My beast can't be a demon.

Chapter 71: Snowy Secret Realm, Extreme Ice Land

Chapter 71 Snowy Secret Realm·Iceland

Three days later, Zhou Lu had almost all the supplies he had bought, so he prepared to go to the Snowy Secret Realm.

The night before departure, Hua Huo was very excited to accompany Zhou Lu to sort out the supplies.

Cold-proof clothing, fuel for fire, tents, sleeping bags, food...

Except for consumables, everything else was prepared in duplicate.

Such thorough preparations also rely on Hua Huo's two skills [Carrying] and [Lilliput].

Zhou Lu even considered Hua Huo's cold-proof problem.

Fortunately, as a spiritual beast, Hua Huo has a certain resistance to cold, and the sticky baby's mucus has a certain ability to insulate and prevent cold at a certain concentration, so there is no need to worry about Xiao Cao being frostbitten and frozen to death in the ice land.

The next day, Zhou Lu came to the Explorer Association early in the morning.

A lot of people have gathered at the secret gate leading to the Snowy Secret Realm, most of them are seniors.

Because of the spread of the Internet, the Iceland has become a recognized metaphysical place for beastmasters.

Regardless of whether their pets’ evolution will be enhanced by the Extreme Ice Land, many beast masters will choose to go there to complete their evolution.

Many people have actually been to the Snowy Secret Realm for the first time. Zhou Lu looked over and saw that they were all carrying large and small bags to climb the snowy mountain.

Zhou Lu, who came here with only his pet, became an outlier.

Many people couldn’t help but laugh at Zhou Lu when they saw him coming to the door of the Snowy Secret Realm.

This is definitely a newcomer who doesn’t know the bone-chilling cold and the horror of the snowy secret realm.

There were a few enthusiastic seniors who came to remind Zhou Lu to be prepared for the cold.

Zhou Lu smiled and thanked them one by one.

Seeing Zhou Lu’s confidence, others gradually stopped reminding him.

After signing the statement, Zhou Lu entered the Snowy Secret Realm through the secret door.

Zhou Lu’s destination was the 33rd teleportation node, which was the closest teleportation point to the Extreme Ice Land.

There was no doubt that this was the place with the most beast masters.

As soon as Zhou Lu opened his eyes, he saw many beast masters, who were carrying large and small bags and walking towards the snow-capped peaks in the distance.

In fact, among the beast masters who went to the Extreme Ice Land this month, Zhou Lu had the least preparation time.

The best time to go to the Extreme Ice Land is in winter, when most of the spirit pets have completed their winter preparations.

And to come to the Extreme Ice Land this month, you either let the spirit pets complete their fur change in a cold environment such as a cold storage, or you also prepare the spirit pets for the cold.

Zhou Lu looked at the towering snow-capped mountains in the distance and was not in a hurry to catch up with the main force.

He clearly remembered that the special evolution recorded in the ancient books needed to be carried out in the rain in the Extreme Ice Land.

Let alone whether it would rain in this ghost place, there was no sign of snow here now.

Going up at this time is undoubtedly a waste of time.

Zhou Lu planned to take a walk around first.

He always remembered what Xiao Xi said last time.

Explore the secrets of the Extreme Ice Land?


Originally, Zhou Lu would never have such an idea. Such things should be done by heroes and have nothing to do with ordinary people like him.

But now Zhou Lu's mentality is a little different.

It's not that he intends to actively do something adventurous, but his intuition tells him that the source of this secret may have a certain connection with the "seven days of rain" mentioned in ancient books.

It is precisely because of this sentence in the ancient books that Zhou Lu lacks a bit of confidence in the evolution of Hua Huo.

From ordinary roadside weeds, special evolution to the legendary fairy grass, such a span is tantamount to a carp leaping over the dragon gate.

The lack of any condition makes Zhou Lu feel that it may lead to failure.

Hua Huo nestled in Zhou Lu's winter clothes, curiously looking at the outside world.

It rarely snows in Xin'anzhou, so Hua Huo has never seen real ice and snow since he was born, except for helping Zhou Lu shovel ice in the refrigerator.

The high price is indeed justified. Hua Huo feels the body temperature of his master and feels that his whole plant is a little dizzy.

In this dizzy state, Hua Huo felt as if she had a dream.

In the dream, there was a continuous drizzle.

From day to night.

From spring to winter.

Zhou Lu felt that Hua Huo's mood became calm, and he knew that the grass was probably asleep.

He didn't know what the grass dreamed about.

But Zhou Lu knew that he couldn't let Hua Huo fall asleep like this, after all, he still had to rely on the branches left by Hua Huo to guide the direction.

There were no plants on the snowy area.

In this environment that is very likely to cause snow blindness, any mark is very important.

However, no matter how Zhou Lu called, the grass still lay softly in Zhou Lu's arms.

This made Zhou Lu a little anxious.

What's going on?

Hua Huo has never had such a thing happen.

There must be something nearby that affected Hua Huo.

Zhou Lu quickly analyzed the problem in front of him.

Hua Huo is still alive, and from the perspective of a beastmaster, he is very healthy.

But it is unconscious, as if it has entered a long deep sleep.

Zhou Lu took a deep breath and quickly calmed himself down.

Looking around, the white was so clean.

Only the branches left by the fireworks on the snow were particularly obvious.


Zhou Lu looked at the ramets and immediately narrowed his eyes.

Some strange white spots appeared on the ramets of these fireworks.

Infection? Virus? Or skill influence?

Zhou Lu squatted down, pinched the leaves of the ramets, and frowned.

Thinking of this, Zhou Lu dug in his pocket and took out a small bag of purple powder.

Spores of the Ghost Heart Purple Mushroom.

This was given to him by Wu Xiaoqing. He remembered it when he was changing clothes and took out his pocket, so he put it in his pocket.

I didn't expect that not putting it with the fireworks at that time would help me a lot.

Thinking of this, Zhou Lu pinched a handful of spores and sprinkled them on the ramets of the fireworks, wanting to see if he could find the culprit who put the fireworks into this state by tracking the ghost heart purple mushroom.

As soon as the spores came into contact with the ramets, they began to expand and grow rapidly.

After a while, several ghost heart purple mushrooms covered with white spots appeared in front of Zhou Lu.

Puff! Pop!

With the sound of mushrooms bursting, purple powdery spores sprayed out from the body of the Ghost Heart Purple Mushroom.

The purple spores turned into a purple cloud in the air and flew quickly in one direction.

This is the source!

Zhou Lu saw this and chased after it without hesitation.

In any case, what exactly caused Hua Huo to enter this weird state.

The purple spores flew very fast.

Zhou Lu could only try his best to chase them. He fell into the snow several times and rolled several times before he could barely stabilize his body.

Fortunately, these purple spores were always within Zhou Lu's sight.

Zhou Lu had to sigh that although Xiao Xi sometimes talked nonsense, the saying "control the beast first control yourself" still made some sense.

If he hadn't paid more attention to physical exercise on weekdays, he would never be able to keep up with the flying speed of the Ghost Heart Purple Mushroom spores in this situation.

After running at full speed for nearly half an hour, Zhou Lu's physical strength had reached its limit.

The cold air rushed into his nasal cavity, and it seemed to freeze his alveoli.

Zhou Lu even suspected that if he coughed now, he might cough up blood.

Fortunately, the spores finally stopped.

They all fell on the snow.

The spores scattered and formed an irregular circle.

Zhou Lu did not hesitate, and rushed over and dug the snow covered with spores with his hands.

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