My Beast Has Unlimited Evolution

Chapter 91 Huge Harvest

On top of the aircraft.

Some students are making a noise.

All of them are students who have completed their military missions and are preparing to return home on the aircraft.

"Haha, I got 600 credits this time. Now I am prosperous. There is something I have wanted to buy for a long time."

"What do you mean? I participated in that beast tide mission, and all the credits added up to 1,200." A student said proudly.

Hear this.

All the students showed envious expressions.

Although every military support mission, the credit reward is very impressive.

But I want to have more than 1,000 credits.

It's not a simple matter either.

Li Mo listened to the discussions around him, took out his student ID card, and opened the option of personal credits.

"24,500 credits is so much."

Li Mo's pupils shrank deeply, and he whispered "593" in his heart.

He has so many credits now.

It was completely beyond his expectation.

Li Mo started to look at the details.

Discovered that in addition to his original thousands of credits.

The biggest improvement this time.

It was the Beast Tide mission that caused my credits to skyrocket.

"No matter what, I finally saved up enough credits to buy Void Wood."

A smile appeared on Li Mo's lips. He immediately clicked on the mall page and finally chose to purchase.

More than half of the 24,500 credits were consumed in an instant.

Li Mo immediately browsed other interfaces, preparing to purchase a spiritual technique that suited him.

[Spiritual Focus]: Improve concentration, sold for 50 credits.

[Spiritual Wind Control]: Step on the breeze and float, priced at 1,000 credits.

[Spiritual Armoring]: Beast-controlling armor, which improves the combat effectiveness of the beast-controlling master. The price is 3800 credits.

[Spiritual Blockade]: Use spiritual power to turn a lock into a blockade, and sell for 700 credits.

【Spiritual Magic Side Wheel】:----------

Li Mo considered his own situation and finally bought Yufeng and Kaihua.

The former gives him the ability to fly.

The latter can comprehensively improve his combat effectiveness.

The fusion of the power of the beast master and the beast master is not as simple as 1+1=2.

Not to mention his powerful physique.

It can definitely explode with extremely terrifying power.

Although Li Mo is also very greedy for other spiritual arts.

But he could only hold back.

Because his previous spiritual tools could no longer keep up with him, and were even damaged during the battle.

Therefore, he must replenish defensive spiritual tools.

Li Mo switches interface.

A dazzling array of defensive spiritual tools appeared in front of him.

[One-star spiritual tool white light shield]: It can form a protective light shield and sells for 500 credits.

[One-star spiritual tool purple jade pendant]:…………………….

[Four-star spiritual equipment and spiritual armor]: It can be transformed into ever-changing forms, and the protection formed can block the attacks of lord-level beasts. It is sold for 4,000 credits.

[Samsung Spiritual Tool Vajra Bell]: The sound of the bell stirs and the sound wave changes into shape. The price is 2000 credits.

In the end, Li Mo chose Spirit Armor. Although there were higher-level spiritual tools in it, he couldn't afford it with his remaining credits.

"But the credits go really fast."

Li Mo looked at the few credits he had left with a wry smile on his face.

After putting away his student ID card, Li Mo began to close his eyes and rest.

What I purchased this time.

He will be sent to his dormitory by a dedicated person later.


A few hours later.

The aircraft landed slowly and descended.

Li Mo immediately ran back to his dormitory.

The mall is very fast.

He didn't have to wait long.

Except for Void Wood.

All the things he purchased have been delivered to him.

Li Mo immediately took out all the beast cores in the space ring.

These are all the beasts he hunted. According to the rules of the military, all the harvest belongs to him.


Except for the spiritual armor whose attributes show that it cannot be upgraded.

All spiritual skills were upgraded by Li Mo without hesitation.

[Spiritual Technique to Control the Air]: If you step on the breeze, you can walk against the wind; if you step on the storm, you can walk on flat ground. (can grow

[Spiritual Beast Transformation]: With the fusion of beast control, the beast control master can obtain the beast control talent skills, which comprehensively improves the beast control master's combat effectiveness. (can grow)

[Energy required for upgrade]: Emperor-level beast core x 1 overlord-level beast core x 5 monarch-level beast core x 20.

Li Mo quickly thought about the two spiritual scrolls, and a lot of knowledge appeared in his mind.

The spirit armor was also activated by him.

Since the spirit armor has ever-changing attributes, Zimo directly turned it into his own personal clothing...


Li Mo began to practice his latest spiritual skills.

Air Control is okay, and it is not very difficult to learn. Li Mo has already mastered it very easily.

As for animal transformation, the difficulty has not been increased even a little bit.

Among all the spiritual arts that Li Mo has come into contact with, only Stars in the Sky is more difficult to practice than Nong Hua.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The sound of knocking on the door sounded at this time.

Li Mo stepped forward to open the door, and two figures appeared in front of him.

Surprisingly, it was Su Hai and Zhao Shanshan who had not seen each other for a long time.

"Hahaha, let me tell you, as soon as Li Mo comes back, he will definitely practice.

Su Hai laughed and said to Zhao Shanshan next to him.

"You just came back, aren't you ready to take a good rest?"

Zhao Shanshan said softly to Li Mo.

"Isn't this because I have gained a lot of credits and purchased spiritual skills to improve my strength?"

Li Mo didn't hide anything.

"Oh, let me tell you, Mr. Gengen, how many credits have you obtained?"

Su Hai said arrogantly:

"I definitely got more credits than you this time, a full 1,800 credits."

"Oh, it's really a lot." Li Mo nodded flatly and said, "The credits I obtained are not many, which is about 10 times that of yours."

"Yeah, that's ten times as good as me..." Su Hai subconsciously took over the words, reacted randomly, and was immediately stunned, looking at Li Mo with eyes full of disbelief. 4.


"This this....."

Zhao Shanshan also opened her mouth with a look of surprise on her face.

Although she also knows Li Mo's strength.

Credits earned are absolutely objective.

But he didn't expect that it would reach such a terrifying level.

So many credits.

I'm afraid some ordinary students.

Four years at Imperial College.

None of the credits can reach this level.

"Haha, as expected of you.

Su Hai also came to his senses, immediately put his arms around Li Mo's shoulders and said:

"No matter what, you have a treat this time."

"Okay, you can eat anywhere."

Li Mo nodded slightly.

In Imperial College.

Only diet.

It's one of the few things that can be solved with money. .

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