My Aunt’s Grandma is Back

Chapter 441: Below, Hunyuanzi

Seeing that Ah Xue was tormented by her own question, and couldn't bear him to continue to be tortured by this question, Wang Shuyue changed the subject, patted him on the shoulder, and when he looked up at herself, asked him curiously:

"Axue, do you feel sorry for yourself?"


Axue looked at her blankly: what is pity?

Wang Shuyue was taken aback, how should this be explained?

However, because she didn't read much, she was short of words for a while, and Wang Shuyue was also dumbfounded.

But she reacted quickly, and asked him in another way: "You can't hear, and you can't speak, do you think God is unfair to you?"

This time, Axue was even more confused, pointing to her eyes, pointing to her nose, and gestured at his hands and feet, and then laughed.

There was no sadness or resentment in those eyes, as if they didn't know what is sadness and what is resentment, they just simply told her:

Ah Xue has eyes to see, a nose to smell, hands to pick fruit, and feet to walk, which is already very good.

A Xue tilted her head slightly, looked at her curiously, and gestured: Does Shangxian think she is pitiful?

He pointed to the sky above his head covered by gray mist: Does Shangxian think the sky is unfair?

Wang Shuyue was shocked to find that she was stopped by A Xue.

Well, what does it mean to lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot? She felt it today.

"Oh, don't talk, don't talk, hurry up!"

When she couldn't say it, she started to play sloppy eyes. Axue simply nodded "Ah" and didn't continue to ask.

"You should comb your hair. If you don't know, you may think that there is a beggar behind you."

Wang Shuyue threw a comb and a rubber band to A Xue, and motioned him to comb her messy hair.

A Xue held the comb and said "ah?" Wang Shuyue spoke too fast, so he didn't know what she said.

Wang Shuyue was amused by his dumbfounded appearance, and asked him to comb his hair into two knots in a wicked way.

A Xue thought it was some kind of game that immortals like, so she honestly did it, and even made a face at Wang Shuyue after combing, "Ha!" to scare her.

Wang Shuyue: "..."

Forget it, she was afraid of being laughed to death.

Then she asked Ah Xue to comb her hair well and put it into a high ponytail.

A Xue removed two handles and put them together, but she couldn't make a high ponytail, so she simply tied it behind her head, just like the hairstyle of a long-haired literary youth playing guitar in a bar.

Wang Shuyue still finds it funny, but compared to the two handles just now, this is much more normal now.

"Do you want to eat?" Wang Shuyue took out a bag of potato chips and handed it to Axue.

Axue followed her example and opened the package, gathered the potato chips inside, looked at them, looked at them, and smelled them again, showing surprise, tried to throw a piece into her mouth, chewed and said, "Ah!" cried out.

Wang Shuyue asked confidently, "Is it delicious?"

A Xue nodded, stretched out her hand and stuffed it into her mouth, her cheeks were bulging, her eyes were full of satisfaction.

"Are you hungry?" Wang Shuyue murmured suspiciously, and gave him another bottle of water and a piece of bread.

As expected, Ah Xue was hungry, he ate a bag of potato chips in handfuls, took another full meal with bread and water, and then rubbed his stomach and smirked at Wang Shuyue.

Seeing him laughing, Wang Shuyue couldn't help laughing too, she was rarely relaxed.

The two walked all the way to kill the demon clones, and before they reached Yingzhou, the magic bag brought by Wang Shuyue was too full to hold it.

Axue didn't know where she was going, so he didn't ask, and followed her with a single muscle. He still didn't put on shoes on his bare feet, but held the remaining shoe in his arms like a baby. inside.

The road ahead was getting darker and darker, and the light of the spirit lamp was about to be obscured. Fortunately, Wang Shuyue's spiritual sense was strong, and she had supernatural powers in hand, so she didn't get lost.

Axue has a strong sense of smell, Wang Shuyue thought he would lose her, but he always followed her at a distance of one meter, even if she was no longer in sight, he didn't miss her.

Sometimes Wang Shuyue also thinks that if a person like Ah Xue can get good guidance, he will definitely become a big shot in the future.

In the darkness, I saw a little light again, which came from Yingzhou.

The penetrating searchlight guides people in the endless darkness.

Standing outside the city of Yingzhou, looking at the searchlight as big as a bright moon on the top of the tower, A Xue's eyes revealed a look of awe.

"Who is in the city!" the monk in charge of guarding on the wall shouted sharply.

Wang Shuyue took out the nameplate of the disciple of the Yunhe Sect, and the monks defending the city immediately put on a respectful expression, and cast a spell to open a gap in the defensive formation, allowing her to enter the city.

To be honest, the current situation in Yingzhou is that there are many people leaving the city, but very few people entering the city.

The guard gave Wang Shuyue a salute with anticipation in his eyes: "Did senior come to support Yingzhou?"

Wang Shuyue didn't say yes or no, but directly asked him about the current situation in the city. The guards believed that she was the senior who came to support him, and they respected him a lot, and carefully explained the current situation in Haicheng to her.

"The mermaids retreated last night. The Red Leaf Villa in the inner city was violently attacked by demons. The countless defensive formations were thrown down, but the gap could not be blocked."

"Inevitably, the seal of the abyss was destroyed by the evil spirits. The head of the family led the whole family to escape into the forbidden area to strengthen the seal with the determination to die. Only the eldest lady stayed in the villa and was still fighting against the evil spirits."

"Senior, this morning the Royal Sound Sect sent disciples to come over to support us. Right now, the demons are temporarily retreating, but they are still surrounded by the Red Leaf Mountain Villa formation, gazing at them, and please help me, senior!" the guard begged.

Wang Shuyue released the magical power of eyesight to see the whole Haicheng, and the situation of the whole city clearly appeared in her mind.

Now this sea city has been divided into two places, one is the Red Leaf Villa surrounded by demons, and the other is where she is now, under the south gate of Linhai.

The people in the city had long fled to their deaths, and there were not many left. What remained now were only a group of guards who had cultivated under the Foundation Establishment, and the disciples of various sects from Hongye Villa who came to support them.

At this moment, the scene at the Red Leaf Villa looks like a mass of black tornado, the tornado narrows the encirclement step by step, and the colorful halo of spiritual power at the center is forced to become smaller and smaller, almost being wiped out by the black tornado silk.

Wang Shuyue frowned. These demon clones tried so hard to conquer the abyss. Could it be that they wanted to open the sealed passage of the demon world in the abyss, release the demons, and turn Kyushu upside down?

Or does he have another purpose?

Wang Shuyue let out a deep breath, turned around and said to the guard, "Help me settle down Axue, I'll go over and have a look!"

As he spoke, he pointed to the black tornado not far away to Ashe, signaling him to stay here obediently and wait for her to come back.

Axue frowned and waved her hands at first, but she also knew that following her at such a time would only cause her troubles, so she nodded and watched with concern as she flew out of the protective formation and turned into a little white light towards the black tornado .

As Wang Shuyue approached, a scent of spiritual power that was fatal to the evil spirit also floated over, successfully attracting the idea of ​​the evil spirit's avatar.

Looking at it from a distance, I saw a strand of that huge tornado suddenly branch out, entangled towards the white light in the darkness like silk.

Seeing this, Wang Shuyue smiled contemptuously, thinking that big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat dried shrimps. Today, I will be a small fish and eat you small shrimps.

Seeing Wang Shuyue surrounded by countless demon clones, the guards in the city were taken aback. They didn't expect that this senior would use himself as a bait to share the firepower of the disciples of various sects.

Seeing with their own eyes that point of white light was surrounded by black mist and could no longer reveal a trace of light, the guards all showed their sincere admiration!

Only Ah Xue looked at the black cocoon quietly, her big eyes were as bright as stars, implying anticipation, looking forward to seeing her break out of the cocoon.

He knew that Shangxian was not afraid of these man-eating demons at all, and these demons would not be her opponents.

Soon, the scene that Ah Xue was expecting appeared, the black cocoon burst open suddenly, and a white light that people dare not look at directly shot up into the sky, as if it was about to break through the black sky and go straight to the sky!

There were bursts of mournful screams, and in the white light, a woman sat cross-legged and closed her eyes. A vortex formed above her head, sucking in all the black mist that was trying to escape, turning it into a ray of five-color divine light, which was captured She swallowed it.

She actually devoured all the chaotic energy? !

The masters of various factions in the deep tornado were stunned, the demon devoured spiritual power, so she was going to swallow all the chaos needed by the demon!

"What are you all still doing in a daze? Why don't you quickly follow me and collect all these demon clones!"

Wang Shuyue uttered a clear cry, waking up the stunned people, and the magic pouches were sacrificed one after another, and the demon clones that had lost their power were put away.

Everyone worked together, and there was a BUG like Wang Shuyue that suppressed the demon to death. After a while, the terrifying black tornado fell apart, blown by the wind, and scattered invisible.

Wang Shuyue, who was running the Hunyuan Kungfu, burped loudly and then stopped.

At this moment, her body was full of aura, and it was a bit uncomfortable. If she didn't let it out, she might be exhausted.

Therefore, under the horrified eyes of everyone, Wang Shuyue was lucky in the palm of her hand, and it was just a palm that "ha" towards the night.

The spewing powerful spiritual power exploded in the night sky, forcefully pushing the black chaotic night curtain five miles away, and then the spiritual power turned into multicolored glow, slowly falling down, which is too beautiful to behold.

At the same time, within the forbidden area of ​​the Xu family, above the seal of the abyss, a black bead quietly appeared behind the members of the Xu family. It seemed that the black bead that was about to activate suddenly paused.

This subtle movement immediately caught the attention of Xu Wuya, the Patriarch of the Xu family. He who was originally strengthening the power of the formation by the elders of the same clan suddenly turned around——

The black bead turned into a big mouth of gray mist, and swallowed him in one gulp. Before Xu Wuya could even sound a warning, he was refined by the gray mist, and spat out a simple cassock in disgust...

A moment later, in the huge forbidden area, there was only a blurry figure formed by the condensed gray mist. Without any effort, he grabbed an exquisite ball from the bottom of the cold pool in the abyss!

But the people outside Hongye Villa didn't realize it at the moment.

Looking at the gorgeous fireworks in the sky, Wang Shuyue marveled in her heart, the power of the big brother's spiritual fireworks is really extraordinary!

It's a pity that there are only eleven days left for the boss experience card.

"Dare to ask the senior Taoist name?"

After calming down for a while, Taoist Wuheng, the elder of Yuyinzong with the highest cultivation among all the immortals, raised his head and bowed deeply to the woman in white in the air.

Wang Shuyue couldn't bear to tell this elder that the senior he was talking about was less than thirty years old.

She flew down from the air slowly, came to the immortals, and smiled slightly:

"Yunhezong, Hunyuanzi!"


Never heard of it. All the immortals looked at each other with confused faces, but this did not affect their admiration for the boss, and they all raised their hands to thank Wang Shuyue for his help.

Just as Wang Shuyue was enjoying the majesty of the boss, a discordant voice suddenly appeared in the crowd.

"What a bastard, I think it's a bastard!"

The jealous female voice gave Wang Shuyue a headache.

The disheveled Baili Tutu came out of the crowd with his sword lifted, his white clothes stained with blood, his pale face matched with his cold face, I felt pity for him.

Zhan Yunmei, this is it!

Wang Shuyue admitted that she was moved, her heart was moved!

Seeing Baili Tutu disregarding everyone's orders to stop, turned into a madman and drew his sword and stabbed at him, Wang Shuyue thought that he would become a big boss and kill you, or would it be like killing a chicken?

Ling lips raised a cruel smile, and with a flick of the white gauze sleeves, he easily slapped the crazy man who was doing his best to his feet with a single palm!

Baili Tutu spat out a mouthful of old blood, Wang Shuyue looked down at her coldly, turned down her right palm, and a brick made of condensed spiritual power floated into her palm, and as long as she had a single thought, she could shake her body woman shot to death.

"Hunyuan Shangxian wait a minute!"

The elder of Yuyinzong exclaimed, wanting to say something, Wang Shuyue raised her eyes and glanced at him, warning silently: "Beep beep, I'll kill you!"

The elder of Yuyinzong was at a loss for words. At this moment, he vaguely felt that the Hunyuan Shangxian in front of him looked familiar.

But the girl who indirectly killed their suzerain's wife and young master couldn't be mixed with the powerful Hunyuanzi in front of him. Therefore, the elder Yuyinzong thought about it, but he didn't expect that these two people were actually the same. the same person.

On the other hand, Xu Rong, the eldest lady of the Xu family, seemed to have remembered something, her eyes stared like copper How, how could it be Senior Sister Wang? Didn't she just build the foundation?

Wang Shuyue didn't care what other people thought. She looked at Baili Tutu who was pinned at her feet and vomited blood, and clearly felt the strength of the strong.

Now that she sneezes, she can kill Baili Tutu who once suppressed her, it's that easy.

But what problem can the dead solve?

"Let's make a deal." Wang Shuyue snorted coldly, seeing Baili Tutu's resolute look that you can kill me but not humiliate me, only deeply helpless.

Baili Tutu was silent, her mouth was filled with the smell of blood, she took a sip on the ground, her little face was as pale as paper.

Regardless of whether she agreed or not, Wang Shuyue continued: "As long as Yuyinzong persuades the remaining diehards to fight against the demons with Blue Star, I will pay you back, Lu Heng."

Hearing the word Lu Heng, Baili Tutu finally reacted. She looked at her in shock, as if to confirm whether she was playing tricks on her.

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