My avatar is a god

Chapter 186 Daluo Heavenly Kingdom

Xu Xiao was somewhat surprised that the army of the guardians of the religion broke through Huilonggu, the headquarters of Huilongguan, and Wolongcheng, the capital of Weiguo, so easily.

These two major forces have dominated Weiguo for many years, and there are still three pounds of nails in a rotten boat, especially the royal family of Weiguo, as the nominal ruler of Weiguo, how could they not even have a trump card? Just give up so easily, abandon the foundation of their ancestors, and flee from Weiguo like a desperate person?

Xu Xiao thought so, but he overestimated these two major forces. Especially the royal family of Weiguo, when even the dragon veins had been refined by Xu Xiao, how could they have any trump cards to speak of.

In particular, the cruel killing methods of Tianzunjiao deeply shocked Huilongguan and the royal family of Weiguo. Since they were already unable to resist the army of the guardians of Tianzunjiao, why not run away, would they stay and die in vain?

After seeing that resistance was hopeless, the royal family of Weiguo and the people of Huilongguan fled Weiguo one after another. At first, it was just individual behavior of a few people, and finally developed into an organized large-scale escape.

These guys who escaped were smart. They were afraid of angering the Tianzun Sect and causing the Tianzun Sect to chase them to their death. Not only did they not dare to destroy during the escape, they did not even dare to move large amounts of property. They only carried some of the property with them and fled. Under their orders, the people who stayed behind also took the initiative to cooperate with the Tianzun Sect's army of guardians and did not dare to resist at all.

Under this circumstance, the Tianzun Sect's army of guardians took over Huilong Valley and Wolong City peacefully without bloodshed. These two places were well preserved because they had not experienced the destruction of war.

Because these escapees were knowledgeable and interested, and considering the background behind them, Xu Xiao did not stop them much and let them escape from Weiguo safely.

Although Xu Xiao was just an ordinary person before crossing, he had seen pigs run even though he had not eaten pork. After the great baptism of the Internet age, he had more or less learned some means of ruling and power from the history of the earth. He also had practical experience as the leader of the Tianzun Sect for more than ten years, and had many talented subordinates to assist him. As for governing the country of Weiguo, Xu Xiao got the hang of it quickly.

Xu Xiao only proposed a general direction and principle. The specific process of governance and the work of governance were naturally handed over to the professionals in the Tianzun Sect. In this world with true gods, Xu Xiao, as the leader of the Tianzun Sect, does not have to worry about being sidelined by his subordinates and losing power.

Although the area of ​​Weiguo is not small, there are still many areas that are not under the control of the Tianzun Sect. But after occupying and controlling the original capital of Weiguo, Wolong City, at least the Tianzun Sect has unified Weiguo in name and become the actual ruler of Weiguo.

To establish a country, of course, the first thing is the name of the country, the political system, and the head of state.

Fortunately, a long time ago, the Tianzun Sect began to plot to take over Weiguo and had preliminary considerations on these issues. Now, it is not without a clue. Xu Xiao convened the senior leaders of the sect, and after repeated discussions, these issues have been concluded.

First of all, the name of Weiguo must not be used anymore, because it will be the parish of Tianzun Sect in the future. All the people believe in the Supreme God Daluo Tianzun, and the whole country will be bathed in the glory of the Supreme God Daluo Tianzun. Therefore, everyone decided to name the country Daluo Tianguo, or Tianguo for short.

Secondly, the political system, there is no doubt that it must be ****, and the belief in the Supreme God Daluo Tianzun is the only legal belief. Tianzun Sect is not only a religious institution that believes in Daluo Tianzun, but will also be the actual ruler of Daluo Tianguo in the future, responsible for the specific governance of Daluo Tianguo.

On Earth before Xu Xiao traveled through time, there were many **** countries in history. These countries were okay when they were first established, but soon they fell due to various internal and external factors. The biggest reason why these countries fell is that there are no real gods on Earth. It is impossible to maintain long-term stability by relying on a group of charlatans to fool people.

But in Junchen Realm, in Daluo Tianguo, there are real gods. The only true god Daluo Tianzun, the official belief, is not only genuine, but also unquestionably a real god. Moreover, he can send down divine power, bestow divine arts, and even incarnate at critical moments.

Although the high gods are not omniscient, it is impossible for them to pay attention to every little thing in the mortal world. But with such a god, the corruption and infighting within the Tianzun Sect have been greatly reduced. Even if it cannot be completely eliminated, at least these internal frictions will not have a big impact and interfere with the great cause of the Tianzun Sect.

As for foreign enemies, not to mention the growing strength of the Tianzun Sect itself. When it really comes to the last moment, facing the powerful enemy that the Tianzun Sect cannot resist, the Supreme God Daluo Tianzun is the last and greatest reliance of the Tianzun Sect. The power of the Supreme God Daluo Tianzun is enough to resist all foreign enemies.

As for the head of the Daluo Kingdom, Xu Xiao, the leader of the Tianzun Sect, is naturally the undisputed leader of the country. As for those important positions in the country, they are naturally held by many great talents in the Tianzun Sect. Like Luo Yun, who originally presided over the daily teaching affairs of the Tianzun Sect, he has performed well and achieved remarkable results in these years. In order to employ people according to their abilities and to reward him, Xu Xiao directly appointed him as the chief minister of Daluo Heavenly Kingdom. As for the appointment of other officials of Daluo Heavenly Kingdom, I will not go into details.

Xu Xiao also retained and appointed many old and young people from the previous dynasty, which was inevitable. In addition to the purpose of appeasing people's hearts, he also took advantage of these people's rich experience in governing and governing.

In fact, on Earth before Xu Xiao traveled through time, any dynasty, in the early days of gaining power and establishing a country, would show a kind attitude towards the old and young of the previous dynasty in order to win the hearts of the people and stabilize the country as soon as possible. Even the Communist Party, a political party that claims to change the world, will not be an exception in this regard.

The current Tianzun Sect has to control and govern such a large territory of Daluo Tianguo all at once. There is a shortage of various talents, and there is a serious shortage of grassroots officials. And the talents that are urgently cultivated by themselves still need time to grow slowly. In the meantime, of course, a large number of officials from the previous dynasty need to be retained.

Of course, waiting for the talents cultivated by Tianzun Sect to grow up in the future, with this group of more trustworthy and reliable newcomers, how to deal with those former officials who have lost their value is not a matter of words.

Since it is a **** country, belief is the top priority in Daluo Tianguo.

In the past, belief in Daluo Tianzun was simply based on the voluntary belief of believers, and at most there were priests who promoted and persuaded, coerced and induced. But now, the belief in Daluo Tianzun is enforced by the power of the country. Any citizen of the Daluo Kingdom must believe in the Supreme God Daluo Tianzun, without any exception.

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