My avatar is a god

Chapter 48 Mineral Veins

The collapse of the mountain lasted for a long time, until the sky was bright, the surrounding situation stabilized, the vibration began to disappear, and there was no large-scale mudslide.

Under Lie Wushuang's treatment, Xu Xiao, whose body had basically recovered, also relied on the divine power borrowed from the avatar of the god to float in the air alone.

Lie Wushuang, who had obtained a lot of heavenly merits and was in a good mood, said loudly: "We acted early this time and eliminated this catastrophe in its infancy. If we hadn't found the hiding place of the old man Qingshan in time, the consequences would be unimaginable."

Destroying the old man Qingshan was considered revenge for his parents in this life. Xu Xiao, who had resolved a matter of concern, was also in a mood to laugh.

"This old man Qingshan could have offended anyone else, but he chose to offend me. Not only did his decades of planning go down the drain, but he himself will be reduced to ashes."

"Although we have made contributions to the world this time, destroying the True Demon Mark is no less consequential than cutting off the arm of the True Demon. Given the True Demon's vindictive nature, we may have to be careful of the True Demon's revenge in the future." Thinking of the True Demon's terrifying power, even the always proud Lie Wushuang's tone became low.

"It's just a True Demon, so it's okay to offend him. Can he really come to the Junchen Realm?" Xu Xiao said carelessly.

The appearance of this True Demon Mark here means that the owner of the True Demon Mark definitely has a way to infiltrate the Junchen Realm. Moreover, in the entire Junchen Realm, although the space cracks connecting the Jiuyuan Demon Realm are rare, there are still a few. Unlike the rustic Xu Xiao, the knowledgeable Lie Wushuang has a deep understanding of both the Junchen Realm and the Jiuyuan Demon Realm. The more you know, the more uneasy you feel.

Of course, Lie Wushuang did not spoil the mood by expressing his worries, nor did he want to destroy the relaxed atmosphere.

Lie Wushuang, who was about to change the topic, accidentally glanced down.

"Huh." Lie Wushuang, who was a little surprised, flew directly to the wreckage of the collapsed mountain and looked at it carefully with his eyes.

After a long while, Lie Wushuang, who had discovered something, looked regretful, "What a pity, what a pity, it's such a pity."

When Lie Wushuang flew close to the wreckage of the collapsed mountain, Xu Xiao also flew over. Seeing Lie Wushuang's actions, he was able to borrow the power of the God's clone, and used the divine art of the Cave Divine Eyes to carefully observe the underground wreckage. After observing for a while, Xu Xiao slapped his thigh with extreme excitement, "What good luck, what good luck, I actually got such a large amount of unexpected wealth."

It turned out that the location of this mountain was right above several metal veins.

In fact, the reason why Old Man Qingshan chose this mountain as his hiding place was because the mud and rocks of this mountain were rich in metal deposits. The stable structure of the mountain made it easy for him to dig holes and dig out the huge space inside the mountain.

For decades, Old Man Qingshan used human blood to continuously expand the space crack leading to the Nine Abyss Demon Realm. The pure magic energy from the Nine Abyss Demon Realm kept gushing out from the space crack.

Although most of the magic energy was absorbed by the True Demon Mark, a large part of it still leaked out and polluted the metal veins underground. After decades of continuous pollution by the breath of the Nine Abyss Demon Realm, these metal veins have undergone essential changes.

Originally ordinary copper and iron mines, they can now produce minerals such as magic copper and magic iron. Although these are low-level spiritual materials, they are considered a considerable fortune in the Weiguo Xiuxian world, which has poor cultivation resources. Don't you see, the two largest sects in the world of immortal cultivation in Weiguo, Huilongguan and Yinguijiao, have been fighting for a long time because of a vein of cold iron ore.

Lie Wushuang said it was a pity because she could not use any of these metal minerals.

Xu Xiao had a way to use these materials. In addition to finding a way to trade these metal minerals to the magic monks among the immortal cultivators through professional merchants in the world of immortal cultivation, he could also let the priests and Shinto monks in the sect purify all these metal minerals with divine power. As for Xu Xiao, who can also use divine power, he doesn't have the time and energy to do hard work.

The structure of these metal minerals has been completely changed by the magic energy. If purified by divine power, they are excellent materials that can be used directly.

Xu Xiao, who had already been thinking about how to deal with these metal veins, saw Lie Wushuang's face full of regret and said with a smile: "We, the Tianzun Sect, have ways to develop and utilize these metal minerals. Everyone who sees them will have a share, since you discovered this place first. After the veins are developed, you can get 30% of the harvest."

Lie Wushuang, who has not yet fully recovered his strength, is in urgent need of a large amount of resources to slowly restore his strength in his heyday. It's a pity that the poor Tianzun Sect can't even provide a decent training environment, let alone the various resources needed for training.

Although Lie Wushuang has never cared about these things, Xu Xiao always feels bad. If other forces have a gold medal fighter like Lie Wushuang, they will definitely worship him like an ancestor and support him with all their strength. Then the Tianzun Sect is so shabby, it's just a stingy boss who deducts the hard-earned money of employees.

Now with such an unexpected fortune, Xu Xiao doesn't mind sharing some of the harvest and making good compensation.

Xu Xiao's promise made Lie Wushuang in a good mood. He danced his wings happily and flew in the sky.

Xu Xiao had a rough development plan in mind, and the details still needed to be discussed with his confidants in the church. The most critical point was to keep it secret so as not to attract annoying flies. To be frank, the current Tianzun Church is no longer afraid of any forces in the Weiguo Xiuxian world, but trouble should be avoided as much as possible, and it is not advisable to establish too many enemies.

Xu Xiao flew around and carefully observed the surrounding environment before leaving here with Lie Wushuang.

On the way, they first joined the group of miners who were taken away by the four divine servants. Then they solved the supervisor of the Xu family and rescued another group of miners.

Finally, Xu Xiao finally persuaded Lie Wushuang to let her play the role of a human transport plane with him. After flying back and forth several times, all the rescued miners were safely sent back to Shanhe County.

As for the subsequent placement of these miners, it was the responsibility of the local branch of Tianzun Church. The priests in the church, who were instructed by Xu Xiao, went deep into the group of miners and played the dual roles of intimate big sister and life mentor. Through the unremitting efforts of the priests, most of the miners were successfully converted into devout believers of Daluo Tianzun.

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