Soon after.

Reported layer by layer, the commander of the Imperial Guard came to the deep palace of the Dayan Empire.



In an extremely luxurious room, the old emperor of the Dayan Empire was pale, coughing continuously, and took a sip of the unpleasant medicine, which made him feel better.

"The assassin escaped from the city?"


"Use all your strength to hunt down and lift the martial law in the imperial city."

After the old emperor listened to the report, he issued this order.


A little bit, but not much.

He is already like this, how can he still be in the mood to get angry, it's just an assassination attempt.

When I got angry again, I suddenly belched, it was really not worth it.

After all, there have been times worse than this several times over the years.

big prince.

Second Prince.

The white-haired people sent the black-haired people one after another.

Later, the third prince was disabled again, and all three of them were established as princes.

It has been carefully cultivated and has high hopes.


The assassination of a fourth prince is really not a big deal, and some reasoning even shows that the fourth prince may have participated in the incident of the first three sons.


If he wanted to be angry, he would have been irritated to death long ago.

It's not that he doesn't know the style of the imperial guards. The sooner the martial law ends, the less they will harm the people in the outer city.

As for the six hundred guards who died, they didn't even take it to heart.

The royal family is still cold-blooded towards their own people, let alone some guards.

. . .


Martial law in the imperial city was lifted.

The people rejoice.

The imperial guards were a little disappointed. This was just the beginning and it was about to end. Although they were unwilling, they had no choice but to retreat.

As for those who were just arrested, of course they were all released.

. . .

In the government office.

None of the bodies were moved.

The Nine Governors' Mansion sent people to investigate the scene. The Nine Governors' Mansion was also responsible for such a big incident, because they belonged to the intelligence agency of the empire.


The assassin's attack and killing can all be blamed. . . The information is not in place.


They are also stressed.

"The traces of the fighting on the scene are messy. Judging from the current situation, these people are all masters, and their strength level is even higher than when the fourth prince was assassinated."

"Otherwise, it would be impossible to kill six hundred guards without even dying."

"Of course, it is not ruled out that he used drugs in the government office to poison the imperial guards collectively."


"Preliminarily, it can be determined that the other party came to the government office after committing the crime, lured the surrounding imperial guards, and hunted and killed them."

"One of the main purposes is the inspector token."


"Except for the difference in strength, there is no other abnormality."


All parties agree with this conclusion, the number of people leaving the city matches the number of assassins, and the trajectory of their actions also matches, but there is a slight discrepancy in strength.

But it's not a big problem.

It's already messy enough that even if you have doubts, you don't want to make trouble.


If you have to come to the conclusion that 'assassins can't kill so many guards', then new missions will come again, don't you think there are not enough things?

As for the hunt outside the city.


Anyway, they are not optimistic.

Most of the surroundings of the Imperial Capital of Dayan were steep mountains, and it was quite difficult for more than a dozen people to drill into the mountains to catch them.

. . .

at this time.

Outside the imperial capital of Dayan.

On the official road.

Shu Fu sat in the carriage and started heading to the next destination.


The sound of horseshoes came, and there was a group of hundreds of imperial guards. A school lieutenant shouted:

"Did you see a dozen Janissaries riding past?"

"There is no front, but there is at the intersection with the pagoda." The guard pointed behind the imperial guard.

"Go back and chase, drive!"

A large group of Praetorians ran wildly in the wrong direction.

Then, Shu Fu's carriage galloped and disappeared into the official road, not afraid of those imperial guards chasing him at all.

Because he didn't lie.

Those people are not stupid.

Not long after leaving the city, he changed his clothes, threw off his horse, and ran into the forest. Only fools followed the official path. As for the dozen or so imperial guards, they were just patrolling outside the city.

move forward.

Shu Fu paid attention to the scene of the government office.

Nine governors' mansion.


Ministry of War.

The result of the three-party joint investigation was not what he expected. Shu Fu asked his subordinates to forge some traces after the inspector found the flaws in the wound.


Shu Fu couldn't help being shocked when he saw it.

Not to see the scene.

Instead, it simulates the screen.

Using the auxiliary chip, an entire on-site battle was simulated, but the number of our own side became more than a dozen people, and then there was a fierce fight.


A complete 'post-war scene' was formed.


Based on this result, forgery began.

Bloodstains, wounds, fallen bodies, cut blades, footprints. . . All faked again.

How much can be faked.


Shu Fu couldn't help but feel a little cold in his heart, he's so professional!

. . .

Although strongly suppressed.

However, there is no impenetrable wall, and it didn't take long for news that the assassin had escaped to spread throughout the imperial city.

And the news that more than 600 imperial guards had died caused even more uproar among the crowd.


"Oh my god! It's so cruel, that's six hundred guards."

"Are the guards already this weak?"


The people were surprised, and many of them applauded.

no way.

It's okay to talk about the inner city, but the common people in the outer city have suffered more than once from the imperial guards, and many of them hate it.

Now that someone indirectly spoke out for them, my heart suddenly cleared up.


On the surface, it is still necessary to condemn those assassins for their conscience and inhumanity.

. . .


"The assassins couldn't even be caught, and an inspector was killed, and 600 imperial troops were involved."

"Does this indicate that the Dayan Empire is about to end?"

Some people laughed when they got the news.

The world has never lacked people who want to subvert the rule of the empire.

Now, the emperor's health is about to fail, and the battle for the crown prince has become the biggest variable in the imperial city.

No matter who is appointed as the crown prince, the imperial city will be in chaos.

Except Chujun.

There is another unstable factor in the Dayan Empire-princes from all over the country.

The right to private soldiers.

There may not be much in the early days of the empire, but it has become a trend now. If these forces also participate in the battle for the throne, it will be even more lively.

. . .

three days later.



Shu Fu stood quietly by a big river.

Across the river is another empire.


Nanyu Empire.

In fact, one of the sources of this river is the river in Yuancheng, which is also the border between Nanyu and Dayan.


The horses were retracted, and the carriage slowly drove towards the river.

The four large tires themselves, together with the newly installed ring around them, and the two large pontoons installed under the chassis, kept the carriage from sinking into the bottom of the water.

to a certain depth.


The inflatable cushions on the left and right crossbars inflate to maintain balance.


The boat turned with an electric propeller, and the carriage moved towards the opposite side.

Why not take the bridge?

Because the attack on the checkpoint had already been reported to the Dayan Military Department, after all, the guards couldn't keep watching the messenger bird, so all border gates had already heard about it.

Shu Fu didn't care, it wasn't a big deal anyway.

It's nothing more than changing your own path.


The carriage arrived on the other side and got on the main road.

But before he had gone far, Shu Fu encountered the 'traditional' occupation that he first encountered in Alien Star.



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