My avatar is a god

Chapter 55 A New Journey

Xu Xiao stood at a peak of the Daqing Mountains in the northernmost part of Qingshan County, looking at Qingshan County at his feet, his heart filled with pride.

Since two years ago, Xu Xiao and Lie Wushuang repelled the invading enemies of the Weiguo court, temporarily eliminated the external threat of Tianzun Sect, and devoted himself to internal development. Facing the threat of Xu Xiao and Lie Wushuang using Guantian Pavilion, Wei Boxing, representing the Weiguo court, agreed to many agreements that were humiliating to the country, but on the most critical issue of the scope of Tianzun Sect's missionary work, he never gave in and refused to agree to the Tianzun Sect's forces entering other counties of Weiguo.

In desperation, Xu Xiao had to take the opportunity to hit Wei Boxing hard and obtained a lot of cultivation resources. At the same time, Xu Xiao ordered the Tianzun Sect's forces to enter Qingshan County City in a large number, built the Tianzun Temple in the county city, and preached openly. In this way, the entire Qingshan County fell under the control of Tianzun Sect, and there was no major omission. In this regard, the Weiguo court had to acquiesce. Of course, there was a price to pay for the failure of the door-to-door pressure.

As for the secret infiltration of the Tianzun Church into the surrounding counties, it has never stopped. The missionary activities of the underground church are in full swing.

Faced with the powerful Tianzun Church, the Weiguo court chose to tolerate it temporarily. Xu Xiao was even happier. Time is always on his side. Every day that passes, the divine power accumulated by the God's clone will increase, and he who practices the "Ancient Nerve" will become stronger. When he has the strength to completely crush, the entire Weiguo will be in the pocket of the Tianzun Church.

In the past two years, Qingshan County, under the rule of the Tianzun Church, has achieved rapid development. Not only has the number of believers continued to increase, but the degree of piety has greatly increased. Under the governance of the Tianzun Church, people's livelihood has been greatly improved, and the living standards of civilians have been greatly improved. All families who devoutly believe in the Tianzun Church will receive help from the Tianzun Church in all aspects. As a result, almost every family in Qingshan County believed in Tianzun and worshipped the statue of the god.

Shanhe County, which was originally the most remote, became one of the centers of development of Tianzun Sect because of the mining of several metal mines.

Xu Xiao imparted the "Divine Craftsmanship Treasure Book" and "Shendao Hundred Arts" to the disciples of the sect without reservation. Relying on a batch of cultivation resources compensated by the Weiguo court as start-up capital, Tianzun Sect successfully mined several veins and established a long-term cooperative relationship with Baibao Pavilion.

It is worth mentioning that Baibao Pavilion, the largest Xiuxian merchant in Weiguo Xiuxian world, probably saw the development of Tianzun Sect. In order to facilitate transactions with Tianzun Sect, it specially set up a branch in Qingshan County, a remote place in the Xiuxian world. The director of the branch is an old acquaintance who has dealt with Tianzun Sect before, Xu Zhou, who was originally the director of the Nanhe County branch.

With stable mineral production, there is also a stable source of income. The disciples who practiced "Shinto Hundred Arts" relied on limited resources to initially establish the production system of Tianzun Sect, and it was developing and improving day by day. Tianzun Sect finally looked like a practicing force, no longer a poor and shabby one.

In Qingshan County now, Daluo Tianzun has become the only belief of the county people, and the power of Tianzun Sect has penetrated into every corner of Qingshan County. The government and the temple of the country have become a decoration. All the affairs of Qingshan County are in the hands of Tianzun Sect.

In every town, a Tianzun Temple was built and the statue of Daluo Tianzun was enshrined. Even the most remote villages have altars dedicated to Daluo Tianzun.

With each Tianzun Temple as the hub, each altar as the node, and all the families who believe in Daluo Tianzun and worship the statue of Tianzun as the basis, Xu Xiao initially established a divine power network that covers the entire Qingshan County according to the secret method of Shinto.

Through this divine power network, the movement of the entire Qingshan County can be monitored. Priests can save more divine power when performing divine arts within the divine power network. Shinto monks can improve their combat effectiveness within the coverage of the divine power network.

Xu Xiao's eyes were filled with divine power, and he carefully looked at the mountains and rivers of Qingshan County through the barriers of thousands of mountains and rivers. This is the business I founded. I have only been in this world for ten years, and I am still a child, but I have established such a foundation. I finally did not lose the face of a traverser. Although it is not as brilliant as making torpedoes at the age of three and missiles at the age of six, such achievements are enough to be proud of.

Xu Xiao retracted his gaze and looked to the north.

More than two years ago, I set a plan to develop to the north. However, due to various trivial matters, this plan was repeatedly delayed. Developing to the north is related to the future of my cultivation and the incarnation of the gods. It is a major matter and cannot be delayed any further.

Time flies. I am already ten years old this year. If I continue to delay, I will be old. Xu Xiao held up his cute round face and thought sadly.

At this time, a flying boat slowly approached from a distance.

At the bow of the flying boat, Xu Xiao's master Hu De stood quietly. The jumping maid Xiao Xuan did not hide her excitement of riding a flying boat for the first time. This girl is thirteen years old, but she still doesn't look stable.

The tall and golden-colored divine puppet Meng Dali stood quietly behind Hu De, keeping silent as always.

At the beginning, Xu Xiao spent a lot of effort to refine the divine puppet Meng Dali. After two years of Xu Xiao's continuous refinement without sparing his divine power, not only has his strength greatly improved, but he has also gained some simple intelligence.

Behind the flying boat was the priest Lin Feng, who was specially transferred from Nanhe County by Xu Xiao. In the past two years, Lin Feng presided over the underground church in Nanhe County, and his achievements in secret preaching were very remarkable. Xu Xiao, who was very optimistic about him, transferred him to his side to contribute to his northern development plan.

In the middle of the flying boat were the brothers Zhang Long and Zhang Hu, who were controlling the flying boat. Since the two brothers were rescued from Lijiafang City by Tianzun Sect, they took the initiative to join Tianzun Sect and served the church loyally.

They have been practicing the "Giant Spirit Fighting Sutra" all the time, which turned the two brothers into two little giants, whose height and body size are one size larger than ordinary people. The strong muscles contain amazing power.

Although he was eager to go to the northern desert, Xu Xiao was still very cautious in taking specific actions.

Qingshan County is his foundation, and he must not lose it. Xu Xiao not only left Lie Wushuang, the current top fighter of Tianzun Sect, to watch over the house, but also hardly drew out the elites of Tianzun Sect to follow him northward. He just selected a few useful subordinates to accompany him to the northern desert as the vanguard before Tianzun Sect's large-scale entry.

Xu Xiao lightly jumped onto the flying boat, took a last look at Qingshan County under his feet, and then gave the order with great enthusiasm.

"Towards the north, forward."

The flying boat turned its head lightly and flew towards the north.

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