My Backpack Can Add Attributes

185: High Temperature Resistance (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

"Let me see.

Ian curiously took the box that Tian Hou handed over, and found that there was an animal that looked like a skinned snake, but it had two small feet, very small eyes, and the whole body was like a curled up section. plastic hose.

"I really haven't seen it before. I want this thing." Ian became curious and bought it directly. Now this little money doesn't matter to him.

"I'll pay attention to you next time." Uncle Tian Hou happily took Ian's money and said, this is more profitable than his normal pet sales.

"I've never seen this thing before, let's see what abilities it can add." Like a curious baby, Ian killed the mole lizard and put it in his backpack.

"The mole lizard, an endangered species, is produced in the Americas. Because of its extremely poor reproductive ability, it is already on the verge of extinction. It has strong heat resistance and lives near volcanoes.

"Could this guy be neighbors with Xiao Huang?" Ian thought suddenly. This guy has strong heat resistance, and Xiao Huang can breathe fire, which is really a perfect match, maybe it is really a volcanic species.

"please choose."

"1. High temperature resistance!"

"2. Speed ​​+0.3!"

"3. Spirit~Power +0.5!"

"High temperature resistance can make you completely unaffected in an environment of 500 degrees Celsius, you can stay for a long time below 2000 degrees Celsius, and you can stay for a short time below 3000 degrees Celsius."

"I choose high temperature resistance."

"Choose success, get - high temperature resistance."

Immediately, Ian dared to feel a wave of heat rushing into his heart, his whole body was like being engulfed in a sea of ​​fire, and his skin felt a burning sensation.

"Damn it, I feel like people are going to blow themselves up. I'm afraid it's not a cult." Ian panted heavily and complained.

Fortunately, this uncomfortable feeling didn't last long. About half a minute later, Ian returned to normal, but the whole skin was still flushed, showing that Ian was really in great pain just now.

"Get a double reward for choosing. Please choose!"

"Hey, there is such a good thing again. It seems that the backpack is really random."

Ian didn't hesitate, and immediately chose Spirit +0.5. Not because of anything else, the value of Guan Shijia is 0.2 more, it is a good deal.

Ian looked at his mental strength, after this period of increase, it has reached 1.6, fully 10 times that of ordinary people.

"Such a strong mental power is still very useful. For example, it is more focused than ordinary people, and it is less likely to be emotional. At least it will not cause dementia, and it can also prevent madness when practicing." Ian thought with satisfaction.

"I'll try to see if the ability to resist high temperatures is good." Ian became interested, so he took out a lighter from his pocket, and put his hand on it after lighting it.

As a result, Ian only felt a warm feeling for a while, but there was no pain at all. Then I removed the lighter, and only saw some black smoke on my skin, which was produced by the burning of liquid gas. That lightly wiped off those black things, and then the whole hand didn't even have a trace.

"Well, the effect is not bad." Ian nodded in satisfaction.

Ian just walked around in the old community, saying hello to acquaintances when he saw them, thinking about the old days.

It's just that when he was walking, he came to a very narrow intersection that he had never been before, and there was a faint smell of oily smoke.

"Come on, it's a fire."

"Call 119 quickly.


"Let me go, I want to go in, my wife and child haven't come down yet." I saw a middle-aged man standing hysterically in front of the flaming five-story building, shouting and crying, and was dragged by several local residents to prevent him from letting him go. he goes in.

Because there are too many things piled up in the old community, such as some old chairs, sheds, and some fragments that are extremely flammable, and the source of the fire was caused by a dilapidated kitchen on the first floor. I was not extinguished in time after it happened, and then spread rapidly, and now it has been burned from the first floor to the fifth floor.

It is extremely unwise to go in at this time, because in the fire scene, first of all, the temperature is too high, and there is thick smoke from the fire, which is very poisonous and the visibility is extremely low. 70% of the deaths caused by the burning of the fire were caused by the fire blocking the way out and being choked to death by poisonous smoke.

Seeing that he couldn't get in, the middle-aged man simply sat on the ground and burst into tears. That deep sense of powerlessness is hopeless. At this time, I also smelled the sound and felt the burning building.

0 looking for flowers...

"What's the situation? Is there anyone else inside?" Ian asked curiously.

"My wife and children are still inside, on the fourth floor. They have already fallen asleep, and I was hungry, so I went out and drank a little wine. If only I were with them, I would definitely be able to bring them down. "The middle-aged man said regretfully.

"Only you, there can only be one more corpse on it." Ian couldn't help but slander, but he didn't say it out, this man was miserable enough, and if he said that again, it would be a little inhumane.

"Ahem, is there anyone else here?" Ian looked around and asked.

"My second sister's youngest daughter's sister-in-law's family lives here, and it seems that no one has come down." An enthusiastic uncle said.

"Also, there's no one at Old Wang's house next door."

"Lao Wang's wife and son have returned to her mother's house, so only Lao Wang next door is at home alone?"

"The old king next door is here." Ian felt powerless to complain for a while.

"The one was still at home yesterday, you misread it."

Immediately, these uncles and aunts fought together and started counting games one after another, but it seemed that they couldn't figure out how many people in the building hadn't escaped.

"Uh, forget it, I'll go up and look for it myself, and when these old men and aunts report their locations, those people will probably have been burned to ashes." Ian sighed and said, time is money now. If it was later, those people would have been choked to death either by being burned to death.

I saw Ian quickly took off his clothes, and then put the clothes neatly aside.

"Master, help me look at my clothes."

He quickly took a towel from the drying rack at the door of the house that hadn't been burned, soaked it, covered his mouth and nose, and then took off the bed sheet, which was also soaked.

"Okay. Hey, what are you doing, young man?" The uncle asked in surprise after he realized it. Seeing Ian's posture, he already understood what Ian was going to do, but he felt it was ridiculous.

"Young man, now is not the time to be a hero. This fire is so hot that you will die if you enter it. Let's wait for the firefighters to come to the factory."

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