Inside the safe house.

Warm as dust.

An Yuan gradually figured out the situation here. Although she didn't know some equipment, it was quite powerful and could maintain a safe house for such a long time.

Maybe some special custom-made equipment.


That's right.

Some rich people like to play like this.


No matter how rich you are, facing that kind of situation, you will not be able to handle the accident. The most important thing now is how to go back. Although there is food here, there is still enough to eat for a long time.

But after all, there is no solution, and we still have to go back to the dungeon.

If this happened to me, my family must be very worried.

. . .

Three days later.

"You too"




An Yuan didn't know what to say anymore. Apart from being a genius, she couldn't explain it. The person in front of her was too good at learning, and she could have a fluent conversation in just a few days.

By contrast.

His own IQ is simply making up the numbers.

Such a genius was actually buried in this kind of place. If there were no earthquakes and no cracks, he would probably die of old age here, most likely starving to death.

Although there is a lot of food.

But also limited.


Picked up a genius.

If you receive an orthodox education and become a scientist, don't be too serious.

the scientist?

never mind.

This profession makes people feel quite frightened. Before the cataclysm, it was still very respected, but now, it is not as popular as before.

If it wasn't a scientific experiment, how could it be like this here?

The mother star, which was originally in the habitable zone, almost passed alone.

. . .

the other side.

Shu Fu also knew the basic situation here.


Human beings really know how to play. This is not some remote immigrant planet, but this civilization's home planet. A scientific practice in gravity, an accident broke out.

Affects the gravitational entanglement of the parent star and the star.


Under the action of centrifugal force, the two began to move away from each other.

Finally, around and around.

out of the habitable zone.

If the entanglement had not been restored in the end, the planet under his feet would have almost left the group and left this star system alone.

It is also because of this that the geological upheavals, landslides and tsunamis were formed, causing huge casualties, and a large number of people began to leave for another star.

In fact.

This civilization has two life stars in the entire habitable zone, suitable for survival.

It was originally a good thing, but the orbit is a little closer, and the gravitational force is mutual. Every time it approaches, there will be a slight orbital change, scientists predict.

Hundreds of years from now, it's very likely that they will crash together.


I just want to use technology to solve this problem.

In the end, with concerted efforts, a lot of progress has been made.

For the first hundred or so fine-tunings, the effect was gratifying, and the distance was a little farther, which was exciting, but in the latest one, an accident occurred, which caused the gravitational anomaly.

Directly throw away the parent star.

Gravity is easy to reduce and simple to block, but if you want to increase it to bring it back, the difficulty increases by several orders of magnitude, under such circumstances.

This parent star is equivalent to an abandoned state.


There are still some people living on it. After all, there is water and an atmospheric environment on it. It is a bit colder, but it is possible to build dungeons and the like.

As for the other life star in the habitable zone, hundreds of millions of people immigrated there two hundred years before the catastrophe, and later multiplied to billions, and they still live on.

And underfoot.

Nearly three billion were lying down, and there was no time to escape.

. . .

After understanding all this.

What else can I say.


I almost drove the mother planet out of this big family and became a wandering planet. I have to admire this technology, anyway, I can't do it for the time being.

Not necessarily advanced.

It's because the other party has been clicking on the technology tree in this area.

In terms of energy, it has also entered the era of fusion energy.

In other aspects, it is not too super-class, and no light-speed spacecraft has appeared, but the exploration of more than a dozen surrounding star systems has achieved some results.


All barren galaxies.

There are no life stars.

want to come

This is also the reason why the spaceship technology is not too strong, because the past is not interesting, except for a pile of dirt.

. . .


Shu Fu has already followed the direction An Yuan said, and came to the underground city, but it is not messy. You must know that those who stay here are not abandoned people.

It's a choice.

If you wish.

Can go back to another life star at any time.

Most of those who stayed were unable to leave their homeland.

Many of them are the descendants of scientists. They continued their scientific research here and almost kicked the parent star out of the group. They all regretted it, so they stayed and tried to find a way.


The construction of the underground city is very good.



More than 300,000 people live here.




Well organized and lacking nothing.

An Yuan didn't go out to search for any supplies before, but she just stayed in the dungeon for a long time, stole the ice shuttle from home, and planned to go out for a walk.

It's a pity that I was unlucky and fell into the ice crevasse in an earthquake.

Suddenly, Shu Fu received the news.

"did you find it."

Help arrives.

Although the ice shuttle locator was destroyed, it is not difficult for a high-tech civilization to track the trajectory, relying on the final launch location to determine the range.

I don't know if the female guard can get in.

no problem.

Everything is under control for the time being.

Reach forward and touch the main body of the dungeon.

Shu Fu smiled slightly.


. . .

In the next second, he had already appeared in the city, in an empty room, and now he came in, but he had to find a way to go to another star of the other party.

It is obviously not appropriate to release the starship.

Observe for a while first.

Find out about the flight.

The technology here is not too weak. Although there is no light-speed spacecraft, there are still high-speed spacecraft. If you go there, it will only take a few days.


As for this civilization, Shu Fu has no intention of getting in touch with it.

First, the other party does not lack anything.

Although there is no light-speed spacecraft, many technologies are already very good, and there is no need to worry about food and drink. There is no complete material liberation, but it is quite abundant.

Second, the entire civilization is just one country.



No ambitions either.

Thirdly, Shu Fu intends to put up the airs first, get in touch with more civilizations, and then make plans.

Like the civilization in front of us, what you have, others don't necessarily lack.

Or rather, not a very urgent need.

And what others want, I may not necessarily be able to provide it.


Get in touch with more, even if you don't have one, but maybe another civilization can easily meet the needs of other civilizations, then it will be much easier to operate.

It's really silly that each civilization has to solve it by pushing the tower by itself!

as before.

The gravitational problem that is difficult to solve may be just a small chapter in the basic education textbooks in other civilizations.


not at all.

What is in the textbooks of today's society, in ancient times, is the divine book.

Isn't it more delicious to use other people's things to do your own business?

. . .

Of course, the idea is good, but the first step is to get in touch with it.

It's pointless to think so far, let's talk about solving the problem of crossing planets in front of us.

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