My avatar is a god

Chapter 81: Meritorious Immortal

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There were still quite a few ghost soldiers left, but after the leader Guihao fled, all the organized resistance disappeared. Large groups of ghost soldiers, driven by the incarnation of divine power, fled in all directions like headless flies, without even the courage to pause for a moment, truly a crushing defeat.

Xu Xiao would not sit back and watch the enemy flee. In his eyes, these were not ghost soldiers or ghosts, but mobile stores of heavenly merit. Xu Xiao chased after them, using all his divine power to send these fleeing ghost soldiers into reincarnation at the fastest speed.

Occasionally, when he saw individual ghost soldiers with good roots and worth cultivating, Xu Xiao would not hesitate to consume his divine power to transform them into divine soldiers. It was only a short time after the ghost army collapsed that Xu Xiao killed thousands of ghost soldiers again, and he had hundreds more divine soldiers under his command.

At this time, when the ghost army was already defeated, the priest Lin Feng, the maid Xiaoxuan, the brothers Zhang Long and Zhang Hu, the divine puppet Meng Dali, etc., who had received Xu Xiao's message, had already led the original divine soldiers to kill out of the settlement and joined the ranks of chasing and killing the fleeing ghost soldiers.

In the back of the battlefield, the people of Shenbing Town who had been watching the whole battle were all in disbelief.

"It's a victory, such a ghost army was defeated like this." Jiang Yan murmured a few words, and was in a daze with her brother Jiang Bo.

The leader Ye Lao was stunned for a while, and then his eyes shot out a different look, and said to Hu De next to him: "Congratulations, brother, congratulations on your great victory and the defeat of the invading ghost army."

Although he was a devout believer of Daluo Tianzun, Hu De did not expect Xu Xiao to win so quickly and so easily.

Hu De tried to keep his face calm and said in a confident tone: "As the earthly representative of Daluo Tianzun, our leader has infinite divine power given by Tianzun. It is really not worth mentioning to kill a few ghosts."

In another direction of the battlefield, people from Huangshaji also witnessed the whole battle.

As the son of the second elder of Huangshaji, Wang Li is not an ignorant person without knowledge, but he is still frightened by the amazing strength displayed by Xu Xiao. His iron-green face is very ugly. After being stunned for a long time, he ordered: "Let's go, rush back to Huangshaji as soon as possible, and report what happened here to the elders."

The flying boat turned slightly and embarked on the return journey to Huangshaji. Wang Li was full of worries. Such an alien dragon that crossed the river so arrogantly broke into the northern desert. As a local snake, how should Huangshaji deal with it? Especially after his useless brother had already clashed with the other party and was killed by the other party. What attitude would his father take to face the other party?

Xu Xiao and his men were not disturbed by any external forces in their pursuit of the fleeing ghost soldiers. The completely defeated ghost soldiers did not put up any decent resistance. The biggest trouble was that there were too many ghost soldiers and they fled too fast, so it was difficult to catch all of them.

The Great Northern Desert was vast and boundless. Once the ghost soldiers fled in all directions, it would be difficult to completely wipe them out.

Xu Xiao's pursuit lasted for a whole day and night until the fleeing ghost soldiers were completely broken into pieces and fled without a trace. It was no longer worth his time and energy to waste, so he stopped the pursuit.

Of course, Xu Xiao's no longer chasing these ghost soldiers did not mean letting them go. In the future, Xu Xiao would send disciples of the Tianzun Sect to cooperate with the divine soldiers of the sect to regularly conduct dragnet patrols in the Great Northern Desert to completely wipe out all the fish that slipped through the net.

In Xu Xiao's conception, the Great Northern Desert would be dominated by human forces in the future, and there would be no room for ghost forces to exist.

After this battle, Xu Xiao gained a lot. Most of the 50,000 invading ghost army were sent into reincarnation by him, which made him gain a lot of Heavenly Dao Merit. Of course, he selected several thousand potential ghost soldiers, spent a lot of divine power to transform them into divine soldiers, and lost a lot of Heavenly Dao Merit. After deducting the two, the Heavenly Dao Merit was not great.

However, these thousands of newly transformed divine soldiers are the biggest spoils of this war. As long as they are trained and reorganized, the Tianzun Sect will get an elite army to protect the sect.

When Xu Xiao returned to the settlement, the guests of Shenbing Town had been waiting for a long time.

When Hu De introduced Xu Xiao to Ye Lao, Xu Xiao couldn't help but look at Ye Lao several more times, and his heart was shocked. Similarly, Ye Lao has been observing Xu Xiao carefully, not missing any details.

"Old Ye, this is our sect leader Xu. He is the earthly representative of the Supreme God Daluo Tianzun, who walks the world on behalf of Tianzun and saves all living beings."

"Master, this old Ye is the elder of Shenbing Town. He has excellent medical skills and has saved countless people. Old Ye is highly respected and has the ability to save the world and the people."

The current Tianzun Sect has only been established for a few years, and there are not many red tapes. The leader does not need to go through a long and boring procedure to meet guests.

"I really didn't expect that in a place like the northern desert, there are actually powerful people who practice the way of merit and virtue. Old Ye is really not simple. He actually chose such a difficult path." Xu Xiao said with a smile, and there was no lack of respect in his tone.

"Master, you are too kind. I am just a useless old man. I had no choice but to embark on the path of merit and virtue." Being seen through by Xu Xiao at a glance, Old Ye did not have any dissatisfaction.

The so-called path of merit immortals is a method of cultivating through accumulating merit. Compared with ordinary immortals, immortals who practice the path of merit immortals consume less external resources, but rely more on the tribe.

Of course, most of the merit immortals accumulate human merit, and Ye Lao is no exception.

Junchen Realm is a world ruled by immortals, and it is also a world where human power has an absolute advantage. Human power is booming, and there is naturally a great destiny in the dark.

Heavenly Dao is the incarnation of the will of the entire Junchen Realm. In the terms of Eastern mythology, the will of Heavenly Dao is Hongjun. If in the terms of Western mythology, the will of Heavenly Dao is A.O, which is Gaia.

And humanity is the will of all human beings in Junchen Realm, and the pan-conscious combination of souls can be called Alaya.

If you persist in doing things that are beneficial to humanity and the human race for a long time, you will gain human merit and be blessed by human destiny in the dark.

Ye Lao practiced the way of the immortal of merit, and judging from the light of merit that enveloped him, he had made a great contribution to the human race. If such an immortal cultivator were to be beaten and killed at will, the killer would be retaliated by the will of humanity.

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