My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 644 Seawater Desalination

It was at this time.

ten miles away.

Thousands of soldiers drove the horse-drawn carriages and moved forward quickly. As a food transportation team, they shouldered the heavy responsibility. They set off two days ago, and there was not much left before the scheduled time.


"Be sure to arrive at the specified time!" The officer urged.


The soldiers kept a steady pace, and they didn't feel tired. Just kidding, it's morning, and it's not long after eating, and they haven't reached the point where they can't walk anymore.

Didn't go very far.

"Another pile."

"How did it get here? I didn't see the wheel marks either!"


The voice of the soldiers in front attracted a lot of attention, and a lot of eyes looked at the familiar scene. When he woke up, he was ready to transport food to the agreed place.

Just not far away, I saw a large pile of railway materials.

go all the way.

look all the way.

As of now, this is the fifth pile.

"This is the property of the Federation, and it must not be touched in the slightest." The captain reminded me at that time.


Just look at it, don't dare to touch it.

keep going.


"That big guy."

Bypassing a mound of dirt, the field of vision widened a lot. The soldiers in front exclaimed, and saw a giant steel beast in the distance, digging the dirt with two pliers.

Every blow is a huge volume.

Eat it in, and then it becomes a roadbed.

I saw it when I came to transport food last time, so I was not afraid, but excited and shocked. The power of federal technology is really terrifying.

"Being able to see it here means that it is not far from the railway."

"Very good!"

"You can save dozens of miles." The soldiers were very happy.


"Before I heard that the railway construction was limited by materials. Now it seems that the material problem has been solved. Next time, we may be able to hand over grain at Beiduhufu."

said a soldier.

"That said, it seems very likely."

Hearing this, the soldiers were overjoyed again.


With this thing, if there are enough materials, the speed of construction will definitely be accelerated.

Next time, maybe there is no need to go, the food will be transported directly to the Duhu Mansion, and with excitement, I will walk for a while before seeing the big guy who is laying the pavement.

"It's so powerful, one device is worth 10,000 people."

"More than that!"



Approaching the paving equipment, the soldiers could not move their eyes.




A whistle sounded in the distance, and everyone saw that it was a grain truck.


After walking forward for a while, the grain truck also stopped slowly, and a bunch of soldiers came down.

"Brothers, I'm envious of you. You have a car." The food transportation team was quite envious. They dispatched thousands of people to trek all the way, but they didn't need it at all.

Tens or hundreds of miles away, they came here in a flash.

"Haha, it will be open to traffic in the future, and you can do it too."

The soldiers of the Beigang Garrison smiled and were slightly humbled.

When I was sent to the north, I thought it was a difficult environment, but I didn't expect to be the first to enjoy various benefits.


While chatting, he opened the iron door, revealing bags of grain inside, as well as some cooking oil, salt, sugar, etc., and the eyes of the guardsmen's eyes gleamed.


There are more than ten cars than last time.

"Be careful, don't cut the bag."



Soon, he started working in full swing, and moved into the carriage, full of energy.

half an hour later.



The transfer is considered complete.


"Don't sigh, there will be a chance in the future."


Watching the Beigang garrison return to the train, the soldiers of the Beidu Protectorate can only envy, and then look forward to, hoping that the railway will be repaired to the gate of their garrison as soon as possible.

Back on the road.

I also found that along the march yesterday, there was nothing at first, but now I can see piles of materials from time to time.



"It feels like it fell from the sky."

"Could it be that there are gods in the Federation?"


This kind of wild guessing, of course, can't talk about the reason, so I can only praise: The Federation is amazing!

Not to mention anything else, the quality of the oil and sugar on the carriage is unprecedented. God knows how many mysteries there are in the federation that has unified the world.

. . .

at the same time.

Beigang resident, fifteen miles east.

Across a hill, the huge factory area is located by the sea.


When the last device is installed.

"power ups!"

Shu Fu ordered.


The entire seawater desalination plant was in operation, and the water outlet, thirty-six water pipes with a diameter of half a meter deep into the sea, began to pump seawater frantically.

ten minutes later.

Layers of filtering.


The water outlet gushed violently, the water quality was clear, Shu Fu stood aside.

Picked it up and tasted it.


The desalination effect has reached expectations. The entire desalination plant technology, which can be regarded as Qianzhuang technology, is much better than the desalination technology on the earth, and it was born out of vehicle filtration.

Back then, vehicle-like equipment appeared.

I bought some four-wheeled armored personnel carriers and rushed to plant a teleportation point.

in the car.

There is water quality filtration equipment, which is very advanced and belongs to the survival configuration of soldiers.

After upgrading, the technology is unlocked and research can begin.

After upgrading, the technology of Feiyu was also unlocked, and the water filtration technology on it was stronger. Afterwards, the super-large new-generation seawater desalination plant project began to be approved.


There is this factory in front of me.

The daily processing capacity is one million tons.

It is more than twice as strong as the largest seawater desalination plant on the earth, the one in Shire.

It doesn't sound too strong.


It depends on the treatment effect.

The treatment capacity depends on the number of equipment. If it is expanded, let alone one million tons a day, double it is the same as playing, but the quality of the treated water is different.

Mineral water level can be reached directly in front of the eyes.

Drink it directly, there is no problem at all, and there will be no smell of disinfectant water.

. . .


From one outlet to the next, the clear and clean water flows directly into the dug river channel, slowly going to the distance, and flowing into the desert.



Such a large desalination plant is not fully desalinated for drinking.

In addition to satisfying Beigang soldiers with water, there is also irrigation.

With water.

And land.

Of course, military reclamation is also needed here. The location is not far from the desalination plant, more than three kilometers downstream, which is a huge plain with an area of ​​more than ten square kilometers.

Transform it out.

It is good land.


It can't be used up.

Not urgent.

The river course stretches to the south, and will flow for tens of kilometers along the way, passing through some small oases, and then merging into a large river to solve drinking and irrigation water along the way.

That big river is big, but its water flow is okay for only three months a year.

During the rest of the time, the river area is reduced to one-third, and the downstream is often dry.

After the water here is injected, it can solve the water shortage of millions of people along the way. In fact, there are not millions of people, only more than one million residents.

Because the Great Migration is not yet complete.

But already started.

It's still in the selection stage, not everyone can move if they want, at least they have to abide by the rules and laws, and it's best for the whole family to come. After all, the population structure must also be considered.

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