My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 114 The Harvest Day

Also in the afternoon.

Due to the proximity, the news that there were two taels of gold watches in the stockade spread down the mountain.

Los Angeles.

Upon receiving the news, all the major families couldn't help being shocked.

Two taels?

So soon there is a competitor? What's the situation? This is it!

"Who is selling the watch?"

"A former Orion, nothing special."

"Are there any other villages?"

"I don't know."


Unable to figure it out, they could only ask Shu Fu.

The people who sent it quickly brought back the reply they wanted, and there was a collective sigh of relief.

That's it, I was taken aback.

However, my heart was hot again.

Although the current watches are very popular, the price remains high. The reason why they are so popular is that this is a blank market.

And the blank space will eventually be saturated, and it will be very fast.

At that time.

Low-end watch relay is another long-term business, so I am happy to think about it.

. . .


Mingshan Square.

"What? Didn't open the door? I came here on purpose."

"Because there are too many such thoughts, people don't open the door."


More people who "come here for fame" stopped to take pictures.

Some are second-time shoppers, they came the day before yesterday, but the mood was very different. I came the day before yesterday because this store is very special.

Today is the owner of this shop, Niu Bai, and a piece of work was auctioned for a sky-high price of two million.

In 2009.

If two million is not spent indiscriminately, it will really save people from struggling!

. . .


The top of Qiheng Mountain.

"The parts are finally here!"

Shu Fu rubbed his hands with excitement.

There are a lot of parts piled up in front of him. He designed them himself and secretly processed them in a factory acquired from Indonesia.




That's right, he's going to build a car.

Of course, it is not a car, but a carriage. The distance to the two countries is not close. Generally, the carriage is too small, and the previous one is for Los Angeles.

Instead of buying one, build one.

It's pretty simple anyway.


The carriage made this time is a bit bigger.




Unlike ordinary carriages, in addition to springs, shock absorbers will be added to improve comfort.

In addition, there are a variety of internal storage and pull designs, refer to the low-end version of the RV.

The most important thing is not these, the entire site can be lowered to the ground, through trial and error, Shu Fu gradually determined the binding standard of the bank.

That is fixed or quasi-fixed.

As long as it is on the ground, and the piling is connected to the ground, and there is a certain area of ​​​​closeable objects, it can be bound.

Re-image point.

For example, if a container cannot be bound on the ground, but four steel pipes are welded around it, and the steel pipes penetrate into the ground more than ten centimeters.

You can reach the target.


This 'RV' can also transport people and things when needed.

In this way, if you encounter bad people, you can send your subordinates to help.


. . .

"Clang! Clang!"

"Zi! Zi!"


Shu Fu jingled the bells and palms and got busy.

As a designer, he naturally knows how to install it, and it took an hour to install the tires and chassis.

After testing the lifting and lowering, no problem, start to install the frame.

Steel frame, fixed with screws.

Then there is the car shell, a five-centimeter wooden board. Although it looks like a wooden board on the outside, it is inlaid with two layers of aluminum alloy boards, which cannot be pierced by ordinary snatchers.




Shu Fu didn't finish assembling such a big thing until three o'clock in the morning.

I have to say, compared to those carriages seen in Los Angeles, they are indeed bigger.

Also, quite heavy.

It takes a lot of effort to pull one horse, so three horses are standard.

The main roads of Baicheng have been repaired all year round, and there are no potholes. In addition, the bearings are excellent and the friction is small. As long as they don't run wild, three horses can do it.

In fact, he'd love to add an electric assist.

It's a pity that his level is limited, and he is still in the groping stage of mechanical design.

I can only figure out the simple mechanical structure in front of me, and add it later when I learn it.

As for finding someone to design?

never mind.

Leave something for yourself, just like the next rush, do nothing and spend it in the carriage?

Even if it is bound, once the bound object leaves the ground, it will be released.

Therefore, he wanted to go to the two countries, but he couldn't hang up.

. . .

Los Angeles.

There are three poles in the sun.

People from the major families gathered in the Shu Mansion again.

Compared with the last time, there were fewer patriarchs who came, after all, the headquarters of most families are in the main city.

For business matters, just start at the beginning, and someone else will do the rest. For the watch business, those families have sent important figures to garrison in Los Angeles.

If something happens, you can communicate in time.

All of them are smiling.

without it.

Because of making money.

The last time the goods had not been delivered to the place, they were all booked, and the money was lost.

It was the same this time, most of the 500 watches had already been reserved.

Just wait for the cash on delivery, don't make too much money.


Proper profiteering!

How much salt, iron, and grain must be sold to earn so much?

. . .

After entering the hospital.

They saw the big iron boxes again, two more than last time.

One by one's eyes are shining, apart from anticipation, there is also a little bit of lust.

no way.

The goods in an iron box are too valuable.

This transaction alone is 60,000 taels of gold, which is half of the property of many big families. It would be a lie to say that they are not tempted, but that's all.

Same as last time, one by one.



Boxes of gold were carried into the main room and stacked neatly and piled high.

. . .

While delivering the goods, Shu Fu told them the next delivery quantity.

"Six hundred, also in six days."


Families are eager to make reservations.

The quota is all used up, 600 yuan in one area, 100 more than this time, although it still cannot meet the market demand, it is growing.

. . .

Near noon, money and goods are cleared.

Someone came up and asked:

"Brother Shu, when will that low-end watch be launched in Baicheng?"

Many people also gathered together.

"How about thirty days later?" Shu Fu said to them.

One month later, if the current delivery schedule is followed, Baicheng's high-end watch market will be close to saturation.


It will be like the main store in Los Angeles, sales will continue to decline. After all, this is a luxury, not a necessity of life, let alone a consumable.

Late growth is weak.


It goes on sale in a month, which is a reasonable date.

"Thirty days?"


"That would be great."


The people of the major families are all smiling, thirty days is good!

If the speed of supply is once every six days, the introduction of low-end watches at that time is definitely the best connection.

. . .

After talking about everything, they left one by one.

After the people left, Shu Fu returned to the hall, looking at a room full of gold boxes, with a smile on his face.

Another harvest day.

Sixty thousand gold.

600 million.

In addition to the previous earnings, the gold in his hands is worth more than one billion yuan.

Thank you for the '98y07y' award!

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