My avatar is a god

Chapter 89 Alliance (Part 2)

In the original agreement between Tianzun Church and Shenbing Town, the main thing was that Tianzun Church supplied a large amount of food to Shenbing Town to help Shenbing Town improve its natural environment, improve soil, and increase food production. When the warriors of Shenbing Town fought against the ghost forces, Tianzun Church provided therapeutic medicines such as Ganlin Holy Water, and sent priests and Shinto monks to fight with them.

Of course, there were some differences between the two sides. Although Shenbing Town agreed to fully open Shenbing Town, allowing the priests of Tianzun Church to preach within the influence of Shenbing Town. However, the priests of Tianzun Church could not use coercive means to force people who did not want to believe in religion to believe in religion.

For this restriction, the high-level officials of Tianzun Church, including Xu Xiao, did not care much. Originally, Tianzun Church had always paid attention to its own image, at least it would not force others to believe in religion on the surface. As for the various means used secretly, that was another matter.

In a place like the Great Northern Desert where supplies are extremely scarce, even providing a full meal is attractive enough to attract many pseudo-believers. As for how to slowly transform pseudo-believers into devout believers, the priests of Tianzun Sect are already very experienced.

Now, Xu Xiao took the initiative to provide enough weapons and armor to fully equip the warriors of Shenbing Town, which shows his sincerity in forming an alliance.

In fact, after the God's clone was promoted to the late stage of the second heaven of the God, the priests of Tianzun Sect had a lot of magic. These magics were developed by Xu Xiao using the power of the God's clone for the needs of the northern desert.

Not to mention the magic of water making and rain spells, there are also magic of fertilizing the soil, powerful magic of transcendence and purification specially prepared for ghosts. Of course, magic like production will not take effect in one or two days.

Considering the need to improve the combat effectiveness of the warriors of Shenbing Town as soon as possible, Xu Xiao remembered the forging techniques of various weapons and armors recorded in the "Divine Craftsmanship Treasure Book", and asked the craftsmen in the sect to make them with all their strength.

The leader of Tianzun Sect, Xu Xiao, took the initiative to offer huge benefits, which made Jiang Tianfang fall into deep thought. He is not a person who takes advantage of others for nothing. After what he has seen and heard under the rule of Tianzun Sect during this period of time, although there are still many differences between the two sides, at least for now, facing the upcoming humanitarian crisis, Tianzun Sect is a trustworthy ally. Moreover, Tianzun Sect's good attitude towards the mortals under its rule is also completely in line with the philosophy of Shenbing Town.

Jiang Tianfang thought for a long time before saying: "I heard that your sect has a secret method that can transform ghost soldiers into divine weapons. Now, the number of divine weapons accumulated by your sect should be quite a lot."

In addition to the three major ghost forces in the northern desert, there are also many lone ghosts. During this period of time, Xu Xiao ran around and encountered ghosts. In addition to purifying them, he tried to transform those potential ghosts into divine weapons. He even began to use the God's clone to give the divine art of conversion to some senior priests, so that they could help convert ghosts and transform into divine weapons.

Although there is no detailed calculation, a rough idea is that the current number of divine soldiers in Tianzun Sect is nearly 10,000.

This kind of thing is not a secret, and Xu Xiao has no intention of hiding it.

"Yes, our sect can indeed transform some ghost soldiers with good roots into magic soldiers. So far, there are almost tens of thousands of magic soldiers."

"In the town of magic soldiers, Elder Wen Zhou is not only a martial arts master, but also his ancestors come from a military family of generals, and the secret art of military strategists has been passed down from generation to generation. He is good at training soldiers and selecting generals. If Master Xu does not mind, I can ask Elder Wen Zhou to come and help your sect train magic soldiers."

Jiang Tianfang's words brought Xu Xiao a huge surprise. It is really a good deed that good things are rewarded.

The secret art of military strategists is rare, and masters who are proficient in the secret art of military strategists are even rarer. Tianzun Sect is also a powerful force in Weiguo, but after all the effort, it has only obtained some ordinary generals. Experts who are proficient in the secret art of military strategists have never been seen.

Unexpectedly, in such a barren land as the Great Northern Desert, this regret was made up and a huge shortcoming was made up. The divine power of the avatar of the gods is originally a higher power than the power of the ghosts. The individual combat power of the divine weapons transformed from the divine power is far superior to that of the ghosts. After tens of thousands of divine weapons have been trained in the secret art of military strategy, they are definitely a force that can sweep across the four directions.

Xu Xiao has even begun to plan in his mind to speed up the transformation of divine weapons and expand the scale of divine weapons as much as possible.

"Since Protector Jiang has such good intentions, I will not refuse it. Our sect will definitely receive Elder Wenzhou with the highest etiquette."

"In addition, please rest assured, Protector Jiang, I will definitely urge the craftsmen in the sect to speed up the production of weapons and armor. Strive to let all warriors in the Divine Weapon Town get satisfactory equipment in the shortest time."

Elder Ye took the initiative to express his willingness to invite Elder Wenzhou, who is proficient in the secret art of military strategy, to come to Tianzun Sect to help train divine weapons, and he is also happy to see it happen.

Ye Lao originally had this idea, but he thought that he was from Shenbing Town after all, and he was already very inclined to Tianzun Sect. If he took the initiative to bring up this matter, it might make people in Shenbing Town have other bad ideas, thinking that he had completely surrendered to Tianzun Sect. Now Jiang Tianfang took the initiative to bring up this matter, which not only solved the problem, but also avoided his embarrassment.

With this, the atmosphere between the two sides became more harmonious and friendly. Many issues that were originally difficult to discuss can be solved openly.

Seeing that the auspicious time had arrived, Xu Xiao and the visitors from Shenbing Town came to the square in front of Tianzun Temple. After a series of tedious ceremonies and red tape, the two sides offered sacrifices to heaven and earth together, with heaven and earth and gods as witnesses, and the two sides concluded an alliance, worked together to fight the impending humanitarian crisis.

After the ceremony was completed, someone was naturally responsible for the specific work, and Xu Xiao returned to the quiet room of Tianzun Temple alone.

Originally, Xu Xiao was planning to carry out a comprehensive sweep of the ghost forces in the northern desert in the near future. But now it seems that this plan will be postponed.

First, it is necessary to wait for Wen Zhou, the elder of Shenbing Town, to train the divine soldiers of the sect with the secret art of the military. Training soldiers is a time-consuming thing, and it is not a one-day job. To train strong soldiers who can really fight against powerful immortal cultivators, it requires long-term, persistent and high-intensity training.

Second, it takes a long time for the craftsmen of Tianzun Sect to create various weapons and armor. In order to strengthen the fighting power of the warriors in Shenbing Town, the wait during this period is completely worth it.

Plans are always slower than changes, Xu Xiao sighed in his heart. Of course, the set plan is not unchangeable, so let the ghost forces in the northern desert be arrogant for a few more days.

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