My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 533 Are You So Cool? (please order!)

In the eyes of the fifth prince, this is a kind of gift.

If left in the past.

It is impossible for a small side to marry a princess unless there is a huge background. Obviously, the Xiang family has not met the standard no matter in the past or now.

It was impossible for Xiang Liang to refuse, so after hearing it, he casually said:

"You promise to be... huh?"


"Xiang Duhu, what did you say?"

The fifth prince's expression changed.

I should have heard it right, but Xiang Liang refused.

at the same time.

The princess was overjoyed, so she refused, otherwise, once she got married, she would have to go out of her way, and then how could she elope with her beloved guard.

"The final general refuses!"

Xiang Liang repeated it.

Hearing this, he took a deep breath, and the Fifth Prince stared at Xiang Liang.


Xiang Liang: "Because..."

Just about to have a showdown, I saw a group of people walking in from outside.

"Lord Protector, the fifth prince's people outside the mansion have all been controlled." The leader Xiao Weihui reported, ignoring the prince in the auditorium.

The moment the captain's voice fell.

The faces of many people present changed drastically.


Xiang Liang actually betrayed himself.

The fifth prince couldn't believe it, his backhands turned against him in the end.


"Mother Concubine!"


The seventeenth princess was so frightened that she threw herself into her mother's arms, and the noble concubine also had a serious face. She was worried about this when she was on the road, but her son was swearing by it.

Unexpectedly, the worst happened.

. . .



Seeing this situation, the five prince's ten personal guards immediately drew their knives.

Just wait for the fifth prince's order to break out of the encirclement.

It's just that each of them is a little suspenseful.

This is the Protectorate's Mansion, and only about a hundred people were brought to the banquet, and most of them have been taken down now.

There are many people on the other side, and they still have mental calculations or no intentions. It is really difficult for a dozen or so people on our side to protect a bunch of female relatives.


Xiang Liang.

Thinking of this, the captain of the guard's eyes lit up, and immediately turned around and rushed towards Xiang Liang, ready to catch him, but before he could touch Xiang Liang, his wrist was grabbed.

Xiang Liang smiled.


As soon as he exerted force, the guard captain's wrist bone shattered, and he exerted force again.


The captain of the guard screamed, only feeling that Xiang Liang's hands were like iron tongs.

Tried to break free but couldn't get back.

at this time.

Xiang Liang didn't change his face, he had been taking refuge in the master for more than a year, and after being strengthened again and again, his strength skyrocketed by an unknown amount, which is beyond the reach of ordinary masters.

Even if soldiers were trained before, very little power was exposed.

And now, with all my strength.

It is not difficult to crush hard bones just by grip strength.

This 'master' who could not be defeated by himself is now just a defeated opponent.



The captain of the guard flew out and landed in the courtyard. He couldn't get up for a long time, feeling like his whole body was going to fall apart, and the hand holding the knife was completely useless.

No wonder Xiang has a cruel conscience.

Backed by the Fifth Prince, these guards have committed a lot of evil.

If he didn't kill him on the spot, he was showing mercy.


The scene suddenly fell silent.

The strength of the captain of the guards, those guards don't know how, but in the hands of Xiang Liang, he was directly seconded, and Xiang Liang's position did not move during the whole process.

"Xiang Duhu, are you going to betray me?" The Fifth Prince gritted his teeth.


Xiang Liang shook his head slightly.


The fifth prince didn't understand what 'no' meant, but he soon found out.

"I've never been loyal, so why betrayal?" Xiang Liang smiled.


The Fifth Prince was almost speechless.

It turned out that Xiang Liang had been eating inside and out.

"Who is it? Brother Three? Brother Two? Or other princes?"



Besides these, is there anyone worthy of Xiang Liang's allegiance? But the fifth prince quickly thought again, yes, it must be, many loyal soldiers are only loyal to the Dayan Empire.

rather than a certain person.

Thought to have discovered the truth.

Xiang Liang: "Arrest with nothing, or"



There was a sound of drawing a sword, the meaning was very simple, if you don't want to catch it, I will teach you to catch it without your hands. At this moment, the fifth prince is facing a difficult choice.

"What are you going to do, kill me and ask for credit?"


Xiang Liang shook his head, "I only ask for credit."


Is there a difference between the two? If you hand yourself over, you don't have to die.

"To whom?"

Faced with this question, Xiang Liang just smiled and didn't answer him.

ten minutes later.

"Admit it!"

All the master guards trained were off the assembly line, and Xiang Liang's knife rested on his neck. What else could the fifth prince say, so long as he didn't hurt his mother, concubine and sister.

"Don't worry, I won't embarrass the female relatives, and you may not die, but it depends on your performance."

. . .

that night.

The soldiers brought by the fifth prince outside the city collectively defected and surrendered. In fact, if you want to say that you are absolutely loyal to the fifth prince, it is not always true, and everyone is not a dead soldier.

Nor was it cultivated from an early age.


The fifth prince also has this kind of people under his command, but the killing in the imperial capital was too fierce before, and the fight was almost over.

Therefore, most of them were tied to the fifth prince's car and couldn't get off. Now that they had a chance to jump off the car, many people even breathed a sigh of relief.

If you can live.

Who wants to die?

For a moment, the power brought by the fifth prince almost collapsed.


A large number of original generals were replaced, and internal adjustments were made at the same time.

It's all old.

Wu Changsheng is very long.

Shi Changsheng was promoted to captain.

Captain Deputy Captain.

It directly disrupted the original internal structure, and the new class will definitely start to protect the interests that have just been obtained. At this time, even if the fifth prince is released.

This force is no longer under his control.

. . .

Duhufu City.

south side.

a mansion.

Looking at the blue moon in the sky, the fifth prince still can't believe that he is so cold? Xiang Liang's betrayal is tantamount to sending him to the last mile.

Watching the moon last night, there is freedom in the air.

Looking at the moon tonight has become a prisoner.

Although he was not imprisoned, but a large family was arranged in the mansion to eat and drink, but it is estimated that such a day will not be too far away, Xiang Liang wants to ask for credit.

You are the bargaining chip.

Can no longer turn the waves.


The cry of the seventeenth princess could be faintly heard.

The fifth prince frowned slightly. Really, he had experienced the 'Great Escape' anyway, and his psychological quality was still so poor.

. . .

this night.

The fifth prince couldn't sleep, and Xiang Liang couldn't sleep either. He stood in the Duhu mansion, looking at the map in front of him. According to the plan, the fifth prince would not hand it over.

It's just saying that, to use its name.

After preparing for so long, the three major military forces deployed on the western front have already assembled.

And the fifth prince is the opportunity to send troops.

Come to think of it, some news has already spread out.

. . .

It was at this time.

Thousands of miles away to the west of Duhu Mansion.

A feudal palace.

"What? Say it again." The prince was shocked.

The subordinates had no choice but to say:

"The fifth prince was captured by the army of the Xiangdu Protectorate as soon as he entered Dongzhou, and the whole army was captured. He also said that he would dedicate the fifth prince to the second prince and make him emperor."


Xiang Liang actually took refuge in the second prince.


It was too sudden, and everyone was still waiting for the melon from the imperial capital. In fact, the feudal lords were not sure who would win the throne in the end. They didn't expect Xiang Liang to beat the second prince to win.

And this is not the most shocking.

In the middle of the night, I finally fell asleep.

the next day.

Just after breakfast, a news almost knocked him out.

"Report, the army of the Protectorate of the Central Capital is marching westward, and they say they want to serve the king, so return them..."

"What else?"

"It also said that we will carry out the order of the second prince, suppress the rebellious vassals along the way, and ask us to immediately withdraw our private soldiers and not appear outside the fief, once we find out."

After hearing this, the prince was immediately furious.

Well, you second prince, you want to suppress us before you ascend the throne.

Do not agree!

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