My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 594 This is unscientific!

After seeing the reality clearly.

Lower the sails.

not for a while.

The sailboat entered the huge mouth, and as soon as it entered, the two large iron doors behind it were slowly closed, and the surroundings were dark, but the next second, the lights came on.

Extremely dazzling.

I couldn't see the surrounding situation at all. At this moment, the voice sounded:

"Everyone, take your personal belongings and get on deck."

Hearing this, no one dares to be negligent.

Pack up and come to the deck.

But they dare not take gold, silver and jewels. At this time, they belong to the captives. Naturally, those things have become Nanqing's spoils of war.


It is said that Nanqing has done nothing to the common people.


Are they common people? Obviously not, at least not in the category of 'good people', there is a difference between being arrested and not surrendering voluntarily.

Immediately afterwards.


An iron bridge stretched out from a distance, approaching the deck.

"Go up!"

After hesitating for a while, the man took the lead and stepped forward. At this time, is there any choice? It's better to be honest and don't give people excuses to find fault.

Seeing him go up, the people behind followed closely behind.

come to an end.

Climb up the stairs.

After going back up the stairs, I came to a huge space.


One by one was shocked again.


All chairs.

It was densely packed, at least a few thousand. Before I came up, I thought that the prisons above were all ready to be locked up, but I saw this scene.

In doubt, the voice sounded again:

"Find a place to sit on your own, don't damage the facilities here, the toilet is at the stairs." Then there was nothing, except for them, there was no one.

With apprehension.

Hundreds of people chose a seat by the window.



Tapping on the glass window, the dull sound indicates that it is very thick, but there is no need to pay too much attention, it is just some glass, how hard can this thing be?

Fragile stuff.

"So fast!"

"Still accelerating!"


Looking out of the window, the huge ship cut through the waves and exclaimed.

After sailing for a few days, I have a certain understanding of the judgment of the speed of the ship, and the speed of the ship in front of me is really scary, at least ten times the speed of the sail.

"so amazing."

"What kind of technology is this."


In amazement, the man sighed.

With a wry smile, with such a ship, chasing other fleeing dignitaries from hundreds of cities is not the same as playing, it will not be affected by the wind speed, and it can sail day and night.

This world is really about to change.

The rich and powerful thought that they would be safe by going to sea.


Think too much.

With such a ship, the tentacles of Nanqing will be an unimaginable distance. In other words, this ship can take at least a few thousand people out to sea and travel thousands of miles.

Combat radius is terrible.

. . .

After one hour.

Stand by the window.


I heard another exclamation from the helmsman. As a captain, I have a high interest in sailing. From the very beginning, I stood by the window and looked forward to it.


How wonderful it would be to steer such a ship!


I saw the fleet in the distance.

"That's... the fleet we lost?"

"That's right."


On the horizon in the distance, a dense white sail appeared, and everyone recognized it immediately. It was the fleet they lost last night.

Suddenly, a strange feeling struck.


This moment.

The three views on the opposite side are also on the way to be subverted.

. . .

As expected.


Looking at the figure of the Whale Tun, the people on the hundreds of ships in this fleet couldn't hold back anymore, when it was still half a mile away from the fleet.


A loud whistle rang through the sea.

Everyone can hear clearly.

Those who were close had to cover their ears, and the whistle stopped after ten seconds.

Then, under the ignorant eyes of everyone, a loud voice sounded:

"Please pay attention to the ships ahead. We are the Nanqing Navy. Please put down the sails and surrender immediately. Don't make fearless resistance, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

three times.

five times.

ten times.

The giant beast turned in the direction and sailed around the fleet.

Huge figure.

Huge sound.

It caused an indelible shocking effect to the people present, and everyone could see the huge logo of the Nanqing Navy from the side of the giant ship, and they were dumbfounded.

This unscientific!

for a moment.

Many people think of Zhengyuan Company.

no way.

These days, it performs too many miracles.




The entire industrial level, slamming all forces, at this moment, the behemoth that appears in front of you can only be manufactured by Zhengyuan Company.

"Damn it, is Zhengyuan Company playing this game of chess?"

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't be relentless from the beginning, so why today."



Many dignitaries regret it.

If I knew it earlier, I would stop the rise of Zhengyuan Company at all costs.

I wanted to raise it first, and then eat it after getting fat.

It's all right now, raised and fattened, but the one who gets eaten is himself. It's too ironic and shocking. Everyone has been tricked by Zhengyuan Company.

Not reconciled!


Wolf ambition, wolf ambition!

"what to do?"

"There is only one boat, we have many people, or else"


"Do you think Nan Qing is stupid? No one can think of it?"




One by one still didn't have the courage to resist again, and the other's boat hit directly, and everyone had to go into the sea to feed the fish, and the speed was ridiculously fast.

Can't beat it.

Can't run away.

If you don't surrender, is it too long to die?

. . .

too many people.

Too many boats.

They worked so hard until it was almost dark that they were all transferred to the ship. There were more than 30,000 people in total, and the passenger compartment on the sixth floor was full. The Whale Tun had to return first.

nuclear power.

The full speed is nearly forty knots, and the speed is seventy kilometers per hour.

This group of people did not run far.


Before dawn, you can rush back.

However, for the time being, they will not return directly to the Baicheng mainland, but will settle on an island more than a hundred miles away from the west coast for further screening.

As for those sailboats?


It's useless to keep it, it can only be used as firewood.

Later, a second giant ship came for recycling, after all, there was still gold and silver on it.

As for recycling now? There is only one guard on the Whale Swallow.

In fact.

The Whale Swallow was not specially used to capture ships, how could this be possible, how could Shu Fu build a giant ship specially for those guys.

It is a passenger and cargo ship.

The bottom is divided into two parts.

half of the warehouse.

Half of the tank.

The former can load cargo, while the latter can transport some ships over long distances, and can even be used as a rescue ship at critical times to 'eat' rescued boats.

And above.

It's a full six floors of cabins.

Thirty-six thousand seats.

It can be used for immigration in the future, and the cross-continent will not start for the time being, but the local mainland also needs it. For example, it is planned to immigrate at least 10 million to the East of Great Yan.

Tens of millions of people.

Walk thousands of kilometers on two legs?

I don't say how long it will take.

How troublesome to arrange all the way.

coordination complexity.

have to!

It is not as convenient as shipping to reduce most of the trip.

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