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Chapter 434 Chapter 440 War is raging

Since he agreed to the plan proposed by Zhou Guangdie, Xu Xiao had no choice but to place his hopes on Zhou Guangdie.

Xu Xiao did not take any other action to track the whereabouts of Canghaizhu. After all, the other party was an acquired spiritual treasure favored by Canglan Realm, and Xu Xiao was not absolutely sure that he could take it down.

The only thing he could do now was to wait silently for Zhou Guangdie to find it. When Zhou Guangdie found that Canghaizhu entered the burial place of the water god's godhead, it was time for Xu Xiao and Zhou Guangdie to take action.

The waiting process was long. Xu Xiao was not anxious, but patiently waited for Zhou Guangdie to find it.

While Xu Xiao was waiting, the situation in Canglan Realm, or more precisely, the situation in the Great Wilderness Dynasty, had new changes.

The rebellion of the two aristocratic families, the Han family and the Nangong family, seemed to have lit a fuse, which suddenly detonated all kinds of contradictions within the Great Wilderness Dynasty.

It was very common for these aristocratic families to intermarry with each other and form alliances in secret. The two top aristocratic families, the Han family and the Nangong family, involved a large number of immortal cultivation families.

The two aristocratic families whose upper layers had been basically infected by the true demons continued to infect other immortal cultivation families. Soon, a large number of immortal cultivation families slowly fell into the control of the true demons.

Although the true demon could not descend on the Canglan Realm, he issued orders to the believers of the Canglan Realm through means such as the altar.

As a result, a large number of immortal cultivation families set off a series of massive rebellions in the Great Wilderness Dynasty.

In many places in the Great Wilderness Dynasty, many massive blood sacrifice ceremonies were held.

Through the blood sacrifice ceremony, the true demon of the Jiuyuan Demon Realm strengthened its connection with the Canglan Realm. He not only bestowed a large amount of pure demonic energy, strengthened the strength of his subordinates, deepened the degree of demonization of his subordinates, and strengthened his control over his subordinates. More importantly, the true demon of the Jiuyuan Demon Realm, in conjunction with the blood sacrifice of the Canglan Realm, opened a series of portals to the Jiuyuan Demon Realm.

These space portals from Canglan Realm to Jiuyuan Demon Realm are not stable, and cannot pass through too powerful beings.

However, a large number of low-level monsters swarmed from these portals regardless of life and death. However, in a very short time, the ocean of monsters submerged many territories of the Great Wilderness Dynasty, causing a huge disaster known as the "Demon Disaster".

Wherever the monsters passed, there were basically no living people left. The extinction of living creatures, the barren land for thousands of miles, a real human catastrophe.

As the rebels occupied more places, the blood sacrifices became more frequent and the scale continued to increase. As a result, the number and quality of monsters appearing in Canglan Realm continued to increase.

This seemed to be a vicious cycle, and the scale of the demon disaster continued to expand. More and more monsters caused more and more harm to the Great Wilderness Dynasty.

The Great Wilderness Royal Family, the ruler of the Great Wilderness Dynasty, certainly would not be willing to sit back and wait for death. Almost as soon as the rebellion occurred, the army was mobilized to help quell the rebellion.

The demons from Junchen Realm, although they had fought a desperate battle with the masters of the two great families in that independent space and suffered heavy casualties. But after the two great families launched a rebellion, these demons still put aside their deep hatred for each other and helped to contain the power of the Great Wilderness Royal Family, making it impossible for them to quell the rebellion smoothly.

Of course, these demons did this not because they were broad-minded and helped others. But because they were purely considering the overall situation and it was more beneficial to their interests.

Although in that strange independent space, in order to compete for the two acquired spiritual treasures, the masters of the two great families who had been demonized were the biggest enemies, and the demons from Junchen Realm and the Great Wilderness Royal Family needed to join forces to fight against them.

But after that incident, now, there is a new situation. For the demons who invaded Canglan Realm, the more chaotic the situation in Canglan Realm is, the more they agree with their wishes.

As the biggest vested interest of the Great Wilderness Dynasty and the defender of the order of the Great Wilderness Dynasty, the Great Wilderness Royal Family has of course become the biggest enemy of this group of demons at this time.

The demons from the Junchen Realm want to overthrow the Great Wilderness Royal Family, destroy the original order of the Great Wilderness Dynasty, and plunge the entire Great Wilderness Dynasty into chaos.

With the help of this group of demons from the Junchen Realm, the rebellion launched by these immortal cultivation families has always been unable to be extinguished in time for various reasons, and it has become more and more intense.

As a result, the Great Wilderness Dynasty, which was caught in internal and external troubles, has seen a scene of chaos with smoke everywhere.

The elite forces of the Great Wilderness Royal Family were sent to various places to quell the rebellion. They were exhausted and suffered heavy losses along the way, but the results of the battle were extremely ordinary.

Although the current Great Wilderness Dynasty cannot be said to be in chaos, it is not far away. Except for a few areas that are still barely calm, most of the other places are in chaos of varying degrees.

With the full support of Xu Xiao's disguised Xuan Zhenzi, the Liu family has been expanding its family power at full speed.

Especially after Xu Xiao transferred a large number of reinforcements from Junchen Realm through the space teleportation array, the Liu family's strength expanded even faster.

Gui Xuanzi, who has almost the power of Yuanying period, helped the Liu family to defeat the opponent easily with a few moves. Now the Liu family is the undisputed first family in Dingzhou, and almost completely controls the entire Dingzhou.

In Dingzhou, the Tianzun Sect is almost completely open to preaching.

It didn't take too long for the belief of Tianzunjiao to sweep across Dingzhou. In towns and cities, Tianzun temples of varying sizes were built one after another. In the Tianzun temples, there were basically priests from Tianzunjiao presiding over them.

Whether it was to eliminate disasters or pray for blessings, the vast majority of civilians were very enthusiastic to go to the Tianzun temple to perform various religious ceremonies.

As the number of believers increased, the power of faith provided was also increasing. According to this development trend, the initial investment of Daluo Tianzun can be slowly recovered in a short period of time.

The biggest obstacle restricting the development of Tianzunjiao now is not from the outside, but from the inside. The number of priests teleported here from Junchen Realm is limited, and the native priests cultivated in Canglan Realm are not only small in number, but also low in level. In a short period of time, they are simply useless.

Without enough qualified priests, the speed of Tianzunjiao's spread and the speed of developing believers have to be temporarily slowed down. Only after more priests are cultivated in the religion can the development be accelerated.

As the speed of missionary work slowed down, Tianzun Sect began to consolidate the dioceses it already had. Continuously improving the faith of believers and increasing the number of devout believers was the main goal for the next step.

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