My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 494 Penguin is very depressed!

Walked on the grassland for a while.

look at the time.

about there.

Shu Fu returned to Earth, not in a villa, but at the International Trade Hotel in Beijing. He was invited to attend an annual meeting two days ago, and there will be awards tonight.

Of course, the award or something is not important.

The main thing is to meet some domestic entrepreneurs.

You can't be too salty when you come out to hang out.

go out.

go downstairs.

Come to the venue.

This place has already been bustling with activity, and less than half of the top entrepreneurs in the country have come, not only private enterprises, but also a large number of state-owned enterprises and official personnel.

The specifications are high!


Shu Fu didn't come here to look at the specifications, as the saying goes, people are social animals, and they have to have contact with the outside world, and this kind of meeting can meet the requirements.

Once a year is enough.

You can meet most of the 'industry insiders'.

For the rest of the time, sorry, don't look for me, I'm not free, I'm busy.

. . .

When they saw Shu Fu, their eyes converged.

"Mr. Shu, drink more at noon."


After eating and drinking some wine at noon, Shu Fu found an excuse to go back to his room to rest, and went to the East Island to work as a laborer. In addition, he also took a bath in the volcanic hot spring.

I went to the printing factory later.

"Mr. Shu, this is my business card." Some of them only came today.

"It's a pleasure to meet you!"


Warm greetings along the way.

The richest man in China!

This title is very eye-catching. In the October Forbes rankings, the second place does not even have a fraction of the first place. This is an exaggeration and represents a huge gap.

In fact.

If you only judge your worth based on the rise and fall of stocks, everyone will scoff at you.

Because that is false.

First, the stock market already has bubbles, and they are huge.

Second, even if it is sold, the reduction of holdings by major shareholders is also a major negative. Half price is good, and it is not bad to sell one-tenth of the stock price if it is a little bit worse.

What about Shu Fu?

Before the company went public, it was valued at US$50 billion.

If other innovations or Internet companies have such a valuation, everyone will still not catch it, because capital hype and financial games are piled up.

It doesn't make much sense.

If you don't make a profit for many years, you just want to grab the market.

Such an enterprise seems to be inflated, but the money is raised, seldom earned, and it is still puffy.

Pilot Technology is different.

It's so lucrative!

As of the end of last month.

The total sales volume of mobile phones has exceeded 58 million, and the sales volume is nearly 40 billion U.S. dollars, while the net profit of Linghang, everyone guesses, has exceeded 100 billion yuan.

It's not just high profit margins.

It is still an innovative company. With the blessing of three exemptions and two reductions, the profits are so good.

Hundreds of billions!

Depend on!

How many private enterprises in Huaxia have an annual profit of 100 billion yuan?


Except for Linghang Technology, there is no one.

This is what makes people envious. No matter how much money they have, others don't envy them, but the annual profit is hundreds of billions, and the projects are all tens of billions. Few people can calm down.

Look at that young face.

Sigh in my heart!

Sure enough, the waves behind push the waves ahead, and the key people are still 'ignorant'.

In the previous "Dialogue" program, the performance was quite immature.

I don't know.


don't know.

After reading it several times, I was stunned to find that it didn't say anything substantive. Such a young entrepreneur walked in front of everyone at once.

How not to be envious.

. . .


There are also depressed ones.

Like President Ma the Penguin, he looked at Shu Fu with a hint of resentment in his eyes.

At the beginning of last month, He 360 ​​found out that he had used extraordinary means, but he did not expect to touch the nerves of users all of a sudden, and they accused one after another, and the relevant departments intervened.


In just three days, the situation subsided.

But the impact is far from dissipated.

WeChat suddenly went online.

In the beginning, Penguin didn't care at all. Can that thing be called an instant messaging software? It is so simple that it can be called crude, and the functions are really pitiful.

Rely on news popularity.

In just two days, five million registrations did not attract attention.

At this time, users are emotional, and the data is of little significance.

When the gas is gone, the penguins that are already dependent will still be used.

You are right.

Indeed, many users are clamoring to uninstall Penguin, but they are just clamoring, because there are their social circles in it, and they even need to use it for work.

There is currently no complete alternative.


The expected WeChat offline did not appear. On the basis of only text, it started to update. On the 15th of last month, the circle of friends was added.

It took only a few days for the new features to go live.

The already stable registered users suddenly ushered in a wave of rise.

nine million.

Ten million.

One thousand one.

By the end of last month, it had exceeded 20 million.

This makes Penguin a bit of a wax, 20 million, which is not a small amount. If it is on the PC side, Penguin, which has 800 million users, is naturally not afraid.

I don't see it at all.

But in smart terminals, it is different.


800 million users may seem like a lot, but it depends on the proportion.




Feature machine.

WeChat has not set foot in these two fields.

But now, how many smartphone users are there in China? A little calculation of the proportion of WeChat downloaded by smartphones makes it difficult to calm down.

Don't forget one more thing, that is, if you want to register on WeChat, you must have a mobile phone number.

A mobile phone number can only be registered once, and it is not allowed to log in with multiple numbers.

Therefore, there is very little moisture.

Penguin's 800 million users seem to be a lot, but they don't bind mobile phone numbers, and the registration threshold is extremely low. It is common for one person to have several numbers.

Also, there are path dependencies!

Once a trend is formed, it will be very troublesome.

The previous users used it, and those who bought smartphones in the future will install them with a high probability in order to fit in with the group. The premise is that they are easy to use and make people stay. WeChat has such a trend.

And penguins despite their size.

But there is nothing to do with WeChat at all.

after all.

They have a good father, the kind who is so rich that he has no friends.

Type a word.

Circle of friends.

Group a group.

The three main functions are extremely simple and have many slots, but users buy it, and many users complain that the Penguin interface is messy.


If it is an ordinary opponent, Penguin can handle it casually.

But Penguin has nothing to do with Linghang Technology.

First, if you have money, you can't buy it.

Secondly, it is famous, and the founder is the richest man in China, so he created a wave of presence.

Three, the platform.

Nowadays, in the field of domestic smartphones, the excellence of the navigator system is obvious to all and has been sought after by countless people. People can directly embed it in the mobile phone when it leaves the factory.

Now even the download process is omitted.

Go on like this.

In the communication market of mobile terminals, Penguin will not die, but there will definitely be another powerful opponent.

It's so annoying!

Just after the fight with 3600, and still in the lawsuit, Linghang Technology stabbed him in the back. At first he thought it was a toy knife, but suddenly it turned into a sharp blade.

A little pain!

. . .

not far.

The chairman of 360 is Yile.

Ha ha!



I see you are still arrogant.

Linghang Technology is really a good person. The world has been suffering for a long time. Internet companies are almost walking sideways.

it's good now.

Penguins are elephants, but being slapped by a bigger elephant is like a slap.

Now they are still covering their faces, looking at each other with resentment, but they can't do anything. Of course, they won't sit still, but they can't drive this elephant away.

Think about it.

Just be happy.

Up to now, the outside world still thinks that Linghang’s development of WeChat is an accident, and it is completely self-inflicted by Penguin. The competition that was originally on the PC side has spread to the mobile side.

As a result, the user experience of Linghang's products was reduced, so Shu Fu made a move.

In short, no one thinks that Shu Fu did it on purpose, but was forced to participate.

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