My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 561 Welcome to the Pit!

Lu Jin didn't explain much.

But people make up their minds.


A chain of stories was strung together: before the second prince died, he played a big game of chess, inciting civil strife among the feudal lords, and finally won with the help of the flames of the forbidden army.

Although rough, it is not lacking in rationality.



What the hell.

If you really want to pay attention to absolute reasonableness, the counselors have already figured out everything, how can you make yourself so embarrassed? Repeatedly jumping horizontally, IQ was stepped on the ground.

Thinking about it makes me angry.

Reality taught them: less brains, good physical and mental health.

. . .


Reasonable is reasonable, but it is obviously not in the interests of Baicheng and Qianzhai.

The Hundred Cities Messenger spoke:

"Your Majesty, this is the capital of Dayan Kingdom after all. It is inappropriate for the Nanqing army to come and go wantonly. The vassal king was punished, the threat has been removed, and there are many virtuous officials outside the palace."

The meaning is very clear.

Drive Nanqing away and use Dayan's courtiers.

Otherwise, Baicheng and Qianzhai would really feel insecure.

The situation was developing so fast, I never thought that Nanqing would take control of the entire imperial capital of Dayan, and it was estimated that Nanqing would not dare to occupy Dayan.

But if it is to ask for more benefits.

The weak Lu Jin is likely to agree.

As for Baicheng and Qianzhai, they were spectators throughout the whole process, so there was no benefit.


. . .

Looking at the envoys from both sides in the audience, Lu Jin smiled heartily.

It really is profit first.

At this moment, if the Nanqing army retreated, without this external help, those royal family members and ministers would probably hold themselves apart in minutes.


The Lord had thought about it a long time ago, and Lu Jin nodded.


"However, it will take some time."

"The imperial capital is in chaos right now. Many soldiers of the feudal lord were just captured. If Nanqing's army suddenly retreats without a strong deterrent, things might change."

"One month."

"The emperor and Nanqing agreed that within one month, the imperial capital's armaments will be cleaned up and the court will be rebuilt. At that time, the Nanqing army will withdraw from Dayan."


After hearing this, the envoys of Baicheng and Qianzhai felt very uncomfortable.

a month.

too long.

God knows if Nan Qing will extort more.

"Your Majesty, I, Baicheng and Qianzhai, can also help Dayan." The envoy of Qianzhai stepped forward.

Lu Jin: "How can I help?"

"In order to prevent the Nanqing army from having unreasonable thoughts about Dayan, Baicheng and Qianzhai are willing to send 100,000 troops to the Imperial Capital of Dayan to help His Majesty solve problems."

For good reason.

Restrict Nanqing.


Lu Jin nodded immediately.

"Well, a good idea, but there are too many troops in Nanqing. If you want to restrain them, only 100,000 is too little, isn't it?"

As soon as this statement came out, the envoys were taken aback.


Too little?

I thought Lu Jin was too much. After all, from the perspective of relationship, there was almost no intersection before. Even if he ascended the throne yesterday, he still regarded Lu Jin as the puppet emperor.

Not very close.

But today, both sides failed to make a comeback.

Looking at each other, they both saw the joy in their eyes.

Ha ha!

now it's right.

The art of the emperor lies in balance.

Even though Nan Qing had helped Lu Jin, Lu Jin was not a person who was willing to be under a dangerous wall. Nan Qing's entry was all helpless, like a sharp sword hanging over his head.

If Baicheng and Qianzhai intervene, a balance can be formed.

This is Lu Jin's way of balance.

Not to mention, he is quite talented, and he adapted to the throne so quickly.

"How much does His Majesty think is appropriate?" the envoy of Baicheng asked.

Lu Jin thought for a while: "400,000!"


400,000, a little too much.

Although they don't want Nanqing to take advantage of it, even if they are dispatched, it is mostly a deterrent, and the probability of a fight is small. You must know that the military expenses are likely to be paid by themselves.

"not much."

Lu Jin shook his head.

"It's not just the imperial capital. Nanqing has taken over so much land in Dayan. I have to make sure that the Nanqing army is really retreating and will not do anything excessive."

"So, many people need to watch."

"But now that the court plan has not been decided, and officials are in short supply, there are really not so many people who can be trusted."


Immediately, Baicheng and Qianzhai were shocked.


If it is an imperial capital, one hundred thousand is enough.

But if it is placed in the whole Dayan, it is a little less. Looking at it this way, Lu Jin is really scruples about Nan Qing, and he doesn't trust Dayan's own people, so he looks for them.

What are you hesitating about.

"Your Majesty, you should be more considerate."

"The envoy will send a letter back to the headquarters immediately. I think it's not a big problem."

Lu Jin: "Thank you."

"Your Majesty is polite!"

"By the way, it's best to be an elite. Everyone knows that Nanqing is very powerful. As for the military expenses, Dayan will fully bear it." Lu Jin added.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the absolute elite."

The envoys of Baicheng and Qianzhai patted their chests to assure.

this moment.

Look at Lu Jin, how you look at him is pleasing to the eye, it's too good.

He took the initiative to bear 400,000 elite military expenses. In this way, the headquarters probably has no worries. In order to deter Nanqing, there are already heavy troops near the border.

No need to prepare, just give an order, and you can start.

And exchanged a few pleasantries.

The messengers leave.

As soon as he left the main gate of the palace, many ministers surrounded him, expecting to obtain some information.

see them.

I can't help curling my lips.

What did you do before? Last night at the banquet, you flattered the feudal lords to the utmost, but you were very indifferent to Lu Jin. Now, seeing someone's counterattack, you want to hug your thigh.


People don't trust you at all.

A few perfunctory words.

Returning to the embassy and writing letters, the good news must be sent back as soon as possible. Living in the Dayan Imperial Capital, which was taken over by Nanqing, is really exhausting.

. . .

Seeing the envoy leaving, the ministers were outside the palace, looking eagerly at the palace.


But God knows that the joyous banquet last night would develop into a scuffle between feudal kings. After the scuffle was over, everyone was going to report to King Xi for his thigh, but unexpectedly his leg was broken.

The new thigh is Lu Jin, who hardly communicated with him yesterday.

Feel like my brain is going to split.


The situation was too much fun, and each one of them also experienced what it means to repeatedly jump horizontally. When they jumped to the end, they overturned the car, and now they can only wait here.

"Relax, continue to wait, Your Majesty will feel our sincerity in serving the country."


"The new emperor has ascended the throne, and the court is vacant. Besides us, there are no ministers who govern the country."



This is also the biggest reason why everyone insists.

Lu Jin has no one under his command.

A huge country needs people to manage it.



A large number of official vacancies.

It can be said that the whole of Dayan is now a 'fertile soil'. As long as Lu Jin's thigh is hugged tightly and the opportunity is seized, he will be the new powerful minister of the Dayan Empire.

Glory to ancestors, prosperity and wealth, just around the corner.

Therefore, even if the wind was strong at night, they did not leave.

At worst, stay for a few days to impress Lu Jin. In the future, will there be a bright future?

. . .

Unfortunately, they thought too much.

This moment.

The palace hall.

Lu Jin was looking at a list, which was given to him by the Lord, and it was also the composition of the power center of the Dayan Empire. There were more than one hundred people in total.

From top to bottom, I heard that they are all their own people.

According to plan, for now.

The area of ​​Dayan was temporarily taken over by the Nanqing Army.

My current task is to set up the center of Dayan, which can be regarded as a transition, because the lord means that I will attack Baicheng and Qianzhai soon.

Once the world is unified.

There is no need for so many people to exist in Dayan's center.


It is said to be a center, but in fact it will be sent to the state capital in the future as a military and political officer.

Thinking of the 400,000 elite from Baicheng and Qianzhai entering Dayan, Lu Jin couldn't help but smile.

bring it on!

bring it on!

Welcome to the pit, hope you like the next journey.

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