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Chapter 38 Do they deserve the surname Xu?

"Is this the Xu family where Shanhe County Captain Xu Zhigang lives?" Xu Xiao asked.

"Yes, it is this Xu family. In Shanhe County, only this Xu family has the strength to open a copper mine." Tian Lei nodded affirmatively.

Although Shanhe County is a remote and remote area, there are still wealthy and prominent families there. The Xu family is the head of a wealthy family in Shanhe County. The family has a long history, extensive connections, and great influence in the local area.

Starting more than a hundred years ago, the Xu family began its rise in Shanhe County. Among the local bosses, county captains and other important positions in Shanhe County, there are many members of the Xu family. The Xu family's properties are spread all over Shanhe County, and even extend to Qingshan County.

Xu Zhigang, the current head of the Xu family, has served as the county captain of Shanhe County for more than ten years. His influence has penetrated into all aspects of Shanhe County. He is a well-deserved local leader. Even outside county magistrates often rely on his eyes to act. If the county magistrate does not win over local prominent families like the Xu family, his position will not be secure.

When Xu Xiao's parents were alive, the Xu family in Shanhe County had contacts with the Xu family in Shanyin County. For a while, the two families had very close ties and even became relatives. The two families not only share the same surname, but also share the same clan and clan.

After Xu Xiao's parents passed away, this connection was broken, and there was no contact between the two parties. After Xu Xiao founded the Tianzun Sect and the Tianzun Sect's forces entered Shanhe County in a large scale, the Xu family did not express anything special.

Except for the Xu family's copper mine, there is nothing special around the area designated by Xu Xiao. Of course, Xu Xiao would not let go of this only clue easily.

"Tell me carefully about the situation of this copper mine." Xu Xiao said to Tian Lei.

Tian Lei was worried that he could not tell clearly and missed Xu Xiao's important event. He also specially found local snakes from the county who were familiar with the local situation and reported to Xu Xiao in detail.

Listening to the local snake's detailed account, Xu Xiao felt more and more suspicious.

This copper mine has a history of several decades and has been in the hands of the Xu family for more than thirty years. It is said that copper ore reserves are abundant, but due to difficult roads and inconvenient transportation, it is difficult to transport them out after mining.

The Xu family invested a lot of manpower and material resources to build a simple path leading to the mining area, and recruited a large number of miners to mine.

I don’t know if the Xu family is unlucky or for other reasons. Accidents occurred frequently in the mines, and the miners suffered heavy casualties, but they failed to mine any copper ore.

Over the years, the Xu family has suffered numerous losses from this copper mine. However, the successive heads of the Xu family did not know what evil was possessed, and they continued to recruit miners and went to the mining area to mine. The more they mine, the more they lose, and there are voices of dissatisfaction even within the Xu family. But anyone who dares to propose giving up this copper mine will immediately be severely punished by the family head. Over time, there was no voice of dissent within the Xu family. Fortunately, Xujiajia's business was so big that it was not dragged down by this copper mine and went bankrupt.

Due to the heavy casualties among the miners, the Xu family found it difficult to recruit enough miners in Shanhe County even at high prices. In recent years, the Xu family not only recruited miners from other places at high prices, but also secretly purchased large quantities of mining slaves and sent them to the mining areas.

In the eyes of local people, the copper mine has become a black hole that swallows human lives. The lives of the people at the bottom are worthless, but such a number of lives were lost in the mining areas. If it weren't for the Xu family's powerful vision and wealth, it might have been difficult to suppress this matter.

The local snakes Tian Lei recruited were very powerful and told many unknown things about the Xu family one by one.

After listening to the local snake's story, Hu De, who had been playing the role of master by Xu Xiao's side, said without thinking: "Now it seems that this copper mine is very suspicious, and the Xu family, the owner of the copper mine, has something to do with it. The Xu family should be cleared immediately If you take it down and interrogate it carefully, you will definitely gain something."

Tian Lei said hesitantly: "The Xu family in Shanhe County also has the surname Xu. They cannot write two characters of Xu in one stroke. They are from the same clan as the leader. If we take action directly, will it hurt the harmony?"

"Bah, what nonsense, they deserve the surname Xu." Xu Xiao said disdainfully. The so-called tribesmen who can't be beaten with eight poles are not in Xu Xiao's eyes.

"Master, it's wrong for us to arrest people without evidence." Xiaoxuan, the maid who had been silent until now, also came over to cause trouble.

These days, even the government doesn't pay much attention to evidence when handling cases, let alone a powerful force like the Tianzun Sect. In Junchen Realm, a world ruled by immortal cultivators, it is not uncommon for strong men to slaughter their entire family and wipe out nine tribes on a whim. A force like the Tianzun Sect, which is gentle, generous and very close to the people, is definitely a model of the times, a moral pacesetter, and is praised by everyone.

Xu Xiao pinched the maid Xiaoxuan's face and said, "You little girl, you don't understand anything. When adults are talking, don't interrupt randomly."

"But Master, you are not an adult..." Before Xiaoxuan could finish her words, she was brutally suppressed by Xu Xiao.

"By the way, Xu Zhigang, the head of the Xu family, is a county lieutenant in Shanhe County and has the status of an imperial official. Isn't there anything wrong if we take people directly?" Tian Lei, who is cautious, raised another question.

This is indeed a problem. Although the Weiguo government has limited control over many parts of the Weiguo, it is only the nominal leader of the Weiguo. However, all forces still have to give the Weiguo court some face.

In places controlled by aristocratic families and within the sphere of influence of the Immortal Cultivating Sect, the government offices are just a decoration, and the gates of the National Protector Temple are sparse and cannot recruit believers at all. However, as the face of the Weiguo court, these two places have always been preserved.

Before this, the Tianzun Sect also maintained a tacit understanding with the Weiguo court and did not touch the officials of Qingshan County.

"This is a major event related to the Jiuyuan Demon Realm. Not to mention a local official, even a member of the Weiguo royal family cannot go unpunished." Xu Xiao declared righteously.

Seeing Xu Xiao's determination, Tian Lei said no more, but silently accepted the order and cooperated with all his strength. He sent his men to find out the current situation of the Xu family to facilitate the arrest.

After receiving the report from his men and finding out the situation of the Xu family, Xu Xiao directly gave the order.

"Sister, please go to Xu's house in person and arrest all the people in Xu's house. Don't let any of them escape."

"Hu De, you and Xiao Xuan, take the local people of our sect and control the county seat of Shanhe County. In addition to arresting the Xu family members in the whole city, don't let anyone leave the city to avoid leaking the news."

"As for Mr. Xu Zhigang in the government office, I will personally take care of him."

After listening to Xu Xiao's instructions, everyone took action immediately without any delay. Even Lie Wushuang, who was always lazy, became vigorous and resolute when he knew that this was a major event related to Jiuyuan Demon Realm.

Xu Xiao himself flew lightly into the air and flew directly to the Shanhe County government office.

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