half an hour later.


After some negotiations, a small freight yard was rented out and drove into the warehouse.

A few minutes later, the shopkeeper reported:

"No abnormality."



Shu Fu got out of the car, but he didn't show up during the whole purchase process.

After getting off the bus, spend one million coins and transfer the bound building.




A minute passed.

There are nine more guards in the warehouse. He has made a lot of money recently, and Shu Fu is not stingy, he is directly upgraded to a second-level guard, and the money in the bank is wiped away.

Summon eighteen million.

Upgrade 18 million.


Thirty-six million is gone, plus the previous two, the total cost is forty-seven million.

. . .

"Mission 1, the shopkeeper and two guards, form a company and acquire a small metallurgical plant as soon as possible to cover and refine gold and silver."

Every time the broken gold is sold at a discount, it is a small loss, and it is too conspicuous, and the smelting can no longer meet the requirements.


There is an additional smelter, and there will be a cover to sell some steel in the future.

. . .

"Mission 2, two guards, sneak into the underground forces in Jakarta and collect some information, such as the power structure here, various channels, etc."

There are three uses.

First, sell gold.

Second, you don't have to wait until you go to the United States to buy weapons.

Third, apply for a certificate.

He is going to apply for a fake Indonesian identity. In this way, the next time you upgrade, with a new bound quota, you don't have to worry about it from home.

Came from Indonesia.

Direct flights to various countries.

It can be regarded as a cover-up, saving some trouble.

. . .

"Mission three, two guards, find a way to apply for employment in Indonesia's civil servants."

If you want to develop here, you can't just rely on business.

Penetration is a must.

The guards all have legal Indonesian identities and academic qualifications. Although they are not full-time graduates, the diplomas are there, plus auxiliary chips.

If it is planned properly, it is enough to make a difference, and it can be used when necessary.

. . .

"As for the remaining four guards, they are lurking, collecting information, and serving others when needed."

Shu Fu assigned four tasks in a row, but he didn't need to worry about them. He only needed to give orders and his subordinates carried them out. Unfortunately, there were not enough manpower.


get orders.

The subordinates took the funds and left separately.

These tasks are directly managed by the shopkeeper. Shu Fu left two guards to act as bodyguards temporarily.

Nothing happened to him at this time.

Take out your phone.

After dialing a number and ringing three times, the other person answered.

"Hello! Who is it?"

A familiar voice came.

"Uncle, it's me." Shu Fu smiled.


The voice on the other side was surprised.

"...Although I don't want to admit it, it is indeed me." Shu Fu said helplessly.

This was his nickname, but he stopped calling it after he was six years old.

But in the uncle's memory, this is a nickname he can't get rid of.

"Haha, it's really you, kid. How are you? Are you on summer vacation?" Shu Zheng laughed.

He only had one daughter, and he wanted to bring Shu Fu here.

Shu Fu's character was weak, but he was quite stubborn, so he didn't agree.

"I'm in Jakarta, where are you?" Shu Fu said.

The words fell.

The other side was stunned for a few seconds before realizing where Jakarta was.

"Are you in Indonesia?" Shu Zheng asked in surprise.


"Did something happen? Don't panic, I'll pick you up right away." Shu Zheng instinctively thought that something happened to Shu Fu, so he ran to Indonesia to hide.

heard the words.

Shu Fu helplessly explained:

"Nothing happened. I just came to travel for a few days and I'm going to go back to China. I've come here. I'll also drop by to see you. Are you in Jakarta too?"

Previously, Shu Fu actually didn't know where his uncle was, only that he was in Indonesia.

"I'm not in Java, are you a tour group? I'll go find you."

Java Island, the island where the capital of Indonesia is located.

"no no."

Shu Fu hurriedly said, "I'm traveling alone, you tell me the location, and I'll go there."

"Alone? How dangerous is that, you..."

It took a while for Shu Fu to convince his uncle to go over by himself.


"Yeah, it's a bit far, or..."

"It's okay, the plane is only two hours away, I'll buy a ticket later."

Sulawesi is a large island, and the voyage is not far away.

"Okay then, I'll pick you up in Makassar."


"Be careful, don't run around alone."


Like telling a child, they chatted for a while and ended the communication.

After that, Shu Fu went directly to the airport and bought the latest flight ticket to Sulawesi.


Just an hour later.

. . .

On the other side, after receiving the flight text message from Shu Fu, Shu Zheng hurried to the living room, where his wife was choosing dishes for lunch and his daughter was watching TV.

"My nephew is coming, make something good tonight."

"That... Doudou?" This nickname is so easy to remember.


"What happened?"

"I don't know, he said he was here for a tour, and he wanted to see us by the way."


It's still early.

After lunch.

Shu Zheng drove a semi-old pickup truck and set off for Makassar. Shu Fu's arrival made him attach great importance to it, after all, he was the only son of his brother.

He also has only one daughter.

Shu Fu is the only child of the Shu family.

From his point of view, Shu Fu might also be too lonely, and came to 'investigate'. If Shu Fu could stay, he could take care of him nearby.

. . .

Three hours later.

Sulawesi-Makassar International Airport.

Shu Fu was unfamiliar with Sulawesi except for the name. Recall that the first time I heard it was in a movie.

I'm a bit impressed.

get off the plane.

At this time, Shu Fu's hands were not empty, but brought a box of hometown specialties and sent them over. It's always a bit bad to come to the door empty-handed.

out of the airport.

A bunch of people came up to pull people, but Shu Fu waved his hands and refused.

Babbling, I couldn't understand at all, I took out my mobile phone, dialed my uncle, and was waiting to get through.

"Doudou, here."

A person came up from the crowd, it was Shu Zheng.


"Haha, boy, you've grown so strong. The last time I saw you, you were skinny. Now you're not only stronger, but also handsome, haha."

Seeing Shu Fu, Shu Zheng was very happy.

It was no longer the pale face and thin body that he saw last time. It seemed that he hadn't suffered much these days, so Shu Zheng felt relieved.


The two came to the parking lot and put the box in the back seat.

"Uncle, what are you doing here?"

Seeing some traces in the rear compartment and smelling the smell, Shu Fu also had some guesses in his heart.

Never asked about this before.


Shu Zheng explained, "It's the kind of rubber tree that can ooze white juice. You should have seen it on TV."


Shu Fu nodded.


Together with steel, petroleum and coal, it is called the world's four major industrial raw materials.

Indonesia is very suitable for the growth of rubber trees and is a major exporter of natural rubber in the world.

Thank you 'Sword Soul Platform', 'Little Yang aa', 'Hope ∞' for supporting!

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