My Backpack Can Add Attributes

48: Antique Street, Grimace Money (For Collection)

Early the next morning.

After waking up, Ian took a shower, had breakfast, watched TV for a while during breakfast, and saw the news about the arrest and sentencing of Wu Xuemin's family in the news of Rongcheng TV.

Ian didn't pay much attention to it, and after feeding the Tibetan Mastiff breakfast, Ian left.

Drive all the way to the city center.

Today I am going to treat Xiang Miaoyin to dinner, but it is morning, so I am not in a hurry.

Ian is going to visit the Antique Street in the city center today.

Antique Street is a street related to antiques. The items sold there are all related to antiques, including genuine and fake ones. Everything depends on your eyesight and knowledge base, otherwise it will be easy to suffer.

But for those with strength, it is also possible to pick up the leak, and once the leak is picked up, it is not a problem to easily earn hundreds of thousands.

Ian's purpose here.

Of course not for making money.

Just to see if I can find something out of the ordinary.

After all, most of the antiques were either passed down from the family since ancient times, or they were obtained from tombs.

Therefore, it can be said that there are some weird things in it, which can be said to be very normal.

What Ian wanted, was what was unearthed in those tombs.

Maybe there will be some unexpected gains.


Antique Street.

Although Rongcheng is a small city, its antique street is still very famous.

Because Rongcheng itself is surrounded by mountains, it is easy to find some geomantic treasures. Although most modern people don't believe in this thing, ancient people believed it very much.

Therefore, it is inevitable that the cemetery will be selected in the surrounding area. In the past, there were often tomb robbers in Rongcheng.

Therefore, many people who like antiques or pick up leaks will come to Rongcheng from other cities, in order to come to Rongcheng Antique Street to see if they can pick up leaks and the like, and maybe encounter good things.

Come to Antique Street.

Ian saw a bustling crowd at a glance.

On both sides of the street, there are various stalls and some antique shops with facades.

There are all kinds of things on these stalls.

Coins, china, etc.

All kinds, dazzling.

Ian put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked into the antique street. Although his basic knowledge in this area is not good, Ian is still very confident in his own eyesight.

Picking up leaks is naturally not just based on eyesight, but for Ian, especially the purpose is only for weird things, so it doesn’t matter whether you have basic knowledge or not, it depends on your senses and eyesight.

Because it is far beyond ordinary people, the feeling has always been more accurate.

If there is an earthquake in Rongcheng later, then Ian will definitely be more aware of this than ordinary people, just like some animals can detect earthquakes in advance.

This is the change brought about by the difference in strength.

Some weird things, with Ian's eyesight, can be easily found, and how to determine it depends on the feeling.

In addition, his purpose is not antiques, even if something goes wrong, it won't cost much.


Ian came to a stall.

The owner of this stall is an old man with a cigarette stick in his hand, yellow teeth, an old face but eyes full of spirit, obviously, he is old and strong.

Ian squatted down and looked at the old man's stall.

The old man's stall also has a lot of things. Although it is only a small stall, there are still a lot of things that should be available, such as coins and so on.

Ian glanced at the coins casually, and suddenly, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

His hand had originally grabbed a random handful of coins, ready to take a look at them, but one of the coins was obviously different from the others.

When he picked up the coins, Ian suddenly felt that one of the coins had an obvious cold feeling.

Today is the sun, and although there are some places on the street that are shaded, these coins are placed on the stalls, coupled with the scorching sun, they still have heat, but this coin feels cold to the touch, which is obviously different.

"It's interesting."

The corners of Ian's mouth curled up.

A gleam flashed in his eyes.

Then he looked carefully.

This is a ghost face money. The so-called ghost face money actually has a long history. It was handed down from the state of Chu in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods. It looks like a shell, blue in color, with some symbols on it.

Whether it's true or not, Ian doesn't know.

But this coin gave him a different feeling.

"Boss, how much are these coins?" Ian raised his head and asked about the handful of coins in his hand.

Hearing this, the old man put down his cigarette stick, glanced at the coin in Ian's hand, and said with a smile. "One thirty, the same price."


"That won't work, no second price."

"Okay, then I'll ask for less." Hearing this, a helpless look appeared on Ian's face, and he took out some of the coins in his hand, leaving only some grimace money, and said, "Forget it." "A total of thirteen, three hundred and nine, take it."

"Okay, welcome again." After receiving the money, the old man immediately showed a happy smile on his face.

Holding the coins, Ian got up and was about to leave.

But just a few steps away.

Ian was taken aback suddenly.

His ears moved slightly, and he heard a sudden murmur from the old man behind him.

"You are young, but your physique is strong. I don't know where he is from... Forget it, it has nothing to do with the old man."

The old man's voice was very low.

But Ian's physique has long been far from normal, so he can hear it naturally.

However, Ian didn't show anything unusual, he just recovered after a moment of stunned, cast his eyes at the old man without leaving a trace, and then left directly.

But in his heart, he remembered the old man's appearance.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he murmured in his heart. "interesting."

An old man can actually see his own physique.

Ian wouldn't believe it if he said he didn't have any special abilities.

Perhaps, this old man, even the people from the 'Dark Realm' might be.

With a calm look on his face, Ian continued to play in the antique street...

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