My Avatar Has Entries

Chapter 29 Opening of the sparring match

"Lin Shen, here!"

As soon as he stepped into the playground, Lin Shen saw Zheng Hongsheng waving at him not far away.

Beside them stood Xu Yuan and Qian Hui.

Lin Shen smiled slightly, walked quickly to several people, and said hello.

"You came early?"


Zheng Hongsheng chuckled.

"There must be a lot of people watching this kind of sparring match. If you don't come early, you won't get a good seat!"

Lin Shen looked around and agreed with Zheng Hongsheng's statement.

On Nuo Da's playground, except for the open space in the middle used as a competition field, the surrounding area has already been occupied by dense crowds.

The crowds are crowded and the noise is endless, much more lively than the vegetable market.

Not only the third graders, many first and second graders also attended the battle.

Most of the students had excited expressions on their faces, obviously looking forward to the next competition.

A corner of the playground.

More than a dozen teachers stood together, whispering to each other.

Kong Hong was among them.

Seeing Lin Shen, he smiled and nodded at the latter.

Just as Lin Shen nodded back, he was interrupted by Zheng Hongsheng who came over.

"Lin Shen, I got it right!"

"Including you, there are a total of 31 people participating in this sparring competition, all of whom are students of the fourth level of aerodynamics and above!"

Although there is no restriction on the cultivation level of the participants in the sparring competition, as long as they are third graders, they can sign up to participate.

However, students whose cultivation base is below the fourth level of pneumatics have no chance of getting into the top ten. Participating in the competition is just a waste of time and energy, so the applicants are all elite students of the fourth level of pneumatics and above without exception.

"You need to pay special attention to five of them. Their cultivation has reached the fifth level of aerodynamics, and the other three's Blazing Sun Palm is as proficient as you, and their strength is not weak. If you encounter them, you must be careful!"

Before Lin Shen could speak, Qian Hui smiled and said:

"Don't worry, Lin Shen is so good, he will definitely be in the top ten!"

"It's not just in the top ten!" Xu Yuan answered with a smile, "It's not like you haven't seen Lin Shen's strength before, and it's definitely no problem to enter the top four!"

Lin Shen smiled lightly, but did not speak.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the crowd.

Several people followed the prestige and saw that the crowd on one side of the playground suddenly separated to the two sides, leaving a passage.

A group of people walked in from the aisle with their heads held high, and went straight to the front of the crowd watching the battle.

Zheng Hongsheng suddenly let out a low gasp.

"Why did they come to watch the battle!"

The sudden appearance of the descendants of the aristocratic family immediately attracted the attention of most people.

Especially Yan Xing and Zhao Xueying, who are the leaders, are like fireflies in the dark night, which are particularly eye-catching.

"It's Yan Xing and Zhao Xueying!"

"Why are these people here? Could it be that they also want to participate in the competition!"

"Impossible. I have inquired. Among the participants in the competition, except for Su Nian from Class 5 who was born in Hanpu, there are no other aristocratic families!"

"So, they are just here to watch the battle?"

"Probably so."

The surrounding crowd was discussing and pointing at the children of the aristocratic family.

Lin Shen looked past Yan Xing and Zhao Xueying, and landed directly on Zhou Zhihai who was at the back of the crowd.

The latter just happened to look over at this time.

The moment he met his gaze, Zhou Zhihai's eyes flashed a gloomy coldness, and he immediately withdrew his gaze.

Zheng Hongsheng and Xu Yuan also noticed Zhou Zhihai.

Seeing Zhou Zhihai take a look and then turn his head, Zheng Hongsheng couldn't help grinning.

"Hehe, Zhou Zhihai is really afraid of Lin Shen, he doesn't even dare to look at each other!"

"He is a bullying guy!" Xu Yuan echoed.

Lin Shen smiled noncommittally.

Only he understood that the reason why Zhou Zhihai restrained his malice at this time was because a greater malice was already brewing.

At this moment, Lin Shen suddenly sensed another line of sight, and followed his sense to look over, only to find that it was Yang Zhongyi.

He is also among the children of the family.

Seeing Lin Shen looking over, Yang Zhongyi waved at him with a smile, attracting the attention of many children from aristocratic families nearby, but he didn't care at all.

Lin Shen smiled slightly, and raised his hand to say hello.

After more than ten minutes.

A teacher walked to the middle of the playground, raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and said loudly:

"The competition is about to begin, and the next round is the first round of competition. The students whose names have been read stand in the center of the field!"

"Remember, this is just a sparring session. The two sides will stop at the end, and those who intentionally ruthlessly injure their opponents will not only be disqualified from the competition, but will also be severely punished by the academy!"

Looking around, seeing that the students were all listening quietly, the teacher nodded in satisfaction.

"Start the competition, the first-round students, Huang Weiqing and Shi Jun!"

As the teacher finished speaking, two boys walked out of the crowd.

In full view.

The two quickly came to the center of the field and stood still, looking at each other aggressively.

The moment the teacher who served as the referee announced the start, the two immediately rushed towards each other, and in a blink of an eye they fought fiercely.

"Huang Weiqing is from class four, and Shi Jun is from class eight. Both of them are at the fourth level of aerodynamics, and Blazing Sun Palm is also at the entry level, and their strengths are about the same." Zheng Hongsheng explained in a low voice.

As he said, Huang Weiqing and Shi Jun are almost the same in strength.

The two sides fought for four or five minutes. In the end, Shi Jun was slightly better. He sent Huang Weiqing flying with his palm, and fell to the ground, unable to get up for a while.

The referee glanced at Huang Weiqing and announced loudly:

"Shi Jun wins!"

Shi Jun's face was full of joy, he took a recovery energy pill from the referee's hand, and walked off the stage under the envious eyes of the people around him.

Huang Weiqing, who had recovered his breath, climbed up dejectedly, and left the playground directly after the game, not wanting to watch the next game.

"Next game, Sun Jie and Qi Guangyuan!"

Two more people came out and entered the competition field.

As the contestants entered the field one by one, the winners and losers were determined one after another, and the atmosphere on the scene gradually became high.

Especially when the first student with a five-level aerodynamic cultivation level appeared on the stage, the atmosphere on the playground climbed to the peak in an instant.

There were even excited screams from the crowd, just like fans meeting their idols.

Lin Shen was surprised at first why the people around him were so excited, but after seeing the faces of the people on stage, he suddenly realized.

The student who appeared on the stage was a boy, not tall, at most 1.7 meters in his early years, with a thin build, and his skin was pale as if he hadn't been exposed to the sun all year round.

How to say about the facial features, she looks like she can enter a women's bathhouse.

If it weren't for the boy's uniform, Lin Shen would definitely have thought she was a beautiful girl at first sight.

In fact, there are quite a few boys among those who shout excitedly.

"Who is this person?" Lin Shen turned to Zheng Hongsheng and asked.

Zheng Hongsheng said without thinking:

"He is what I told you. The only student among the contestants who comes from the Hanpu family is Su Nian, from Class 12."

"Don't look at his thin and thin appearance, it is said that he has stepped into the fifth level of aerodynamics three months ago, and he has cultivated to the level of proficiency in Chi Yang Palm!"

"In this sparring competition, he is the first contestant with the highest voice!"

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