My Backpack Can Add Attributes

111: Ready To Start, Excited Ye Shen【2】

The crocodile is the overlord of this area.

Any creature that comes in front of it will become food.

At this time, it happened to be hungry, and saw a human being appearing in front of itself. In the past, human beings were all food in its eyes, but now it doesn't know how many human beings it has eaten.

In its immature thoughts, this human being will become its food as before.

Just the next moment.

When facing the terrifying crocodile with its bloody mouth wide open, almost enough to swallow an adult in one gulp, Ian's expression was extremely calm, but with a wave of his right hand, a strong suction suddenly came from nowhere .

next moment.

The figure of the giant crocodile disappeared directly in place.

And Ian, after a smile appeared on his face, his figure also disappeared.

With a thought.

Ian appeared in the palm world.

At this time, in the palm of the world, in a lake.

The figure of the mutated crocodile appeared here.

The unfamiliar environment made it more irritable, roaring and roaring in all directions.

And Ian's figure has already appeared in midair. When he saw Ian in midair, the mutated crocodile roared towards 940 days.

Ian looked calm, just said lightly. "Quiet."

After the voice fell, the corner of Ian's mouth raised, and with a wave of his right hand, the Yan Yajian in his dantian flew out, flying in the sky for a moment, turning into a streamer, and then landed on the head of the mutated crocodile.

Ian touched his chin and smiled lightly. "If you dare to yell a few more times, I will cut off your head with a sword. Do you hear me clearly?"

The mutated crocodile itself is not comparable to ordinary crocodiles. As a consecrated person, Ian can tell that this mutated crocodile has become much smarter during his absence.

In other words, the spirituality was initially born, but it was still very immature.

But if you understand your own words, there is no problem.

as expected.

I saw Ian's voice fall.

The crocodile just groaned, and there was a look of fear in its eyes, as if it felt the breath of death, and it didn't dare to roar any more.

See here.

Ian nodded in satisfaction.

With a thought, the dialogue signal was activated.

Let this crocodile live here and not run around.

Originally, he wanted this crocodile to become a monster like Shi Lingming, but this crocodile is different from Shi Lingming. Although it has spirituality, it is not because of cultivation, but because of the meteorite at the beginning.

Therefore, even if the current world has a strong aura, it is not enough to make it a monster.

Fortunately, Ian didn't care too much about it.

It's enough that the crocodile is here.

Besides, it is a mutated crocodile itself, and the aura of this world is extremely rich compared to the outside world, so there may be the possibility of mutating again. At that time, everything on this crocodile may be a treasure to Ian.

Thinking of this, Ian smiled.

With a thought.

Appeared in another place in the palm world.

This is a void.

At this time, there are eight red fruits floating here.

It's Zhu Guo.

Ian looked at Zhu Guo, stroked his chin and thought about it.

Three remained.

The remaining five vermilion fruits, with Ian's right hand waved, turned into red streamers and scattered to all parts of the world.

The five vermilion fruits all turned into a single seed, which was planted in different corners of the world.

A large amount of spiritual power originally contained in them has been transformed into the nourishment of these five seeds. Ian can clearly feel that these five vermilion fruit seeds have taken root and sprouted not long after they were planted. (cafa)

The growth rate is very fast.

But that's all.

God knows how long it will take to fully mature and bear vermilion fruit.

shook his head.

Ian stopped thinking about it.

After a thought, he left the palm world.

The mutated crocodile has been dealt with, and it's time to go back and tell Ye Shen, let him send the dead soldiers of the Ye family to start digging the Golden City.

This time, Ian didn't need to go back. Instead, he flew directly with his sword, shuttling through the woods.

In just one hour, they reached the primitive tribe.

This is also the reason why his realm is not high, otherwise, if the realm is higher, such a small distance can be reached in a few minutes.

And when Ian arrived at the primitive tribe.

Watching Ian standing on the flying sword, suspended in mid-air.

In particular, the flying sword still exudes a faint blue light.

In an instant, those primitive people knelt down devoutly as if they were worshiping gods.

And Ye Shen also fell into a sluggish state.

Immediately after returning to his senses, envy suddenly appeared in his eyes.

He knew that Ian had become a cultivator, but this was the first time he had seen such a thing as flying with a sword, and he was inevitably shocked and envious. He didn't know when he would be able to do this, and walk with a sword?

Can I become a cultivator myself?

Ye Shen became inexplicably suspicious.

But soon, he became firm again.

before coming.

He still remembered what Ian said to himself.

It was in the car, what Ian said to himself.

His own qualifications may not be good, but after Ian rises, once there is a way to improve his qualifications, Ian should help himself find a way.

Ye Shen firmly believed in this.

Naturally, Bian An didn't know what was going on in Ye Shen's mind.

But at this time, Ian had a thought, and a Vermillion Fruit appeared in Ian's palm.

Putting away the flying sword, Ian came to Ye Shen step by step, handed Zhu Guo over, and said slowly. "Take it, this thing is just right for you."

Looking at the fruit in Ian's hand, although he didn't take it, Ye Shen could also feel a burning sensation, it must be something extraordinary, so he asked curiously.

Ian laughed. "Zhu Guo, you can improve your aptitude.


pause time.

Ye Shen was shocked.

Immediately afterwards, a look of excitement appeared in his eyes...

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