My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 418: The teenager ate the artillery

"You said you want to form a medical team?"

Wang Shuyue looked at Qiu Shi who took the initiative to make this request in surprise, and she wanted to award him a medal of excellence.

"This operation is extremely thrilling. This is still in the case of you and me. Without the help of a cultivator, I can't guarantee that this operation will kill two lives."

Qiu Shi sighed and said sadly: "The doctor is kind, I hope to do my best to improve the production conditions here."

He is a master of gynecology, but he has some background at home, so he gave up his job in the hospital and came here as an exchange student.

Originally, he didn't want to use a scalpel, but today's opportunity suddenly made him understand the meaning of his existence here.

Medical skills are his practice.

Compared with the illusory Longevity Avenue, he felt that it was more practical to do something for the benefit of mankind.

Wang Shuyue looked at Qiu Shi with firm eyes in admiration, and there was no reason to refuse his request.

"Just tell me what you need, all members of our project team will do their best to support you."

Wang Shuyue pointed to the vacant health clinic and said boldly: "This site is for you. You can use it whatever you want, shouldn't it be enough?"

The health center covers a large area and has four floors. Qiu Shi happily nodded, saying that it was enough.

But only the venue is not enough, he also needs equipment.

"Our Shenlong Village is now also powered on. I think we can purchase a batch of basic medical equipment. As for the rest, I will figure out a solution. After all, the human physiques of the two worlds are completely different. I need time to polish a set. Scientific medical methods suitable for people here."

Wang Shuyue understands, this is for her to allocate funds.

If there were any, she would have given it readily. After all, if the hospital is opened in the future, even if it only deals with maternity and obstetrics, it will make a lot of money.


"The project team is also very tight on funds. In this way, the research cost is all inclusive for the project team, but how about I call you on a monthly basis?"

"Oh there!" Wang Shuyue hurriedly added, "I'm afraid you have to do the purchase of equipment by yourself. We really can't spare any manpower here."

Shenlong Village looks decent now, but this is just a superficial view. In fact, there are many projects that are invisible to the eyes, waiting for them to improve.

The electricity is connected, but the tap water is not yet in place. Dongyu Village and Shenlong Village are still digging wells or picking river water.

In short, Wang Shuyue said that she supports Qiu Shi's ideas, but she can't take them all.

Qiu Shi nodded to express understanding, and then smiled: "The funding problem is not in a hurry for the time being. I still have some savings. When I need it, I will find you again, and the president, you can help me post a recruiting enlightenment."

"That feeling is good!" Wang Shuyue couldn't ask for it.

As a result, the four-story health clinic was handed over to Qiu Shi.

The affairs of Zhang Xiaohuan’s house were over, and because of this, and the personal promotion of Zhang Xiaohuan and his wife, Qiu Shi’s name spread in several surrounding villages overnight.

Although the method of taking a child out of the stomach was appalling, but seeing Zhang Xiaohuan's wife is still alive, everyone gradually became interested in this novel treatment.

Relying on this shareholder's wind, Wang Shuyue's hiring news that people sent out received positive feedback.

Dongyu Village——

Gao Caimei cleaned up her baggage at home. When she heard that the medical team provided food and shelter, she only took two of them to change clothes.

Gao Yuan has been busy planting spiritual rice with experts in the field. He was very happy to hear that his elder brother said that his younger sister was going to study medicine.

Compared with Gao's sister-in-law's reluctance and dissuasion of this free labor, the two sisters of Gao Yuan brothers are very supportive.

No, I heard that Gao Caimei was going to report in Shenlong Village today. Gao Yuan threw down the spiritual rice in his field and rushed to see her off.

"Second brother?" As soon as Gao Caimei stepped out of the house carrying her baggage, she saw Gao Yuan and asked him in surprise, "Is this hybrid spirit rice successful?"

Since it was discovered that the hybrid rice of Blue Star could not survive in Kyushu, after several studies, Professor Wu and Professor Qian had a bold guess.

Perhaps, it is not that Blue Star’s rice has a problem, but that the heavens here cannot tolerate such an existence.

Upon hearing such feedback from two experts, Wang Shuyue was dumbfounded for a while.

Do you believe in science?

However, Professor Wu said that at the end of scientific research, it will become metaphysical. You see, now that the spiritual energy has recovered, science should also be reformed and reformed.

Wang Shuyue: Not aware of it!

Therefore, the experts directly abandoned Bluestar's hybrid rice transplantation plan, and instead, based on the experience of the father of Bluestar hybrid rice, using Kyushu Lingdao as the female parent, researched hybrid rice exclusively for Kyushu.

Therefore, only Gao Caimei asked now.

When I mentioned this batch of hybrid spiritual rice, Gao Yuan was very happy, and while sending the girl off, he said, "I guess it should be done this time."

"Really?" Gao Caimei asked excitedly: "Is it really possible now?"

Gao Yuan didn't dare to say too much, and said with a slight smile: "Nine to all, the experts have tried breeding in the nursery shed, and there is something about it."

When Gao Caimei heard this, she was immediately excited. If it is true that, as the experts say, the required spiritual power is reduced, the output is increased, and the adaptability is increased, then they will have a bumper harvest in the coming year.

No, not just for the coming year, but for future generations and grandchildren, Fukuzawa forever!

"Brother! Will you go down in history?" Gao Caimei asked softly with a flash of light in her eyes.

Gao Yuan waved his hand hurriedly, "It's all the expert's credit, how could I possibly."

That said, but Gao Caimei feels that her second brother's contribution is not less than that of experts, or even more.

But knowing that her elder brother was not a public person, Gao Caimei stopped the topic and turned to the matter of Dr. Qiu's caesarean section.

Gao Yuan also heard about this, and at first he was really taken aback, but thinking about the results, he couldn't help but admire this doctor from Blue Star.

"Caimei, when you go there, follow the doctor to study hard. People must be more diligent. You must have work in your eyes. You have no spiritual roots and cannot practice. But if you can learn this skill, you will walk in this world in the future. Don't be afraid."

Gao Yuan patted his sister on the head and sighed: "In the past, such an opportunity was inaccessible to us mortals. You must be grateful. Don't be arrogant because of the gentleness of the immortals. do you know?"

"Hmm!" Gao Caimei nodded her head: "Brother, don't worry, I will definitely not let down this opportunity. I will follow Mr. Qiu to study hard, and I will be able to treat them when A-Daddy and A-Niang become ill in the future!"

Speaking of this, the girl looked forward to it, and said proudly: "Maybe I will pick up the second sister-in-law's doll in the future!"

"You're not ashamed, you've learned how to arrange your brother, and see if I won't take care of you!" Gao Yuan said, pretending to raise her palm to take the picture, Gao Cai screamed and hurried away.

"Second brother, go back, don't send it again!" The girl ran to the hillside across the river, panting, with a flushed face, smiled and waved, turned and walked towards the road in the direction of Shenlong Village.

Gao Yuan watched her go away, smiled helplessly, and returned to the village to continue his cultivation of spiritual rice with full of hope and hope for the future.


The Azure Dragon Mountain Range in July was so hot that people fainted.

Wang Shuyue was busy, leaving the work of statistics to his assistants. Sitting at the root of the wall in the backyard of the government affairs building, drinking iced red bayberry, looking at the scenery of the distant mountains, blowing in his hands and holding an electric fan, he was very comfortable.

This backyard has a wide field of vision, and you can see the small black paper people in the middle of the village.

Thanks to the presence of these little paper people, otherwise the weather would send people out to work, and it would be too hot. Wang Shuyue rejoiced in her heart.

Mingmei had big eyes and looked at that. Suddenly, she saw the little apprentice who didn't know where he was going crazy on the concrete path below, but his white-robed master slid over with a cold face.

Wang Shuyue glanced intently, and the little apprentice was as dirty as rolling in the mud, and his white and tender face was all mud. She looked at him coldly, which was a bit scary.

Sanxingti slid and walked straight towards the backyard. The back door was an iron fence door, which was locked, and a barrier was laid. Upon seeing this, Wang Shuyue hurriedly got up and opened the door and let the two people in.

"What's the situation?" Wang Shuyue put away the flashlight fan, took a sip of the bayberry soup bowl in one hand, and looked up and down at the little apprentice who was still on the ground.

Three provinces put the people down and left. When they reached the door, they turned their heads and reminded them coldly: "Uncle Shi is optimistic about your disciple. Don't call him a wild boy who doesn't care about his skills. The scourge of other people’s farmers’ fertile fields!"

Wang Shuyue was thinking about answering him. Didn't your master watch this? She never thought that if she was not given a chance to speak, she would leave after speaking.

Seeing the boy's figure disappear on the trail, the master and apprentice in the courtyard stared at me and I looked at you with big eyes and small eyes.

Since she woke up drunk that day, these three provinces didn't know what awkwardness she had committed. The temperament of the always gentle and charming person was like eating a cannon, and she could scorn her with anger at every turn.

Wang Shuyue didn't know whether she recruited him or provoked him, innocent and at a loss.

At this time, Yu Qilin floated out and asked with a faint smile: "Are you pretending to be stupid or really stupid? You pretend to have amnesia when you do that to someone. It's only blame for people who don't bother you, big pig's hoof!"

Wang Shuyue glared: "You are a big pig's hoof!"

However, remembering that a few days ago the teenager had tentatively asked her if she remembered it, she was embarrassed to admit that she was an old cow eating tender grass, so she shook her head and said that she didn't remember.

Feeling guilty in my heart, I didn't dare to be true to the jade unicorn anymore.

Looking down at the mud baby sitting on the ground with a muddy face, Wang Shuyue was not angry. Washing up was a matter of dust removal anyway.

After all, the free-range apprentice has become so dirty, and her master is also responsible.

Thinking of this, what the young man said when he was away again echoed in his mind. Wang Shuyue still frowned and asked, "You have harmed the farmer's field?"

Mudwawa took a careful look at her, and saw that she was not in a furious posture, so she felt relieved a little, and her little head nodded.

Hi, she is so violent! Wang Shuyue immediately picked up the mud doll, "You really went to harm people's farmland? The teacher never told you that the farm is the lifeblood of the farmer, so why are you still going to harm you and make such a muddy water?"

"Your kid is one-five-tenth ten, honestly explain to the teacher, what is going on!"

Seeing Master's face full of fierceness, my son didn't feel scared. On the contrary, the silent glance of Master's master scared him enough.

"Master, I didn’t deliberately harm the farmer’s field. It’s because they just wanted to compete with me. If I didn’t win, I was shameless. Originally we were playing on the edge of the ridge. They were angry that I won, so they deliberately I tripped behind and fell into a big somersault. I didn't control it and went straight to the field..."

The more she talked, the more frustrated she was. At the end of speaking, there was no voice, and the mud doll felt that she was ashamed of her master.

After hearing the cause and effect, Wang Shuyue couldn't laugh or cry. She patted the boy's **** and slapped him, gave him a dust-removing action, and then asked him:

"How many rice was destroyed? Did you lose it? Did you apologize to others?"

Shenger replied honestly: "I ruined the rice and made me crush it. As soon as I fell, I was bumped by the master, and he took me to pay for compensation."

"You babies, why are you so idle?" Wang Shuyue nodded on the forehead of Xia'er, knowing that the three provinces had handled the matter, and she was relieved.

As for the kids who kicked the apprentice down the field, the kids play together. Today’s fight will be reconciled The adults don’t need to interfere too much.

She has seen the group of children playing with Shenger several times. They are all children from villagers’ families in the village. There are about twenty children, three or four years old with bare buttocks, the older one is eleven or two, and the older ones are just There is no such time to play.

There is a lot of work in the village, and older children can earn work points to exchange for food or spiritual stones to add income to the family, and naturally they don’t have time to go out and play.

And the small ones, there is no adult at home, and they don’t know what to do. When they’re bored, they just get together and make a fuss.

Birth is at the age when she loves to play. Wang Shuyue is so busy herself that she has no time to worry about him. She is very happy that the apprentice can find a playmate.

However, looking at it this way, it is not a problem to keep playing like this. The age of these children is placed in Blue Star, either in kindergarten or school.

A few people were staring today, but they accidentally ruined a bunch of rice, but if what fell today was not the farmland but the wide and deep river around the city at the entrance of the village, I am afraid something will happen.

Thinking of this, Wang Shuyue felt that the places for these children must also be arranged.

"Master?" Seeing Master wanted to be absorbed, his expressionless face, and he didn't know whether he was going to punish himself or not, Shenger couldn't help calling her nervously.

Wang Shuyue immediately recovered. Seeing her apprentice looking at her nervously, her big eyes were dark, she couldn't help rubbing his small face, and said with a laugh:

"Fortunately for your kid today, if your master will help you with the bottom line, you will not be punished as a teacher."

"Let's go, I'm busy today as a teacher, and play with you dolls."

Hearing this, Sheng'er jumped up with joy. There is a master playing with him. They shouldn't envy him when he is strong?


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