My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 429: see people

The old-fashioned black heavy door opened with a "squeak", and Wang Shuyue was startled. She was still thinking about what gifts she could take out in the storage bag, and when she looked up, she saw the happy smiling face of the prospective mother-in-law.

It's over! Wang Shuyue thought secretly.

Xu Shi was too excited, Li Ci who came to greet her was all smiles, but was speechless for a while, Wang Shuyue was the first to react, and immediately put on a bright smile, "Auntie."

"Hey! Hey! Come in, come in." Li Ci stepped out of the gate, stepped forward to help Wang Shuyue who was saluting, and then took her little hand and led him home.

"Auntie, did you come here to pick me up?" Wang Shuyue asked with a curious smile.

The two doors were closed just now, and she didn't see anything like a camera or a doorbell. She thought that the people in the room had to wait for her to knock on the door before responding.

Li Ci looked at the little girl's dusty appearance, nodded and asked with concern: "Where did you come here? Why didn't you know before you came, so I can ask someone to pick you up at home."

"Are you tired from this journey?"

Wang Shuyue: Ah, this...damn enthusiasm!

"Earlier, I heard my second brother say that I saw you, and that you would come to visit in a while. I was afraid that I would miss your time, so I asked someone to watch out at the door. I didn't expect that this one would not pay attention. You girl quietly It's coming." Li Ci said helplessly and amusedly.

Immediately afterwards, he asked, "Is my aunt okay? Are your parents in good health? Is your younger brother alright?"

Wang Shuyue suddenly felt overwhelmed. It turned out that everyone was waiting for her to come to the door every day. On the contrary, it was her who waited until the last two days to come. Wouldn't it be a bit impolite?

Li Ci, who is polite and impolite, doesn't care, she is happy when people come, not only her, but the whole family is also happy.

While answering Li Ci's question, Wang Shuyue also asked her: "Where are the rest of the family? Where are Grandpa and Aunt?"

"Your uncle and the others are busy rebuilding things in the city. I have already ordered people to inform them. Grandpa is waiting to see you in the house. Let's go and meet grandpa first."

Li Ci smiled and raised his hand as a gesture of invitation, while still holding Wang Shuyue with the other hand, leading her in.

Entering the gate, there is an open yard in front of you. The road paved with bluestone slabs is covered with a layer of bright color by the years, revealing the quality of jade, simple and grand.

This is a compound with three entrances, and a bluestone road leads directly to the high-rise building made of blue bricks in front. Everything in the Nangong family looks like an ancient building complex, with almost no traces of modern industry.

For a moment, Wang Shuyue thought she was back in the city of Kyushu. Fortunately, the clothes Li Ci was wearing were full of fashion sense of modern civilization, otherwise she would be confused.

Different from the many servants in the mansion of my aunt's aunt, Wang Shuyue didn't see one of the servants of Nangong's family until he reached the main hall. He was standing behind the old man of Nangong's family. He was a vigorous old manservant.

Wang Shuyue entered the door, and immediately bowed to the old man of the Nangong family, "Grandpa is healthy!"

Mr. Nangong originally had a sullen face, but when he saw Wang Shuyue, his gaze softened. He nodded majestically, and waved at her again, "Come closer and let Grandpa take a look."

Wang Shuyue walked forward with a smile.

The old servant next to him handed over a pair of reading glasses at the right time. Mr. Nangong put on his eyes, brushed off the white Tang suit on his body, and then looked the girl in front of him up and down.

Then he nodded reassuringly, "That's right, his cultivation base has improved a lot, and he's full of energy. He's a good boy."

She praised, and comforted her very earnestly: "Although you are a five-spirit root, you are a tough child. Our practice is slow, but we have made steady progress step by step, with a solid foundation. Already, a blockbuster!"

When Wang Shuyue heard this, she couldn't laugh or cry, but the old man had good intentions, and she appreciated it.

After thinking about it, he took out a pack of brown paper cakes from his slightly embarrassing storage bag, and handed it over with a smile.

"Grandpa, this is a cake produced in our Shenlong Village. It uses spirit beast eggs and century-old honey. It is fragrant and soft. You can try it."

Grandpa Nangong's expression froze, Wang Shuyue didn't know what the meaning was, and passed the cake forward again. The servant next to him stepped forward to take it with a suppressed smile, turned around and asked:

"Grandpa, the child is full of heart, would you like to try something?"

The whole family knew that the old man didn't like sweets the least, but this old servant still wanted to ask him, did Mr. Nangong know that he did it on purpose?

I wanted to refuse, but looking at Wang Shuyue's big expectant eyes, she reluctantly hummed.

Now, even Li Ci pursed his lips and snickered.

Wang Shuyue looked at the old servant, then at the mother-in-law, with a black question mark face, what are they laughing at?

It wasn't until seeing the old man taking poison, closing his eyes and twisting a small piece of cake, it was really a small piece, only the size of an adult's thumbnail, and it was difficult to put it in his mouth, Wang Shuyue realized later that he might Wrong gift.

However, if the other party didn't tell the truth, she wouldn't rush to find embarrassment for herself.

Wang Shuyue wisely didn't ask whether the cake was delicious or not, but turned to Li Ci in time, took out all the things Sanxing asked her to bring, and handed them to Li Ci.

"Auntie, these are gifts that the three provinces entrusted me to bring to my family. Our exchange students can't easily come back. This time, the teacher ordered me to bring the second batch of exchange students here, so I have this opportunity to come and meet you."

Then, he smiled apologetically, "So, I have to go back to Kyushu tomorrow."

As for the existence of Qingmuyan, Wang Shuyue didn't mention it, because if it was mentioned, the Nangong family would definitely send someone to take Qingmuyan over, she didn't want to cause trouble to the Nangong family, so it's better not to mention it.

Li Ci had just received the gift brought by his son, and was very happy in his heart, when he suddenly heard the news that Wang Shuyue said that she was leaving tomorrow, his brows frowned.

"Why are you leaving so soon? I also want to say that you should stay at home for a few more days."

"Our clansmen are still scattered all over the place. Originally, according to your grandfather's wishes, it was hard to come here, so that the clansmen of the Nangong family had to come back to meet the future mistress. You said... can you wait two days later? Come back again?"

Wang Shuyue was really dumbfounded, "Is this so grand? Why don't you meet the clansmen next time."

"It's ashamed to say that I delayed it so much that I couldn't put it off any longer. I started the journey after sending a letter from Kyushu to recall me. Now there are only two days left before the deadline set by Master."

The majestic gaze of old man Nangong swept over, his aura was fully opened, and the aura of the head of the family was raised, and he ordered Li Ci:

"Since that's the case, write a letter to the tribe now. No matter where they are now, tomorrow morning, they have to go to the ancestral hall to meet the future mistress!"

Hearing this, Li Ci calmed down a bit, stepped forward and saluted, and asked tentatively: "Father, do you want to activate the urgent order?"

Grandpa Nangong nodded, waved his hands and said, "You go to my study to get the edict now."

After finishing speaking, he raised his palm to create a black black iron token, handed it to the old servant beside him, and signaled Li Ci to follow the servant to his study to get something.

Wang Shuyue watched Li Ci walk away, and then realized that Nangong's family was coming for real.

However, isn't it really too early to meet the clansmen?

Seeing Wang Shuyue's frightened look, old man Nangong smiled inadvertently, and said:

"Don't be afraid, those clansmen are the backbone of our Nangong family, and they are loyal to the Nangong family. From now on, they will be your and Sansheng's helpers. It's good to meet now, after all, you and Sansheng have been engaged for more than a year. , the clansmen all want to see you."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Wang Shuyue heard another meaning from the old man's words.

If she understood correctly, the Nangong family was afraid that she would run away, so they came to drive the ducks to the shelves first?

Anyway, everyone saw her, and the ceremony was accepted, so Ms. Wang Shufen was bound to their Nangong family, and there was no room for regrets.

Wang Shuyue felt that she was the truth.

"Yu Qilin, why do I feel that I was sent to the door by myself to be tricked?" She asked in her heart.

Yu Qilin was indifferent to this, and just smiled and said: "Unless you coax your aunt to let go of the engagement, otherwise you won't be able to skip this kind of thing. If you don't come today, won't you still have to come later?"

"You should be glad that although you and the three provinces are married politically, the two of you at least have feelings. You are much luckier than most people."

Of course Wang Shuyue knew she was lucky, but... the feeling of being arranged was really uncomfortable.

"I want to become like my aunt and take all the initiative in my own hands." Wang Shuyue said secretly in her heart, as a way to cheer herself up.

Life has to go on, since you can't get rid of it, let's face it!

After returning to Kyushu this time, she handed over the affairs of Shenlong Village to Long Ruoxuan and the others to take care of them and practice in seclusion. I haven't practiced well for more than a year, and if I don't hurry up, I am afraid that I will be left behind by the disciples of the same period.


Although Wang Shuyue didn't know what the Nangong family's edict was, its rights were unquestionable.

In just one night, those members of the Nangong family who had been in different places miraculously all came back.

When the first ray of sunlight shone into the dark and old Nangong family ancestral hall in the early morning, the inner door that had not been opened for a long time slowly opened.

The clansmen in charge of various affairs of the Nangong family filed in. A total of ninety people lined up in front of the tall shrine composed of soul-inducing lamps, waiting for today's protagonist——

——The second generation of the strongest fairy in the two worlds, the future mistress of the Nangong family, the future ruler of the Wang family, Miss Wang Shuyue!

Wang Shuyue herself, who walked in with the old man, had a proud posture and a deadpan expression on her face. She was so sure of the master's temperament that old man Nangong couldn't help but look sideways at her.

Then she nodded with satisfaction in her heart. She is indeed the eldest granddaughter of Ms. Wang Shufen, the ceiling of strength in the two worlds. This kind of momentum is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to imitate.

Noticing the old man's gaze, Wang Shuyue smiled at him very politely, and the two sat down one by one under the altar, one on the left and one on the right, and they felt that they were evenly matched.

The members of the Nangong family, who were a bit contemptuous because the other party was a five-spirit root, immediately corrected their expressions, and under the guidance of the old servant, they stepped forward to greet Wang Shuyue one by one.

Wang Shuyue accepted it calmly, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth all the time, so mysterious that people couldn't figure it out, on the contrary, it made the people of the Nangong clan respect her even more.

Finally, from morning to noon, the lengthy meeting ceremony was finally over, and Wang Shuyue met her in-laws in a serious way.

There was only half a day left before the return date, and there was no longer any delay, all the masters of the Nangong family came out to see Wang Shuyue off.

"Yueyue, be careful all the way." Li Ci reminded with a faint smile.

Aunt Long Xiangxiang followed suit: "When we get there, we are so crowded that we can write back, so that Grandpa can rest assured."

Uncle Nangong patted the young man on the shoulder boldly, and whispered ambiguously: "Your uncle, your second uncle, aunt, and your mother-in-law, we are all enlightened parents. If we come back next time, even if we bring an extra person or something, we won't take care of you." I don't mind."

Bring one more person? Bring one more person?

Wang Shuyue blinked blankly, expressing that she didn't understand, she took a step back silently, and waved to the parents, "Uncle, aunt, aunt, goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, he flew onto the precious fan, turned into a blue light, and went away.

The Nangong family saw that she had completely disappeared before returning home.

Qing Muyan lived in the B&B inn in the town, and went out after noon to wait for Wang Shuyue. At this moment, she saw a blue light flying from the sky, rising up with her sword, and meeting with it.

The first time I was a stranger and the second time I was acquainted. I walked past the space station when I came here, and I still felt it was very novel. I passed by here this time, and I didn’t have time to pay attention to other things.

When the eyes turn black and then light up, one enters another world.

Wang Shuyue and Qingmuyan looked at each other, without delay, they flew towards the Zongmen, hurried and hurried, and finally entered the mountain protection formation before sunset.

There was still a little light in the sky, Qing Muyan suggested: "How about going to meet the head today?"

Wang Shuyue thought it was okay, if she explained the matter clearly, then there would be no need to make another trip tomorrow morning.

So, the two were going to continue to the main peak, but they didn't expect that as soon as they boarded the flying sword, there was a boy running fast on the mountain, shouting:

"But Uncle Wang and Uncle Aoki?"

Aoki Yan suddenly This kid is so reckless!

Wang Shuyue answered him: "Exactly."

After hearing the response, the little boy knew that he had asked the right person, so he hurriedly stopped, bowed far away, and remembered to salute.

Then he said: "There is a big event happening in the door, Ruan Zhi Shangxian specially ordered the younger one to wait for the two senior uncles here, saying that he is waiting for the two senior uncles to return, and go to the meeting hall as soon as possible, don't delay!"

"Master?" Qing Muyan was startled, and hurriedly asked the boy: "What happened inside the door?"

The boy replied anxiously: "It seems to be a matter of the illusory secret realm. I don't know the specifics..."

Before the little fairy could finish speaking, she raised her eyes again, and the two uncles in front of her had disappeared and flew towards the meeting hall.

Wang Shuyue and Qingmuyan were frightened by the boy's words, and rushed to the meeting hall in a hurry, but saw that the hall was brightly lit and the atmosphere was lively, the masters of all peaks gathered together, joking, and from time to time, there was a loud voice coming from inside. big laugh.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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