My avatar is a god

Chapter 286 Chapter 290 Stop

Lian Zhenren said that he would lead everyone out of the city from the west gate, but it was not necessary to go through the city gate to leave the city. As a cultivator with the ability to fly, even the weakest group of Tianji masters in the team would have no difficulty climbing over the city wall.

Lian Zhenren chose the west gate as the direction of the breakout, just because it was the closest to the courtyard where they lived. And there must be a lot of people fleeing around the city gate. Mixing in with the many refugees can effectively conceal their identities and not attract too much attention.

The west gate of Damang City is right in front of us, but it can be reached in just a few steps.

Due to the aftermath of the war, the originally tall and majestic, winding and long city wall had long been severely damaged. Not only was it severely damaged, but it also collapsed in large pieces everywhere, leaving large gaps on the city wall. Even ordinary people can enter and exit freely.

Most of the west gate was also destroyed, leaving a gap in the shape of a half gate.

Countless people fleeing were scrambling to cross the city wall and flee out of the city. The crowd pushed and trampled on each other, causing a large number of casualties. But all this could not stop the determination of everyone to escape. The vast crowd kept pouring out of the city with an unstoppable momentum.

The front was too crowded, and some people who couldn't wait simply rushed to the side and climbed over the city walls that were mostly destroyed.

It was obviously much easier for cultivators to leave the city. Those who had the ability to fly flew directly over the city wall. Anyway, the original air ban magic circle around the city wall had been damaged in the previous battle and could not play any role. Those who did not have the ability to fly either jumped over the city wall or relied on their magic power to force the crowd in front and rushed out from the ground.

The reason why these people fled in a hurry was mainly because the previous movement was too shocking. The Yuanying stage strongman took action in the sky, and the aftermath had a great impact on the Damang City below.

The sound shook the sky, the earth shook, and large areas of buildings collapsed and were damaged. For ordinary people, this is simply a disaster like the end of the world. Damang City can no longer stay for long.

In fact, not only ordinary people, but even many cultivators are eager to escape Damang City. Now those who stay in Damang City are mainly casual cultivators who want to take advantage of the situation and seek benefits.

Only these daring guys can risk their lives and continue to stay in Damang City for enough benefits.

Seeing that they are about to escape from Damang City, Lian Zhenren, who rushed to the front of the team to open the way, suddenly stopped and looked around with puzzled eyes.

The team that was originally following behind had to stop as well. Many people were puzzled by Lian Zhenren's actions.

It was you who urged everyone to leave the city quickly just now. Now it is you who stopped inexplicably and wasted time. You are really troublesome. Tianji Master, who has a weird temper, has already cursed in his heart.

Everyone's doubts did not last too long before they were solved.

The air around them shook violently, and three figures flew from three directions, surrounding the team in the air.

"You are really alert, you found our trace so quickly. I was going to sneak attack you when you were not prepared. I didn't expect that you would see through my actions before I did anything." A middle-aged man floating in the air said carelessly.

"Are all the people from your Tianlang tribe so talkative? Stop talking nonsense, let's go together and kill this evil thief from Bailian Sect." Another arrogant old man with a hooked nose said disdainfully.

"Only the people from your Tianying tribe are anxious. Since they are all going to die, you have to explain it clearly to him and let him know what's going on." An old woman kept floating in the air and said a few words to the old man casually.

"Only your Tianma tribe has so many troubles. If you kill people, you kill people. You also want others to know what's going on. It's really hypocritical." The old man with a hooked nose said.

The three people in the air seemed to be bickering with each other, as if their attention was not on themselves. Lian Zhenren knew that this was just an illusion. As soon as the three opponents appeared, their divine thoughts had already locked onto him. As long as he made the slightest movement, he would be hit like a storm.

These three masters from the three giant tribes on the Tuli Prairie, the Heavenly Wolf, the Heavenly Eagle, and the Heavenly Horse, were not inferior to Lian Zhenren in strength. Facing the three people joining forces, Lian Zhenren himself did not dare to guarantee that he could escape unscathed, let alone the team behind him. Under the current circumstances, Lian Zhenren could no longer complete the task of escorting these Tianji masters out of Damang City to join the army of cultivators.

Fortunately, before setting off, Lian Zhenren had estimated several worst-case scenarios, including the current situation. He made a plan in advance and made some arrangements for the escort team.

Lian Zhenren no longer hesitated, and he used his divine thoughts to issue the latest orders to several confidants in the escort team behind him.

Before setting off, Lian Zhenren had specifically told several confidants. If the team encounters an irresistible force and cannot break through smoothly. I would rather kill all seven Tianji masters on the spot than leave them to the nomadic tribe.

Since they cannot be used by me, of course they must be destroyed in time. Seven Tianji masters are already a force of great importance and strategic significance. If they are used by the nomadic tribe, the three major immortal cultivation sects will have a lot of trouble.

After receiving the telepathic message from Lian Zhenren, the confidants in the escort team immediately took action. They were all elite disciples cultivated by Bailian Sect since childhood, and they were devoted to Bailian Sect. No matter what the circumstances, they would actively complete the tasks assigned by their superiors.

Several flying swords were unsheathed, and they were about to kill the original guards who were surrounded in the middle of the team.

The sudden attack, not to mention that the Tianji masters who were originally under strict protection did not react, even the other people in the team did not react. They looked at their companions in surprise, and even began to doubt in their hearts whether their companions had gone crazy or were preparing to rebel against the sect.

The Tianji masters with weak combat power looked at the flying swords with horror on their faces, and almost forgot to resist.

In the entire team, only Master Ren had a cold face and remained calm enough.

He seemed to have been prepared for this sudden attack. I don’t know when, a talisman made of bones has been gently pinched in his hand.

Seeing that his original guards suddenly attacked and wanted to kill him, he did not panic at all, but calmly crushed the bone amulet in his hand.

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