My avatar is a god

Chapter 340 Chapter 344 Shinto Disaster

As a result, the two women looked at each other and quickly reached a certain tacit understanding.

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"It's not that we sisters don't believe in Master Xu, it's just that this matter is of great importance and has too many implications. If we hadn't seen the Supreme God Daluo Tianzun, we sisters really wouldn't be able to tell everything." Xiang Liyun was very embarrassed. said.

Xu Xiao's interest increased greatly. What was the big event? Not even his own earthly representative of Daluo Tianzun, the leader of the Tianzun Sect, could know about it. He had to tell Daluo Tianzun. What makes Xu Xiao depressed is that he is not prepared to tell anyone in the world the top-secret news that Daluo Tianzun is his clone. Naturally, they couldn't let the two women tell them the news.

He would never tell the two girls that the so-called supreme god Daluo Tianzun was actually just his own god clone. Even if he is willing to say it, the two women may not dare to believe it.

Probably because he saw Xu Xiao's depressed expression, he felt that he didn't reveal anything at all, as if he didn't trust Xu Xiao, the leader of the Tianzun Sect, not to mention that Xu Xiao was the savior who had just saved the lives of the two women.

He Lenghui spoke, "Of course, although we cannot tell the whole story at this time, there is still no problem in telling Master Xu some relevant information."

"These two women sang in harmony, one pretended to be a black face, and the other pretended to be a red face. They really cooperated well." Xu Xiao secretly cursed in his heart. Of course, since the other party is willing to tell him some news to appease himself, Xu Xiao will not lose his temper and refuse.

"There was a battle just now in this place. Three immortal cultivators died here. I'm afraid their companions will come to look for them. In order to avoid trouble, we'd better find another quiet place and tell the story slowly." He Lenghui suggested road.

Of course Xu Xiao would not object to this correct proposal. Meaningless battles should be avoided if possible.

So, the three people quickly left here. After staying away from here, the three of them found a quiet place and stayed temporarily.

Observe the surroundings carefully. It should be relatively safe here and will not be easily disturbed by the outside world.

Next, He Lenghui and Xiang Liyun began a long narrative.

"The origin of this matter starts with the Shinto catastrophe more than 10,000 years ago. By the way, Master Xu, how much do you know about the Shinto catastrophe?" He Lenghui chose the topic of the Shinto catastrophe as a start. .

Xu Xiao shook his head, "I don't know much about the so-called Shinto catastrophe. I just know that more than 10,000 years ago, there was a period of Shinto prosperity in Junchen world. At that time, Mantian was the ruler of Junchen world. God, not the current cultivator."

"Later, due to some unknown reasons, many gods completely fell, and the prosperous age of Shinto came to an end. From then on, immortal cultivators stepped onto the stage of history and slowly became the masters and rulers of the Junchen world."

"As for more news about the Shinto catastrophe, I know nothing about it. As far as I know, it is the Supreme God Daluo Tianzun. He also doesn't know much about the Shinto catastrophe."

Finally, Xu Xiao also added a sentence about the scope of Daluo Tianzun's knowledge. In order to show that he is deeply trusted by Daluo Tianzun and knows many of Daluo Tianzun's secrets.

"It is true that Master Xu does not know much information. As a new god, Daluo Tianzun does not know much about the past more than 10,000 years ago, which is understandable." Xiang Liyun said.


After He Lenghui finished speaking to Liyun, he began to tell Xu Xiao about the past of more than 10,000 years ago.

"More than 10,000 years ago, Junchen Realm was indeed a prosperous age of Shinto ruled by gods. At that time, many sects of cultivating immortals had to live under the gods and accept the control of Shinto."

"For immortal cultivators who are always unwilling to accept all kinds of constraints and pursue their own great freedom, freedom, and complete transcendence as their ultimate goal, Shinto is a mountain that weighs on Immortal Dao and must be completely overthrown."

"After years of accumulating strength, the immortal cultivators finally had the power to compete with Shinto, so they began a war to overthrow Shinto rule."

"In this war between the Immortal Way and the Divine Way, not only the immortal cultivators in the Junchen Realm rarely overcame their selfish nature, cooperated sincerely, and united as one. There were also many powerful true immortals outside the Junchen Realm who directly Go to war."

"It can even be said that these powerful true immortals are the immortal side's biggest support in this war and have played the greatest role."

As He Lenghui narrated, Xu Xiao also concentrated and listened carefully.

"Those true immortals and powerful men all have incredible magical powers. They actually temporarily tampered with the laws of heaven and earth, causing the entire world to begin to reject the gods. They even affected the movement of heaven, making it impossible for the gods to win the favor of heaven."

When he said this, He Lenghui, who always showed a calm and intellectual face, became a little excited, and couldn't help but trembling in his tone.

Yes, such a thing is indeed too terrifying and terrifying. What a terrifying power it is to be able to tamper with the rules of heaven and earth and blind the consciousness of heaven.

The gods more than 10,000 years ago were born from heaven and earth. They were loved and favored by heaven and earth. They were well-deserved prides of heaven and darlings of heaven and earth.

But those legendary true immortals can actually make this world start to reject the gods. This is simply incredible and unbelievable. If he knew that He Lenghui would not lie about this issue, Xu Xiao couldn't help but doubt the authenticity of such a thing.

"More than 10,000 years ago, the gods' greatest reliance was not the countless believers, but the favor of heaven and earth. When the gods fell out of favor with heaven and earth and were rejected by heaven and earth, they seemed to become the world's public enemy. Not only could they no longer get help from this world, but they had to suffer all kinds of malice from this world."

"The gods in this extremely unfavorable situation quickly fell into a disadvantage in the face of the united immortals. The gods lost their own power, and many gods were killed one by one."

He Lenghui vividly recounted her past more than 10,000 years ago, bringing Xu Xiao's thoughts back to more than 10,000 years ago. It made Xu Xiao feel as if he was there and felt everything that happened back then.

Under the fierce attack of the immortal cultivators, the gods were either suppressed, beheaded, or expelled...

The gods who ruled the Junchen world suffered an extremely tragic fate. Not only did they lose their ruling status, but even their own existence was wiped out by the immortal cultivators.

This is the so-called Shinto catastrophe. The prosperity of Shinto ended, and the gods fell. After that, the immortal path rose and the immortal practitioners became the rulers of the Junchen world.

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