My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 705 Navigating the Total Sales in 2011 (Please Subscribe!)

Because it is its own site, and the distance is close.


The preparations for the entire annual meeting started a month ago. Compared with the urgency of rushing to build, the preparations for the annual meeting of Pioneer Technology can be called leisurely and calm.

From time to time, photos are leaked.

The outside world has already caused a sensation.

"Damn! I'm injured!"

"In contrast, our company's annual meeting is dull."


"He wants me to fire the boss again."


It can be said that everyone who sees it is envious of it. Pilot's trench has reached a new level. Every park has a lake, which makes people sour.

Take a look at our house.

Grid work station.

Commuting every day.

Salary is not high.

Welfare ha ha.

It feels like everyone is not living in the same world.


Envy is nothing but envy. Many hope that Linghang will continue to be so arrogant, not because everyone is so enlightened, but because they feel that the industry needs a benchmark.

Let all the bosses see what is a role model and what is a good boss.

People always need some good wishes in their hearts, otherwise, when they look up, they are all unsatisfactory, and they have no thoughts at all, and those days will be difficult.

"The most enviable thing is the benefits of piloting."

"Well, especially in terms of medical subsidies, the latest news is that not only employees can enjoy it, but their spouses and children can also enjoy it together."

"What the hell"


Speaking of this, it is even more yearning.

Medical care, in many cases, can bring down a family. Pilot's protection in this area is simply excellent, not only for employees, but also for their families.

Although it only cares about spouses and children, it is already rare in the world.

It's a pity that it is too difficult to get into the pilot, unless you really have the ability, otherwise it is very difficult to get in, even if it is an undergraduate position.

It also involved a large number of masters to compete for, and even a Ph.D.

Really are.

. . .

Regarding the comments from the outside world, the employees of the Pilot Department couldn't help being proud and lucky to join Pilot early and get on a big tree.

It is really difficult to get in now.

The competition is too fierce.

The recruitment ratio is comparable to the national examination.



Escort does have such an appeal. The per capita salary and benefits are almost the best in China. It is only a few steps away from work, and the workstation can lie upright.

Whether it is the environment or the treatment, there is nothing to say.

For a meal, they are all grown on the company's farm, which is healthy and safe.

Everywhere, almost reached the ceiling of the enterprise.

. . .

After half a day's work.


All holidays.

Thirteen parks started the final preparations, and those who needed performances had to step up their rehearsals. As the boss of Linghang Technology, Shu Fu naturally had to attend.

at this time.

Shu Fu has arrived in Yangcheng, which is the headquarters of Linghang Technology.

"This park is really big!"

"Because of the existence of the park, the surrounding housing prices have risen a bit."

"Unfortunately, I can't earn the pilot's money."


A group of people walked in the park, looked around, and praised a few words from time to time. They were three members of Shu Zheng's family, and several immediate relatives on the wife's side.

When Shu Zheng came back to celebrate the New Year, Shu Fu also came, so I just happened to have a look.

However, Shu Fu was dealing with things in the office and did not go shopping together.

in the crowd.

It was not the first time that Shu Zheng's father-in-law felt emotional.

Who would have thought.

After so many years, the son-in-law who has been so inconspicuous, unexpectedly has a nephew like Shu Fu, who at a young age can become the richest man in China in just a few steps.

With hundreds of billions of assets, he is rich enough to be used as firewood.

It's also a blessing. I met Shu Fu today and chatted. If it wasn't for Shu Zheng's relationship, otherwise, he would not be at a level that I could get in touch with.

The gap is too big.


Although they were considered relatives, they didn't want to ask Shu Fu anything.

no need.

As long as there is enough money, it is lucky to have an extra relative like Shu Fu, which means that if something happens, he will definitely help.

Can cover the bottom line, but asking too much will consume this relationship.


loved ones.

It's two words, if you can't recognize them clearly, you can't tell them apart, and there will be problems.

"Brother-in-law, have you ever thought about setting up a rubber factory to make it easier?" Shu Zheng's brother-in-law asked.

"Forget it, planting glue is pretty good." Shu Zheng shook his head.

Just at the end of last year, he returned to China, not Mingshan City, but Hai Province in the south, where he still built a plantation, not far from Sanya.

On the Sulawesi side, after Shu Fu's identity was exposed, he couldn't wait.

Too many people come to your door.

In the end, I had no choice but to leave. After half a year, I gradually got used to it.

. . .

at dusk.

Employees come out of their dormitory apartments and into the gymnasium to find their spots.

It's a holiday this afternoon, and I have been here once under the leadership of the heads of the respective departments.

"Sure enough, the lighting is still better at night, and the effect is simply bursting."


"I heard that it cost tens of millions just to decorate here."


They all praised this arrangement, comparable to a large-scale concert.

No star was invited to perform on stage.

They also feel that the company's annual meeting can be done by themselves, and a bunch of celebrities are invited to go up, completely overwhelming, and it doesn't have that taste, so it's pretty good now.

Organize your own show, good or bad, just have fun.


The atmosphere was warm for a while.

"The chairman is here."




I saw a relatively conspicuous place in the distance, everyone saw Shu Fu, their eyes were filled with fire, this boss, this is the first time seeing a real person!

That's right.

Most of the pilot staff saw Shu Fu for the first time.

It is a miracle that such a boss can do such a big business. Through the big screen, Shu Fu can be seen even from a distance, and the atmosphere is even more enthusiastic.

. . .


A person next to him was chatting with Shu Fu.

This year's annual meeting, I didn't invite the city, but I couldn't hold back someone who wanted to come, and I brought a bunch of them. If I can't help it, just come, it's not bad for these few seats.

Looking at Shu Fu, he was speechless for a while, and he didn't say to send an invitation, but had to take the initiative to call.


Who is the pilot is really excellent.

In 10 years.

The first-generation machine was launched at the end of May, and in just half a year, it achieved sales of more than 300 billion yuan.

One year, that is, last year.

In the whole year, it achieved sales of more than 600 billion yuan. Of course, the big head is the pilot mobile phone, which sells the first-generation phone in the first half of the year and the second-generation phone in the second half of the year.

I thought that the second generation would have a chance to reduce the price. After all, the price reduction of smartphones has become a trend.

But what material.

Not only has it not been lowered, but the price has also been raised. The average price has reached 5,000, but it is still selling well. Last year, the Pilot mobile phone alone sold more than 100 million units.

Plus tablet, notebook, all-in-one, peripherals.


Pilot made a huge profit last year, with a profit of more than 180 billion. Even for Huawei, its annual revenue is only tens of billions higher than this figure.

It's an exaggeration!

Private enterprises first, absolutely sit tight.


Knowing that the annual meeting will be held and that Shu Fu is coming, no matter how busy you are, even if you put your face down, you will volunteer to attend.

Today's navigator.

Shu Fu today.

have this qualification.

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