My avatar is a god

Chapter 514 Chapter 520 Flying to the Blood Moon

There is some kind of existence that is secretly influencing our thinking, making everyone subconsciously ignore the weirdness of the blood moon.

Daluo Tianzun did not make such a guess without reason, but had a rational judgment. And once he noticed this, he carefully checked himself and found that there was indeed some kind of strange power that silently affected his thinking.

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After being reminded by Daluo Tianzun. The Goddess of the Holy Mountain and Xu Xiao reacted one after another. Indeed, there is some kind of strange power that is secretly affecting everyone's thinking.

"It's really abominable, there is such a sinister method." Xu Xiao was angry in his heart. Fortunately, the other party's method should have many restrictions and the power is also average. Otherwise, it would be too terrible. It actually affected people's thinking without them knowing it.

At the same time, Xu Xiao was also very cautious. He could actually make two powerful gods with the power of Yuanshen fall into the trap without knowing it. No matter what kind of existence is playing tricks in the dark, the other party must not be underestimated.

The idea of ​​the Holy Goddess was similar to Xu Xiao, and her face was equally ugly. With the inheritance left by the previous generation of gods, she had a broader vision.

"Such means should be used by a powerful demon, and a powerful person who is proficient in the way of the inner demon. In the Junchen Realm, the demon is not a big deal. The number of powerful demons is not only small, but also limited in strength. It can make us fall into the trap silently. Could it be a powerful person from the Jiuyuan Demon Realm?"

Daluo Tianzun did not comment on the speculation of the Holy Mountain Goddess about the origin of the enemy.

"No matter what his origin is, since the other party has already taken action, there is no way to end it peacefully today." Xu Xiao said a little fiercely.

"Since the other party made us subconsciously ignore the blood moon, in my opinion, the blood moon is the key to the problem. Otherwise, let's test the details of this blood moon first?"

Xu Xiao's proposal was approved by Daluo Tianzun and the Goddess of the Holy Mountain.

Everyone used their divine power together and flew towards the blood moon hanging high in the sky.

The two gods and Xu Xiao are not only proficient in various escape methods, but also proficient in space magic. After several space teleportations, they crossed a considerable distance and got closer to the blood rain.

After approaching, they realized that this blood moon was indeed huge.

From a distance on the ground, it was just a crescent blood moon, at most the size of a millstone. When they looked at it at this time, they realized that it was a huge monster, far exceeding the size of an ordinary mountain.

The two gods and Xu Xiao, who were driving the escape light, were constantly approaching the blood moon at a very fast speed.

The closer they got to this blood moon, the heavier the pressure on everyone's heart. It was as if a mountain was pressing down on their hearts, so heavy that they could not relax at all.

Various thoughts began to appear in everyone's mind. For a moment, there were many distracting thoughts and illusions, and they could not be at peace at all.

"Everyone be careful, hold the origin and keep one, concentrate and calm, and never be taken advantage of by the external demons."

Although he knew that everyone's concentration was enough to deal with such a scene, Daluo Tianzun still habitually reminded them. In order to avoid being careless and accidentally being tricked.

The Goddess of the Holy Mountain thanked him and began to be more careful. The Goddess of the Holy Mountain not only has superb concentration, but also has a pure mind, and has a strong resistance to the invasion of external demons.

Xu Xiao and Daluo Tianzun are originally one, and their minds are connected. To confuse them, they must confuse both at the same time. This is not easy, even a strong man at the level of a true demon may find it difficult to do it.

Not affected by these illusions at all, everyone drove the escape light and approached the blood moon at an unreduced speed.

The closer to the blood moon, the more intense the demonic energy around the blood moon. But strangely, in such a dense demonic aura, there were no demons at all.

The demonic aura was too dense, which had a strong suppressive effect on the cultivators. For the cultivators of the magic path, being in such an environment was like a fish in water, with the advantage of home court.

This discovery not only did not stop everyone from moving forward, but confirmed the speculation of Daluo Tianzun just now.

The space channel connecting the Jiuyuan Demon Realm was mostly near this blood moon. As long as you fly over the blood moon, you can find clues to the space channel.

Getting closer and closer, a large number of black spots took off from the blood moon and flew towards Daluo Tianzun and his group.

As these black spots approached, their true faces began to emerge.

These were groups of soldiers wearing armor and holding various weapons. Although these soldiers were generally humanoid, they often had green faces and fangs, and their faces were extremely hideous. Many of them had several arms, or black wings on their backs, and some had human heads and beast bodies, or human bodies and beast heads. Anyway, these soldiers are all weird and ugly.

"Everyone be careful, these are not ordinary monsters, but well-trained demon soldiers and demon generals." Daluo Tianzun reminded loudly.

"Yes, these are not wild monsters, they should be the direct subordinates of a real demon. It seems that they are all veterans of hundreds of battles."

Before the Holy Mountain Goddess finished speaking, everyone entered the opponent's attack range.

These demon soldiers and demon generals did not rush forward in a mess, but arranged in a neat formation in the air. Compared with the group of crazy monsters on the ground, there is an essential difference.

Before Daluo Tianzun and others approached, they were first greeted by a rain of arrows that covered the sky.

Of course, even though these were specially made crossbows that broke the law and were also blessed by magic spells, they were slapped away before they got close.

The speed of Daluo Tianzun and others did not slow down, and they rushed into the front formation, and then immediately started a fierce fight.

These demon soldiers and demon generals were strong and fearless. They might have some advantages against ordinary cultivators. But facing three strong men, they were scattered after just a few charges, and suffered heavy casualties.

If they were not in a hurry to get on the road, they would not want to entangle with them. It would not be difficult to annihilate all these demon soldiers and demon generals.

After breaking through the interception of the demon soldiers and demon generals, Daluo Tianzun and others continued to move forward.

Along the way, they encountered several more waves of interception. In addition to the elite demon soldiers and demon generals, there were also many powerful monsters.

The strength of these monsters was far stronger than that of the monsters on the ground, and they also had strong consciousness.

Faced with the siege of a large number of monsters, they were unwilling to delay too much time. It was really a laborious task to break through the interception of these monsters.

Xu Xiao, the weakest among the group, was punched in the back by a monster in the shape of an orangutan, and his left hand was scratched by the claws of a light monster bird, leaving a deep wound.

These minor injuries were quickly healed by the healing power of the gods, but they more or less caused some consumption to Xu Xiao.

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