they can only wait to throw their youth and blood on this land.

Seeing those energetic and eager eyes, Bai Qingfeng and Ou Keqin had almost fallen into it if they had not seen Wang Shuyue's routines. Together with these young people, they raised their arms and shouted:

"Long live the motherland!"


With the participation of more than 100 people like Li Xianzhi, the construction speed has been greatly accelerated.

But what Wang Shuyue and the others didn't expect was that they thought this was a climax, but in fact this was just the beginning.

At this moment when the snow is melting and spring is coming, Oriental Dragon Village successfully attracted the attention of the Ministry of Education under the propaganda of He Qiong.

"Wang Shuyue, come out quickly!"

Bai Qingfeng roared outside the administrative building, and Wang Shuyue, who was leaning on the couch and slacking off, was immediately agitated.

"What's the matter?" She leaned out of the window, leaning half of her body, if it wasn't something important, she could still rest for a while.

Su Xiaoxiao, an exchange student who has newly joined the statistical work, raised her head from the computer, and Wang Shuyue patted her shoulders and signaled her to continue working. She didn't have to worry about it.

Su Xiao cautiously wailed, and I also wanted to take a break, but due to the president's majesty, I still continued to work honestly.

Seeing Wang Shuyue's laziness, Bai Qingfeng hugged his arms and snorted coldly, deliberately saying word by word slowly:

"The education team has brought us two rice experts. Are you sure you still have to lie down?"

Rice expert?

Wang Shuyue's eyes lit up. Is it to give her the savior to solve the failure of hybrid rice planting?

The surprise came so suddenly, Wang Shuyue raised her eyebrows at Bai Qingfeng in disbelief. Is it true?

Bai Qingfeng nodded lightly and exhorted: "People are having lunch in the cafeteria, you can figure it out by yourself, I'm busy too."

After speaking, he turned around and left, there was no trace in the blink of an eye, and he was already rushing to the construction and command work of the thermal power plant.

Wang Shuyue immediately jumped up from the recliner, turned into a water mirror to organize her clothes, made sure her image was neat and tidy, and told Su Xiaoxiao to work hard and hurried to the cafeteria.

On the road, take out a fresh and warm signal intercom, "Hey, hey, this is the main station, please reply when you hear the call!"

Soon, a question from Warwind came from the walkie-talkie: "What are you doing spy warfare if you're not in the army? Say something!"

Wang Shuyue was embarrassed. The extension was held by Zhanfeng, Long Ruoxuan, and Fang Ruolan. Long Ruoxuan held them most of the time, so she didn't mind cooperating with her to make a joke.

However, I didn't expect that the walkie-talkie was in the hands of the straight man of steel, Zhanfeng, seriously ruining the atmosphere.

Wang Shuyue pursed her lips, then said: "In Dongyu Village, call Gao Yuan for me, let him come to my side, and he said it was about hybrid rice. The speech is over."

"I know, it has been notified, it is over." A simple reply, without any muddle, has always been the style of war.

When the notice was in place, Wang Shuyue put away the walkie-talkie and carried it into the cafeteria.

It was almost time for the army to have lunch break and dinner time. Apart from the busy ladies in the canteen, there were only three people sitting in the corner dining.

One of them is He Qiong, and the other two are raw faces, wearing a dark gray fleece jacket, black trousers, and sneakers.

Seeing the muddy loess accidentally contaminated on their shoes, the two of them should have entered the village on foot.

What a simple and lovely scientific researcher! Wang Shuyue first blew a wave of rainbow farts in her heart.

Then he raised his hand to say hello: "Sister He!"

He Qiong, who was introducing the environment of Kyushu with two experts, stopped immediately, looked up and saw that it was Wang Shuyue, got up and waved at her enthusiastically.

When she was here, the two experts also got up. Wang Shuyue saw that they hadn't finished their meal. She was so embarrassed that she hurriedly shook hands and greeted briefly, asking them to continue to eat, and then say hello after eating.

The two experts did not expect that the person in charge of such a large project was such a young girl, and they were slightly surprised.

He Qiong explained: “These two are professors from the College of Agriculture, experts in mixing rice, Professor Wu and Professor Qian. With their help, I believe the villagers’ food problem will be resolved soon.”

"Hello Professor Wu, and Professor Qian!" Wang Shuyue respectfully gave a fist to the two professors.

Professor Wu seems to be in his early fifties, and he has the same gentle temperament, and he has a good face.

He nodded, put down the rice bowl that had been eaten, wiped off the oil stains, and asked with a smile:

"I heard that our hybrid rice can't be planted here, and it will be inexplicably broken and rotted at the scion stage. Can you tell us about the specific situation?"

Wang Shuyue didn't know much about this, and was about to speak briefly about the situation. Gao Yuan, who received the call, rode a paper crane and rushed into the dining hall panting.

"Gao Yuan pays homage to Shangxian, and heard that Zhanfeng Shangxian said there are rice experts coming, but it's true?" I was always concerned about the loftiness of the food and panting, and asked with joy.

Wang Shuyue looked at each other with the two experts, and said with a smile: "It's true that they are the two professors in front of you. They are experts in rice, Professor Wu and Professor Qian."


This name is so strange.

Gao Yuan spit out a little bit in his heart, and turned to the two experts happily, and gave a big gift with his fists!

"Small and lofty, see two experts and professors!"

"This, this..." Where did the two professors ever see such a posture? Not knowing what to do, he stood up again, unskilled and clung to his hands.

The atmosphere was a little embarrassing, He Qiong hurriedly came up to make the rounds, and Wang Shuyue also motioned everyone to go to the administrative hall and talk.

The workers were off work immediately, and the canteen was overcrowded by then, and it was not a good place to talk.

So everyone went to the administrative building.

Seeing this modern building built in the original mountains, the older, 60-year-old Professor Qian said with emotion:

"When I see you young people, I am reminded of when I went to the countryside to jump in to be an educated youth in the 1970s and 1980s. At that time, the young people of the motherland were like that, devoting themselves to socialist construction."

He gave Wang Shuyue a thumbs up, "Young man, you are amazing. From now on, the people here will be grateful to you."

Professor Wu was deeply moved, looking at the endless mountains in the distance with his hand, and admiring:

"If you are poor, you will be good at yourselves, and if you will help the world, our young people are all good!"

Wang Shuyue: "..."

She is not so noble, she just wants to make money.

"The two professors praised me too much." Wang Shuyue refused seriously.

The two professors thought she was humble, and their affection for this young girl was even higher.

Well, this beautiful misunderstanding, let it continue. Wang Shuyue, who couldn't refuse, smiled and asked everyone to sit down in the small meeting room, and let Gao Yuan tell the two experts carefully about the hybrid rice situation.

As the parties involved, Gao Yuan's words are obviously more useful. After talking about this for a full afternoon, the two experts made a preliminary plan of elimination based on the current situation.

Long before the experts came, Gao Yuan asked Wang Shuyue and other exchange students to get the experience. When he learned that the method of raising seedlings in advance and then transplanting seedlings could increase the yield.

Using the formation method, he figured out a greenhouse, which was maintained by a few villagers in the village who were a bit meager.

It is equivalent to transforming the spiritual power into the power source of the formation, continuously maintaining the proper temperature for the seedlings in the formation.

Gao Yuan has always been unwilling to give up hybrid rice, so in the greenhouse, two kinds of rice have been cultivated, one is the hybrid rice of Blue Star, and the other is the native spiritual rice.

Right now, this greenhouse provides experts with the mother of research.

Early the next morning, he sent away busy He Qiong, Wang Shuyue, the only "idle person", took out the treasure fan, and led the two experts to Dongyu Village for a field investigation.

The villagers in Dongyu Village had heard from Gao Yuan's mouth. When they heard that a planting expert from Blue Star was coming, they spontaneously went to the entrance of the village, intending to see the expert's true face.

No longer the head of the patriarch, Gao Yuan's election meeting had all the villagers voted to step down and Gao Dechang, who had advanced to become an elder, couldn't help snorting lightly when he looked at the excited heads at the entrance of the village.

"Grow some rice, what's so strange?"

"What experts, right and left are not just the old farmers who can farm over there. Is it possible that these elders in our clan, who have each cultivated first-hand farming spells, can be worse than those experts?"

Gao Dechang's voice is not too big or too small, and it is mixed with spiritual power, but it has successfully passed into the ears of every villager.

When the villagers heard it, they felt that there was some truth, and their minds floated.

"The elders are justified. It's just farming, with a high level of cultivation, and elders who use wood spells properly, who wouldn't?"

As soon as these words came out, it seemed to "wake up" the villagers who were still happily just now.

People changed their minds to think, yes, the spiritual rice planted with advanced spells naturally yields better. They are all ordinary people. Can they still learn this ability to surpass the immortals?

So, what exactly are they mortals enjoying? In the end, doesn't it have to be like supporting the village elders, supporting these two experts?

Maybe, the benefits didn't bring much, and each household had to add an additional spiritual stone for support.

Seeing people's hearts floating, some villagers even prepared to leave, Gao Caimei, who had been standing in the corner of the crowd, couldn't help it.

After the second brother was busy in order to increase the output of Ling rice, she watched it all in her eyes. Now she heard two experts coming, and she stayed up all night and prepared quietly.

How could Gao Dechang's few clan elders put a few words on their second brother and put them to waste?

"I'm afraid I don't understand what an expert is!" Gao Caimei shouted loudly, her voice a bit muted, but she shouted, she became more courageous, and her speech became smoother.

She said: "The experts come for us mortals. They want to teach us. It's not that anyone who has a high level of cultivation and who has a clear knowledge of wood spells can grow good spiritual rice."

"They want us mortals to plant good spiritual rice with our own hands!"

The girl's crisp voice spread throughout the village. The villagers who were about to leave were taken aback and turned their heads to look at her.

"Caimei, what you said is true? Can we mortals grow good spiritual rice?"

"Yeah!" Gao Caimei nodded her head, although she didn't know whether the experts could do it, but the matter had reached this point, she couldn't hesitate.

This is the village chief’s tall sister, and no one is saying anything more credible than hers right now.

The hesitant villagers gathered again at the entrance of the village, secretly looking forward to the one who can lead mortals to plant spiritual rice.

With all the expectations, Wang Shuyue brought two professors to the stage!

"See the immortal!"

The villagers all bowed together, and even Gao Dechang could only crouch down honestly and lower his noble head.

Experts are not accustomed to this kind of etiquette, and waved their hands awkwardly in response.

Like my aunt and grandma, she has come back to cultivate immortals, please collect them: () My aunt and grandma come back to cultivate immortals, and the update speed is the fastest.

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