My Bank Is Connected to Another World

Chapter 709 Federal Broadcasting (Order!)

It can be said that the federal policy has even redefined the concept of benevolent governance.

in the past.

During the Nanyu Dynasty.

Do not toss.

Do not bully.

Don't pay heavy taxes.

The people are thankful. The most benevolent government in the past dynasties may be to reduce or exempt taxes for a few years. What about the Federation? More than a few years of relief.

Direct and permanent exemption from agricultural tax.


What kind of benevolence and justice is this, although there is a limit, more than two fans have to pay tax, but the vast majority of people are within the scope of tax exemption.

If it exceeds two doors, it is also a stepped tax rate.

As long as there are no more than ten leaves, the handover is very small.

And if there are more than ten doors, they are already considered landlords. If you pay more, no one will be able to find fault.

Um, except for the landlord.


This is only a very small group of people. Ninety-nine percent of the people belong to the low-tax group. If this policy continues, the world will be stable.

. . .

Zhao Qi was feeling emotional.


Every passing villager couldn't help but stop, take a look at it, and then reluctantly leave, because the building in front of them is really beautiful.

"Tsk tsk, I can't get enough of it." An old man saw the present from the morning.


"How can it be so beautiful?"


Even those who have been to Zhoucheng said that they have never seen anything so eye-catching, such a rich family, such a high-end courtyard, in front of the building in front of them.

They're a few notches down.



The whole also reveals a bit of nobility.

"Group leader Zhao said that we can live in such a house in a short time. Although it is impossible to be so big, it is definitely better than the current house."


"I dare not even dream about it."


Thinking of the Federation's promise, the villagers' hearts were filled with enthusiasm, without the slightest doubt. These days, which of the things the Federation said to do has failed?

All came true, even far exceeding everyone's expectations.

When the town is built, it will be the turn of these villages.

. . .


Looking at the watch, when the time came, Zhao Qi came to the cafeteria. There was no special chef, but the working team in the village came by themselves. The Federation did not have such a budget.

For any grassroots organization, the federal government has regulations on how many people eat official food.

Regardless of the construction of the village-based institutions, the Federation is outrageous, regardless of the cost.


Only those inside the federation know that the federation is actually stingy. In terms of engineering, it doesn't care about the cost, regardless of the cost, as if money is not money.

But it is very strict on public expenditure.

I want to eat nothing.

no way!

Think small coffers.


The entire grassroots financial rights are fully collected, and even fines and the like can only be turned over to the federal treasury, and the town is not allowed to keep a penny.

Once discovered, there will be severe punishment.


Being stingy is stingy, but the benefits and salaries will not treat grassroots staff badly. As long as they are registered personnel, they don't have to worry about being deducted.

Absolutely enough, not a penny less.

. . .

In fact.

Although the grassroots institutions look poor haha.

But Zhao Qi felt that this was also quite good.

First of all, to prevent anyone from greedy for Mo's money, how was the Yamen in the past? Needless to say, Nan Yu died only a year and a half ago, and everyone's memory is still very deep.


What do you want money for?


Make up the road?

Disaster relief?

None are needed nowadays.


The federation has paid for it, but this is not the case now. The federation directly puts a lot of effort into repairing all road facilities in the territory, and it is not up to the local government to pay for it.

There are special departments for disaster relief and so on.

Under the unified plan, even the towns were repaired.

It's like saying.

In addition to paying salaries, there is really no other place to spend money in the local area. Even if there are some office expenses, it is only a small amount.

In this way, as long as the federation manages its personnel well and avoids empty pay, it can maintain a clean government.

Not a lot of money passed by, and if someone in the yamen wanted to make money, he had to have money in the pool.

Common ownership of land.

Unified planning.

Once the town is built, there is no need to expand within ten years.

. . .

at dusk.

The village is brightly lit.

"Isn't it too wasteful to light up for one night?"

"The federation is not bad at this point, but we have to save some money in the future. The village office is a federal agency, so we don't need to pay, but we still need to pay the electricity bill."

"How did you know?"

"Team Leader Zhao said."

"Electricity bill? Will it be expensive?" Someone worried.

"Don't worry, every household can afford it."


after eating.

This place is very lively, with hundreds of villagers gathered. In the past, they had nowhere to go, so they could only stay at home, and the only entertainment was not available every day.

The old and the young looked at the bright surroundings, even though it had been a few days, they still felt that they couldn't see enough.

Anyway, it's okay at night, come and sit, there is no restriction.




There is also a broadcast to listen to. When the time comes, there is a beep, and the audience is quiet. This is the project that started three days ago, broadcasting the news of the Federation.

"As of today, 51,500 federal institutions in the village have been fully completed."

"Among them, Nanqing"


Listening to the content, everyone clicked their tongues.

Yesterday it was only over 48,000, and today it has increased by more than 3,000, which means that more than 3,000 villages have built houses like this in one day.

So fast!


After seeing the construction process, I am relieved.

As long as there are sufficient materials and sufficient manpower, it is only a matter of time before it is built, and the Federation has heard that there are more than 200,000 such villages.

. . .

Listening to the radio, Zhao Qi nodded.

At this speed, 80% can be completed before spring plowing.

By the middle of next year, 100% can be completed.

Not an estimate.

But must.

Because it was said in the broadcast that the goal set by the Federation is to complete the construction of village institutions in all villages by June next year, and at least electrification must be provided.

It will be a little more troublesome if the water is connected, because only when there is a pressure water plant in the town, and only when the town is built, will the centralized supply of tap water begin.

I don't know about other places

But their town should be completed in June next year.

The Lord Guardian said.

Although the construction is fast now, the ground has already emerged, and some main bodies have been completed because the floors are not high, but the later decoration is a bit troublesome.

The standard is high.

Ask a lot.

With the start of spring plowing, many of the convened peasants had to go back to farming.

In short, no matter how fast it is, it is impossible to build it in a few months.

. . .

An hour later, the federal broadcast ended.

The villagers left satisfied, a little unsure. In the past, if they wanted to get news, they mostly relied on word of mouth. Even if they went to the town to read the notice, someone had to read it.

it's good now.

don't bother.

Listen to the broadcast directly.

Without leaving the village, you can still know some of the policies and changes of the Federation, so that you will not be fooled, or get false news, deceive the upper and lower, and the previous court has had enough.

Now, let's see who can fool us!

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