My Backpack Can Add Attributes

176: Perspective (For Automatic Subscription)

Sure enough, as Ian speculated, if you put playing cards in your backpack, something related to gambling will appear.

However, it is very difficult for Ian to choose among thousands of spells, clairvoyance, and card counting abilities.

Thousands of techniques are probably only useful for gamblers, and Ian does not rely on gambling to make a living, so it is not very practical.

Moreover, such things as stealing cards may not be 100% successful. After all, the current technological means are so advanced that it is very likely that they will be photographed by hidden cameras and then analyzed slowly.

The ability to remember cards is quite good, because it has characteristics that clairvoyance does not have.

The objects that can be penetrated by this perspective are limited. When the cards are superimposed, it is very likely that the cards cannot be seen clearly. In addition, some players like to hide the cards in their hands, so the perspective may be blurred and the error "five nine seven" will appear. It's not wrong, but once you see it, it's very reliable.

However, the ability to memorize cards is through the way the croupier shuffles the cards, remembers the position of the cards clearly through the memory of the brain, and thus roughly judges the size of the opponent's cards.

But it is not accurate, because the difference is thousands of miles away, it may be a small error, which leads to a completely different size of the card. I feel that others are all scattered small cards, so that you will not lose any pants.

Generally speaking, thousands of tricks are risky, perspective requires good opportunities, and the ability to memorize cards depends on luck.

So Ian finally chose perspective, after all, this thing can be used in other places. For example, in business negotiations, if you can see other people's psychological quotations in advance, it is equivalent to being invincible.

"I choose clairvoyance!"

"Choose success and gain perspective. You will be able to penetrate the substance itself and see what is inside the object. Currently, the penetrating ability is the most basic, and can only see through paper, cloth, opaque glass and other items, but this ability has growth potential. Special circumstances can trigger an escalation."

"Perfect, and it can even be upgraded. If it reaches the full level, wouldn't it be awesome, hehehe, it can be done through walls..." Ian thought excitedly.

"Backpack backpack, under what circumstances can the upgrade be triggered?"

"This, that, is a special case." The backpack said a little stuttering.

"Okay, okay, you gave me a card when the question was critical, was it on purpose? Forget it, let's do this first, don't give me a crash." Ian couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said, but in this state, he It is already very satisfying, what is not available is the best, the harder it is to obtain, the stronger the ability.

Ian took out a playing card and experimented. He found that as long as he didn't cover his hands tightly, he could see the words on the poker clearly. It's just that the words of a deck of poker are superimposed densely, which makes him feel very dizzy.

"Huh, you can't watch so much at once, you still have to take your time."

However, Ian is already full of confidence. In the next possible gambling, Ian does not feel flustered at all.

After a brief tidying up, Ian came out, but when he returned to the lobby, he saw a young man beside Xiang Miaoyin. Looking at Xiang Miaoyin's helpless face, he knew that this person was the one she said pestering her.

"Hey, why did you attract flies just by going to the toilet?" Ian pretended to slap a fly, and waved it against the air next to him a few times.

But anyone who saw Ian's actions would know that he was criticizing Sang Huai. Although he didn't say it to the young man from the beginning to the end, but there were only three of them present, and they knew it well.

"You..." The young man suddenly became annoyed.

"Let me introduce, this is He Junjie and Shao He who came from Aocheng. This is Mr. Yi." Xiang Miaoyin quickly intervened in the middle, she didn't want Ian and He Junjie to make a fuss in the hall.

Ian seemed to understand her thoughts, walked directly to Xiang Miaoyin's side, then put his arms around Xiang Miaoyin's waist, and smiled slightly at Xiang Miaoyin, looking like a couple

The moment Ian touched Xiang Miaoyin's waist, Xiang Miaoyin's body trembled. She, who had seen strong winds and waves before, would not feel any strangeness in the face of such a situation.

But regarding Ian's actions, she herself didn't find that she didn't resist at all, and even felt a little relieved.

"Let me also introduce. This is my girlfriend Xiang Miaoyin. You must know the rest, so I won't say more..0" Ian looked at He Junjie with a smile, his eyes full of provocation .

"Then I hope you can have a good time, sir. I'm sorry." He Junjie said with a forced smile.

But in fact, he was already burning with anger, but his family education since he was a child gave him a certain degree of fortitude, knowing how to endure his emotions, and then give the enemy a fatal blow at a critical moment.

As a descendant of the gambling king of Aocheng, he grew up in the underworld since he was a child. Those who speak harshly when they meet are the lowest-level gangsters, and they can't get on the stage.

Those who really stand at the top of the underworld food chain all claim to be civilized people and don't fight easily. But in fact, they are all demons who can kill without blood. He has ten thousand ways to make your life worse than death, such as attacking your wife, children and parents, dismembering your family without killing you, etc.

And He Junjie grew up by his father's side since he was a child, and he has learned a little bit of his father's ruthless style of conduct. When dealing with opponents, he usually performs all kinds of torture himself.

"Flies are gone at last."

"Boss Yi, your hand..." Xiang Miaoyin said awkwardly. Although it made her feel very safe, she had already driven He Junjie away, and she couldn't justify letting Ian hug her.

"This guy may still be watching us secretly. If he finds out that I am not your boyfriend, he will definitely continue to harass you at 0.8, so let's continue acting."

Ian said without blushing and without heartbeat, as if what he said was just and right, just to be nice to Miao Yin. .

"Yeah." Xiang Miaoyin responded in a low voice, not sure if it was because of shyness or happiness.

"Brother Yi, I didn't expect you to be here." Cheng Gaoming said to Ian very happily.

He just saw a person who looked like Ian from a long distance, but he had never seen Ian come to this kind of reception, so he couldn't confirm it for a while. But after staring at him, he looked more and more like him, so he simply walked over and found that it was really Ian.

"Is your kid here too?" Ian directly punched him on the chest, making him howl. Ian's physical fitness is so strong that not ordinary people can withstand his punch.

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