My Backpack Can Add Attributes

203: Crazy Experience (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

Although it seems that driving is almost the same, the gap between top racers and ordinary people is just like you need to run 100 meters for more than ten seconds, while Bolt only needs to run for more than 9 seconds. win or lose.

Ian also had a dream of being a race car driver since he was a child. There is no man who doesn't like cars. It's just that I didn't have this opportunity before, those luxury cars can only be seen on TV magazines. But now as long as he wants, he can have the same garage as Ye Qingyu, even more luxurious than Ye Qingyu's.

He intends to let Yi Xue go to the world to collect some luxury cars from now on to enrich his garage. Some time ago, because he was too busy, he didn't pay much attention to it. Now thinking about it, it made him a little itchy.

But he also has a longer-term plan, that is, he plans to build his own car. Driving someone else's luxury car and spending so much money to buy it will only make others cheaper, and it doesn't fit Ian's character at all.

With his current mechanical manufacturing capabilities, he can completely develop his own engine and build faster and better cars. Coupled with Yi Xue's help, setting up a car company is not a problem at all. The current high-end car manufacturing is all abroad. If he can suddenly emerge, as long as he can produce world-class cars, the market will not be a problem at all.

But this is not something that happens overnight and needs to be discussed with Yi Zhong. Ian is still trying to figure out how to get the driving skills of a top racer.

However, Ye Qingyu kept talking to Ian while driving, but she didn't know that Ian's mind had wandered thousands of miles away. Ian had no choice but to deal with Ye Qingyu with a "hmmhhhh".

"Brother Yi, can you race a car?"

"Will it happen?"

"A little bit, if overtaking on the highway counts." Ian said jokingly.

"Hahaha, then I'm better than you. I also won the championship of Chengdu Women's Racing Amateur"~. "Ye Qingyu said excitedly, while turning her head to look at Ian frequently, her eyes were full of showing off, like "Praise me quickly. "

"It's amazing." Ian said cooperatively.

But Ian is currently experimenting crazily, what to put in the backpack to get the top driving skills.

First it puts in its own Mercedes key.

"please choose."

"1. The instruction manual of the Mercedes-Benz!"

"2. Structural schematic diagram of Mercedes-Benz!

"3. The car-making process of Mercedes-Benz!"

"The instruction manual of the Mercedes-Benz can let you fully understand the function of each part of the Mercedes-Benz, such as..."


Ian had no choice but to break the backpack. What are these things? It has nothing to do with driving skills. Mercedes-Benz's instruction manual, structural schematic diagram, and car-making process are all useless to him.

Ian had to change something and keep trying.

"Yes, put this in."

While Ye Qingyu was driving, Ian secretly flipped through a car magazine, and put the car magazine in his backpack.

"Car magazines, which record the latest 10 models, as well as some relevant information about racing competitions and players.

"You can get the following things."

"please choose!"

"1. History of automobile development!"

*2. Gossip information of all racing drivers!

"3. Physical fitness data of all racers!"

"Car history allows you to have the history of all cars and the models of all companies."

"Racing car driver's gossip information, including the racing car driver's race record on the field, and the car driver's emotional scandal.

"The physical fitness data of the racers, it allows you to clearly feel the various data indicators of all racers' bodies, as well as the changes in the data of various indicators during the competition.

"It's really cheating. The first two are just for charging, and the last one is useful for racers, but I don't want to be a racer either. It must be because I opened it in the wrong way, and then think about what to put." Ian Thinking secretly, this made him feel very desperate, but he couldn't blame the backpack, he used to put things in, and then choose a useful ability for him.

But now it is Ian who wants to obtain a certain ability and put in the item specifically. Of course, it is not so coincidental. The thing Ian put in happens to be able to obtain that ability. This is all probabilistic. But Ian didn't want to give up so easily, he was still trying.

If it weren't for the limited space in the backpack, Ian really wanted to stuff all these things into the backpack, anyway, it would only be good for him and not bad.

"Not this one."

"This doesn't work either."

"..." This is too cheating.

Ian put the car-related things into the backpack one by one, but all kinds of wonderful abilities and things came out, but he didn't have the driving skills of a top racer that he wanted.

Just when Ian was at a loss and didn't know what to do. Ye Qingyu's words suddenly reminded her.

"Brother Yi, can you hold my gloves for me? I'm going to speed up. If I drive without gloves for a long time, my hands will get callused." Ye Qingyu wrinkled her nose and said excitedly.

Now I have slowly driven out of the main road of the city, and came to the road to the suburbs, and the number of cars there has gradually decreased, which is suitable for overtaking and accelerating. Many second-generation people are also used to racing here, because their personalities They all have backgrounds and identities, and the traffic police can't afford to offend them, so they can only turn a blind eye, so this place has become an extrajudicial place for them to go for a ride, and Ye Qingyu is one of them.

"That's right, the things I put in just now are only related to the car (Honor, good), but the ability I want to obtain is the top driving skills of a racer. No matter what, I have to find one that is not only related to the car, but also to the racer. Something about it?" Ian thought suddenly.

"Brother Yi, what are you thinking?" Ye Qingyu saw that Ian hadn't responded, and turned to look at Ian in doubt.

"Oh, ok, where is it? I'll get it to you right away." Ian reacted.

"It's in the dark space in front of you."

Ian randomly opened the compartment and handed Ye Qingyu a pair of gloves, but he saw that there were several pairs of gloves inside. I took out a pair without any hassle.

"Speed ​​up." After Ye Qingyu put on her gloves, she kicked the gas pedal immediately, directly increasing the speed to 120 yards, and inserted in front of a car, and the speed did not slow down at all, but continued to increase the speed. The driver who was startled by the sound of the roaring accelerator almost slammed the steering wheel and hit the car next to him. .

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