My Backpack Can Add Attributes

135: Power Of Swiftness

"Get rich, get rich, there are four ability choices!"

Ian was pleasantly surprised. You must know that there are usually only three options, and only some special items can have four options.

"I don't know where this leopard was caught. Maybe it has absorbed some natural and earthly treasures. I have to ask Fatty Wang later."

"Now let's think about what to add."

Ian couldn't help being caught in a dilemma. The first ability to bite had already been ruled out by him. He didn't want to bite others with his mouth, that would be too cheap. But he wants the last three abilities and attributes!

Swiftness, as the name implies, is fast, able to move at the speed of sound for a short period of time, which is equivalent to teleportation to the naked eye, and can attack opponents unexpectedly.

Ian thought about it for a while, and felt that this ability is simply too strong. Not only can he attack, but he can also instantly distance himself from the enemy, and encounter opponents whose strength is far superior to his own.

Can attack and defend.

Speed ​​plus 0.5! This is not a small amount, although it is much slower than swift, but it adds to the overall attribute, whether it is movement speed or attack speed. Unlike swift, it can only move quickly at 790 for a short period of time.

And danger perception is also a rare ability, which can sense the murderous aura towards oneself and designated people within a few kilometers. In this way, those who want to sneak attack him will have no chance.

Although he is not afraid of sneak attacks, he is not tired of it. It would be better if he could find out in advance and solve the troubles earlier.

Ian thought about it carefully, and decided to choose one from Swiftness and Danger Perception. After all, many items can increase the speed attribute, but Swiftness and Danger Perception are things that can be encountered but not sought after.

"Let's learn swiftness first. I feel that it will be more useful to me. The current enemies are enough to deal with it. Improving your own strength is the key. If you are lucky, you can meet the leopard again."

In a split second Ian made his decision.

"Choose Swift!"

"Get Swift!"

A lightness felt in Ian's legs, and his whole body became light.

Ian lifted his legs, the muscles in his legs were full of strength, and Ian knew that now he could be as elusive as a leopard.

As his power grows, and there are more and more women around him, all kinds of troubles will only become more frequent in the future. It is still very important to perceive danger in advance, but for the sake of speed, he has to reluctantly give up danger perception.

"It's a pity, it seems that it's time to form a security team."

After thinking about it, Ian still thinks that it is more reliable to use robots for security. After all, robots absolutely obey orders and are not afraid of death. They are simply born to do security work.

"Well, I'll ask Yi Xue to prepare when I get back. When the time comes, I'll give them two robot bodyguards. It's safe and eye-catching." Ian thought happily.

Now Yi Xue has the rhythm of becoming his big housekeeper. Whether it is the affairs of the company or these life affairs, she can handle them all, which makes him feel a lot easier.

"Hey, how did this door open?"

A very puzzled voice came into Ian's ears, obviously someone had noticed the movement here.

"Someone is coming, slip away."

Ian used swift, and an afterimage floated in front of the waitress, but the waitress didn't seem to see anything.

"Why is it suddenly windy?"

The waitress tossed her hair in confusion.

"Mr. Wang, something big is wrong." A staff member swallowed, tremblingly said to Fatty Wang.

Don't look at Fatty Wang as a good-natured master, but in front of the guests and under his subordinates, he is an uncompromising master, so the subordinates who came to report were scared out of their wits.

"What is panic, don't you see that I am talking to the guests?"

Fatty Wang gave the staff a hard look, but he still apologized to the customer and dragged the staff to a corner.

"What's the fuss, if you don't have a reasonable reason, you pack up and leave me immediately, you hate people disturbing me when I am entertaining guests.

"Mr. Wang, the leopard we caught ran away."

"What? Run away? What are you eating? Do you know that I used it to entertain distinguished guests?" Fatty Wang gritted his teeth and glared at his subordinates.

"We obviously locked three locks, but that leopard seems to have evaporated from the world, I..." The staff was sweating profusely, and couldn't even speak.

"Could it be that there is still a ghost, it can still fly?"

"Mr. Wang, do you think it will become a leopard spirit?"

"Football, if you are a leopard, you will be the first one to eat when you catch it.

"I'll deal with you later."

Fatty Wang left angrily. He couldn't allow Fatty Wang to think too much. Now his most urgent thing is how to explain to Ian. After all, he was boasting. Now that the leopard disappeared temporarily, he was worried that Ian would suspect that he was playing tricks on him on purpose. up.

"Hey, isn't this offending people for no reason? It's true." Fatty Wang sighed.

Here, after Ian came back from the little black room without anyone noticing, he pretended nothing happened, and chatted happily with Zhong Niannian and Ning Lele.

"Lele, eat more of this, the collagen is rich in amino acids, it's whitening."

"OK, all right."

Ning Lele shyly took a chopstick of venison from under Ian's chopsticks.

"Come on, Nian Nian, this is a great tonic, what you eat will make you better." Ian teased meaningfully.

"I hate it." Zhong Niannian blushed, but obediently took the spoonful of soup that Ian gave her.

After wandering for a while, Fatty Wang still took a deep breath and knocked on the door of Ian's box.

"Boss Yi, is the food okay? Is there anything you don't like? I'll teach them a lesson." Fatty Wang said with a smile while filling Ian with wine.

"The taste is quite suitable, but I have been waiting for that golden leopard. Just hearing the name is auspicious."

Ian asked the question knowingly. When he said this, no one would suspect that the leopard's disappearance had anything to do with him.

Sure enough, after hearing Ian's words, Fatty Wang immediately broke out in cold sweat. Not to mention doubting Ian, now just thinking about how to convince Ian to believe his words.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Yi. My subordinates are incompetent and let that leopard run away. To express my apology, Mr. Yi please don't dislike this thing."

After speaking, Fatty Wang quickly took over a task from the waiter behind him.

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