
The sun was setting.


"You guys go back, I'll clean it up." Looking at Shan Yao who was cleaning, Shu Fu said.

"It's fine."


Shan Luo said to Jiu Xinqin, "Hurry up, throw away the trash."


Jiu Xinqin felt helpless for a while, this girl is really hopeless. She is not stupid, why can't she see that Shan Luo has a crush on this little boy.


Just a good impression.

It doesn't have to be liking, just like when some people come into contact with each other, they have an unconscious affinity.

It has nothing to do with liking, just being with it.

I feel more comfortable.


Looking at it now, the student in front of him really looks like a potential stock.

young age.

The workmanship is extraordinary.

Quite profitable.

Mature and stable.

gentle personality.

There are a lot of advantages, and when I list them, Jiu Xinqin is a little surprised. Even in the world of adults, there are very few such outstanding people.

not for a while.

The store was cleaned up, and the family called twice to remind me, so I had to go home.

"See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

Watching the two girls leave, Shu Fu closed the shop door and came to Los Angeles in a flash. In Los Angeles in the evening, there was a smell of firewood in the air.

no way.

Burning wood for cooking is inevitable.

. . .

Walk the streets.


Shu Fu came to a stall. The stall owner looked like a frail scholar, with a young appearance, and it was dark, but he was still reading a book.

The booth flag reads: Writing letters on behalf of others.


step forward.

Shu Fu tapped the table twice, and the stall owner regained his senses.

"This young master, do you need to write a letter for me?" At first he thought that there was a business coming, but when he saw Shu Fu's clothes, his heart turned cold.

This dress.

I don’t know how to ask them to write it for me, but I still asked.


Upon hearing this.

Sure enough, he thought, not a guest.

"Are you literate?" Shu Fu asked.

"Ah! Yes!"

What's the problem? I am illiterate, what letter should I write.

"very good."

"I want to ask you to teach me how to read." Shu Fu said, he had to master the characters here as soon as possible. On Earth, he had a doctorate.

But here, it is illiterate.


It is better than being illiterate. Some shop names have been learned, but reading articles is impossible.


After being stunned for a while, the stall owner was overjoyed.

"Yes, but the price..."

"Don't worry, it's a little more than you write letters here." Shu Fu said, writing letters here will only earn one or two pieces of silver in a day.

Most of the time, half of the two are not enough.

"Thank you, master."


After listening to the teaching content, he was stunned for a moment. This kind of teaching method is novel. Shu Fu's first step is not to start with simple fonts.

Instead, give a lot of words and let him translate them into words.

from word.

To the sentence.

It's not teaching, it's explaining.

"Is there a problem?"

"No, no problem." Although it seems that the teaching will not last long, it will be enough if there is income. At this moment, I only heard a grunt, and my stomach rang.

See here.

Shu Fu smiled.

"Close the stall."

"Go to a restaurant and learn while eating."


The stall owner was overjoyed.

I met a small local tyrant, too, this kind of clothes, generally rich people are not willing to buy, and now the whole city is out of stock, more than ten days.

How many people want to buy it.


He packed up the stall and put it in a shop at the back, his home is not here.

. . .

Walked half a street.

Go to the nearest restaurant.

second floor.

I asked for a private room and ordered a lot of dishes. Looking at these dishes, the young stall owner swallowed his saliva. There are so many dishes, at least a few taels of money!

at the same time.

Shu Fu took out a notebook bought here and handed it over.

"How do you write the cup?"


"What about the mountains?"


while eating.

While Shu Fu said the words he could think of, the other party wrote, still starting from the commonly used characters, and gradually established a complete writing system.

The whole learning rhythm is up to you.

. . .

Three hours later.


Drink enough.

It was completely dark outside, and the city gate was closed, but no curfew was imposed. The nightlife in Los Angeles is still a little bit different.

night market.




They are still open, and some are still open all night, but there are more city guards patrolling the streets than during the day. During the day, it is mostly security patrols and arrests.

At night the City Guards took over.

No one dared to make trouble.

The law and order here is good, the relationship between the city wall is relatively stable, and there are no mountain kings or bandits, because this place is located on a plain.

Dare to build a stronghold illegally.

There is only one result -- demolished.

Easy to defend but difficult to attack? At least in this plain area, it does not exist.


There are still some security issues. For example, there happened to be someone on the street who was drunk and went crazy. Shaking around, and even teasing passing women.


He was seen by passing city guards.


"Ouch, it hurts, please forgive me, Ouch..."

The drunkenness dissipated from the beating, and he knelt down to beg for mercy. Seeing this situation, Shu Fu supported him. It's not right to drink as long as you drink, and to go out and play crazy.


Shu Fu handed over two taels of silver, "Next time I have time, I will look for you again."

"Okay, thank you, young master."

The scholar left happily.

Twenty two.

Living frugally is enough for his family for ten days.

. . .

the next day.


Shu Fu came to a house, and would come here often, so naturally he needed a place to stay, he couldn't stay in a hotel all the time, so he found an intermediary.

A homestead was contacted.



rent only.

Save unnecessary money for now.

Following the intermediary boy, they came to a courtyard. This is a residence on the main road, relatively speaking, it will be a little more expensive, but the security will be better.

Left and right mostly have a bit of family background.


There are also some high-priced shared rentals.

On the road outside the door, a dozen or so children were playing and playing.

go to school?

Feel sorry.

Most people can't afford to go to the schools in the city, and the city-state itself is not too big, so studying and becoming an official here is far less convenient than learning a craft.


At this.

It is not regarded as promising, but a kind of "cultivation" for the children of rich families. Just like learning music on earth, it is not a necessary ability recognized by the mainstream.


Mainly because the city-state is small.

Only in some countries with stable royal power and vast territory, reading is really regarded as a way out of life.

. . .

the door.

Shu Fu met the owner of the house.

"Young master who is rich!" The owner of the house immediately made a judgment. The clothes are very valuable, and the skin and fingers are as slender as a woman's.

Be respectful.

to the intermediary.

He could still straighten his back, but he immediately changed his attitude towards Shu Fu.

"This young master, what's your name?"


"Master Shu, please."

The owner of the house unlocked and pushed open the courtyard door, and the place he entered was clean.

"Master Shu, this place has been completely cleaned up, some bonsai have been newly transplanted, and ten bundles of firewood have been filled in the firewood room. We only need to buy some bedding."


The owner warmly introduced it, Shu Fu looked it over and was quite satisfied, a separate courtyard, private enough, if you rent a room in someone else's yard.

It is not convenient.

"How much?"

"One hundred and twenty taels of silver a year, thirty taels of bet, a total of one hundred and fifty taels." Although Shu Fu looked rich, he didn't dare to ask for a high price.

"Okay, I'll rent it."

Shu Fu didn't grumble.

give money.

Sign the deed.

As for the question of identity, the homeowner didn't ask, he was white and clean, and at a glance, he was the pampered young master of everyone.

What could be wrong?

Ask for votes!

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