My Beast Master Is Really Not An Evil God

Chapter 505 The Fourth Moon God Little Spider! Return to the Main World! God-level skills!

Chapter 505 The Fourth Moon God——Little Spider! Return to the Main World! God-level skills!


Endless moonlight gathered and intertwined with the evolutionary light on the little spider, illuminating the source of the old days.

The movement was so big that if it was placed in the main world, it would be enough to cause the moon's anomaly and stir the border.

But in these dark years when only the top great beings can return, if it were not for the Eternal Moon, even without the cover of the Crimson Kingdom, it would be just a drop of water in the ocean, inconspicuous.

Only Lu Yu and his pet can witness it.

In fact, under normal circumstances, the power of the night cannot be hidden from the top great existence of the Eternal Moon.

But now... it is a chaotic era!

The mother river has entered a manic period, spirituality is surging, fate is chaotic, and the difficulty of the gods intervening in fate has greatly increased.

In addition, Lu Yu's shot almost killed the long river of history and directly entered the oldest source.

Even if the Eternal Moon found that his power was lost at this time, he could not enter the rioting long river of history.

After all, this is a taboo position. The long river of history is afraid that Lu Yu will die here and pollute the entire past.


What is the eternal moon?

It has the ability to become a taboo!

Therefore, Lu Yu dared to steal the sky and change the moon.


The light of evolution on the little spider shines, and the umbilical cord of the moon goddess trembles. It is unwilling to be swallowed, and spreads endless moonlight in an attempt to distort this history.

Seeing this scene, the faces of many pets including Shushu changed. They were not panicked, but...

They couldn't bear to watch!


Accompanied by a violent roar, the ninety-nine-meter chaos egg smashed down, directly smashing the umbilical cord of the moon goddess stiff. It wanted to resist, but under the erosion of the chaotic airflow, it soon fell into a state of ignorance.

As if returning to its original primitive form.

The original trickle instantly turned into a big faucet spraying water, and the vast rules of the moon poured in, making the light of evolution on the little spider shine more and more.

"Why are people and gods now all non-violent and non-cooperative?"

Lu Yu shrugged his shoulders and hit the Moon Goddess's umbilical cord several more times, making sure that the Moon Goddess's umbilical cord was half dead before taking it back to the ranch.

The Chaos Eggs before could smash the projection of the Breeding Moon, and there were only a few cracks under head-on collision, not to mention that after the evolution, even the Breeding Moon's body dared to confront it head-on.

Of course, the premise is that the other party stood and let him smash, without using spiritual power and authority.

It's just an umbilical cord, not even the body of the god, how dare it be arrogant?

"The cultivator is really promising, so big that even the evil god can't stand it." Shushu nodded and sighed.

"???" Chitu on the side couldn't help turning his head, and the wheel was about to roll over his face.

If this continues, the anger it has accumulated today will be reduced again.

What does it look like to hang a drip every day?

Dandan was watching the show with a smile on his face. He didn't understand Sese and preferred to eat, but...

Recently, Chitu has brought more fun.

Every time I see this guy's angry drip, I want to take it off and put the blame on Shushu.

It's a pity that it's too obvious and easy to be exposed. I have to think of a good way...

Paper Knight ignored the intrigue here and silently guarded the little spider.

It is the shield of the master and all the family, forever!

As for Lu Wa, just thinking that the little spider will become more beautiful and get more love from his father makes her jealous.

But thinking about the little spider's kindness to it, she is a little entangled.

I can only think secretly in my heart that when I am born, I will definitely be more stunning than her...I think so...

The evolution lasted for almost a day. As the light faded, the shriveled and dried umbilical cord of the moon goddess could be seen.

A large number of cracks appeared on the simulated palace of the mother goddess, and it exploded with a "pop", turning into moonlight all over the sky.

The little spider walked out slowly and stepped into the void.

Its appearance has not changed much. After all, it is already an almost perfect life under the judgment of truth, but it is more mature, like a fully bloomed flower.

Its skin is whiter, its long silver hair shines, and a simplified silver moon mark appears between its eyebrows. The spider legs that were originally like amethyst are more delicate, shining with silver moonlight, and shining more brilliantly.

Behind it is the illusory moon mark that reflects the moon, the void, and the illusion. It is entangled and wrapped by the illusory eight spider arms, like a dream, like fishing for the moon in the water.

The bright moonlight gathers, like a brilliant galaxy surrounding her, wearing a beautiful feather dress.

Like the moon god, descending to the world!

It slowly opened its eyes and looked at Lu Yu, with the corner of its mouth:


Master, I'm back!


In Lu Yu's eyes, information about the little spider also appeared.

[Xuanyue Phantom Spider]

[Level: Eternal Sun Peak]

[Potential: ? ? ? ]

[Description: The first pet of the Lord of the Gate, evolved from the Void Curse Moon God Spider, through the connection of the Moon God umbilical cord, it devoured the original power of the Eternal Moon and the fragmentary Moon authority, and suppressed the related high-dimensional pollution through the pasture, successfully transformed, possessed a status beyond the Son of God, and purified itself. Through the interweaving of the void, the moon, the curse, and the illusion, it successfully condensed its own demigod divinity. In essence, it can become the fourth Moon God, because most of the Moon Path is occupied by the Eternal Moon, and the rest is divided by the Breeding Moon, the Original Moon, and the Moon Lord. There is no new path, and it needs to be judged by the truth or create a new path to have the opportunity to become a new god.

Because it has devoured part of the authority of the Eternal Moon, it has the ability to trigger the tides and gravity of all things. ]

[Skills: Spider Silk (No rank, Transcendent)

Heart Eye Soul Sword (High rank, Transcendent)

Mystery·Empty Sword (Legendary rank, Transcendent)

Nightmare Prison (Super rank, Transcendent)

(Omitted below...)]

[Evaluation: All its efforts are just to stay with you forever. ]

No matter how many times he opens the Little Spider's attribute panel, Lu Yu will be shocked by the terrifying proficiency in it, almost all of which are Transcendent.

But this is not because of the trick of the proficiency panel. After all, it only points out the direction. All pets have it, but only the Little Spider has trained to the strongest, and his combat power is terrifying.

Especially as the Little Spider's strength increases, he can control the flow rate of dreams, and when they sleep, he often slows down the speed alone. In the long time, he quietly enjoys loneliness and keeps getting stronger.

The Little Spider doesn't care about strength, because during this period, it also improves its cooking skills, weaves clothes and protective armor for him and all pets, etc.

All for himself and Shushu to avoid being hurt.

But he has been enduring loneliness all the time!

A real little angel!

Although Shushu is shouting about usurping the throne all day long, it is the one that respects Spider-Man the most and is a loyal supporter.

Before, because there was no suitable evolutionary material, Lu Yu could not strengthen it, which led to the other pets often catching up.

But under the suppression of Spider-Man's terrifying proficiency, he could only lose.

But over time, there is still the possibility of surpassing.

Now that he has stolen part of the authority of the Eternal Moon, his talent has also been upgraded to the same question mark level as Shushu, Dandan, and Paper Knight.

According to Spider-Man's feedback, this time's transformation of his background has increased her comprehensive combat power by more than 50%. In addition, because it is a monster, it is blessed by the void and fantasy, and with the transformation of divinity, its lifespan has reached the level of one million years.

You know, it has not become a king yet!

If it were not for the ability to reduce the side effects of the Gate Master to one percent, he could take the Dust Walker's Staff and directly replace several old age true kings.

In addition, by regulating the flow rate of time in dreams, it is completely possible to stay awake in dreams and slow down dozens or hundreds of times, and have a lifespan of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years in disguise.

Of course, there is no need for this!

After all, after becoming a great existence, unless it falls, even if it is buried in the old days, as long as it has not been completely forgotten, there is still a chance to return.

Infinite lifespan in the true sense!

The second is that the perception and understanding of the rules are greatly improved.

In the past, the talent of the little spider was already terrifying, but it was still a lot worse than the monsters in the team.

Purely using diligence to suppress others!

Now the King of Roll + top-level understanding is simply a monster!

After understanding this, the little spider directly stated that he would go back to the Nightmare Prison to start rolling now, and he could not waste precious training time.


Lu Yu was stunned when he heard this, but he reacted instantly after looking down and seeing the little spider covering his mouth and laughing.

This girl has learned bad things, and she can even tease him!

Lu Yu touched its head and messed up all the hair.

The feel is even better than top-grade silk.

The little spider showed an expression of enjoyment.

As long as he worked a little harder, the master would not need to be so tired and could start to live a life of lying down.

Or he was not working hard enough!

"Sister Spider!"

Shushu also came over, curious about what ability the little spider had obtained, and expressed his desire to try the strength.

In fact, he wanted to steal information in advance,

so that he could challenge it later.

This was what he thought of with his supreme wisdom.

In this regard, the little spider readily agreed, and spread out an invisible moon ring, covering the nearby area.

In an instant, Shushu suddenly felt that his body had lost weight and slowly floated up:

"Oh no... stop... stop... Shushu... Shushu... is going to... fly..."

Even the huge egg opened his eyes and spread out the dragon's might to try to curb this power, but he could only watch himself fly up.

Because it was the surrounding environment that was changed.

As for Chitu, he had already been flying upside down in the sky.

"What a terrifying ability!"

Paper Knight was also shocked. He relied on transforming into elemental light to avoid the influence of this mysterious power.

But if it suddenly came during the battle...

I can't even imagine it!

This is the third change of Spider-Man, which is also the most important point.

She has mastered the abilities of gravity, moon tide, and moon magic.

Although gravity-related abilities are rare, they at least exist. Lu Yu won the Rookie King in the last term... um, what was his name? Forget it, he can't remember the name of the loser.

He is also from a top family in the imperial capital, and he dominates the area with this ability, which shows how powerful his ability is.

But only gravity-related abilities can only appear in a very small number of pets blessed by the Moon.

Because this is the authority of the Eternal Moon.

After all, gravity is one of the four basic forces of the universe and one of the basic elements for building all things.

If there is no gravity,

let alone life, even dust will be annihilated.

If a planet loses gravity, it will affect itself, and all things will be unbalanced, deviate from the orbit, and inevitably go to extinction.

Even the countless galaxies in the universe can only be maintained by the traction of gravity.

Even the Breeding Moon only controls the path of the moon and breeding, and the authority related to gravity is not obtained.

Especially this ability, which reminds Lu Yu of a cartoon he watched in his previous life - Jackie Chan Adventures.

Among them is Zhulan, one of the eight demons, who has the ability related to gravity. It is also the first time that Lu Yu has seen the star-destroying combat power in anime.

With a wave of his hand, the planet can be destroyed by itself because of the loss of gravity.

If it were not for the protagonist's halo and the opponent's staying in the hell space for too long, which has worn out his IQ, there would be no chance of winning at all.

Then there are abilities similar to Shinra Tensei, which can play with everything in the palm of your hand.

It can be said to be a top-level ability.

The Moon Tide is also a similar ability, which triggers changes in all things through its own tides, which is equivalent to a super high-energy radiation source.

As for the Moon Demon Phase, it can absorb the power of the Eternal Moon, enter a special Moon Demon form, and greatly improve combat power.

With these abilities, and then promoted to the demigod level, Spider-Man will call himself the fourth Moon God in the future, and the other three Moon Gods cannot deny it.

Even the great supernatural power Heng'e has to be a head shorter, after all, she is only comparable to the True King, but she is still a step away from the real immortal god, that is, the great existence.

Even the Eternal Moon, who is comparable to the Ancient Emperor and Ancient Heavenly Venerable, was stunned.

When did he have a fourth child?

"But the Moon does not need to recognize it, because it is a creature of truth!"

Lu Yu whispered softly, touching the little spider's head. With the ability of the Five Decays of Heaven and Man, the throne of the eldest sister of the little spider will not be shaken for a long time.

If you find a suitable sacrificial secret food, you can learn from the God of the Underworld and forcibly open up the kingdom of God on the moon.

In this way, except for the several incarnations of Shushu, among all the pets in the team, only Chitu has not been born with divinity.

However, its goal is very clear, just keep an eye on the mechanical world and the mechanical god.

Take back everything it has lost?

What? This was opened up by the mechanical god and the taboo existence behind him?

Lu Yu disagreed.

After the little spider's evolution was completed, the umbilical cord of the Moon God had dimmed.

But in fact, if you squeeze it, you can continue to steal the authority of the Eternal Moon.

Otherwise, the other party would not have to go to such great lengths to seal it in the Old Source.

But if it is further stolen, it will involve the origin, which will easily make the Eternal Moon rush in desperately and fight hard, which will not end well.

Even the previous earnings will have to be vomited out.

The most important thing is that even if the Eternal Moon is really weakened, it is not a good thing now, it is easy for the Mother of Dusk to take advantage, and maybe be promoted to the Mother of the Sun in advance.


If He dies, will the taboo existence behind the moon appear...

The answer is, it is likely to appear!

Lu Yu is an insecure person. Before he is promoted to a taboo existence, he does not want to meet the other taboos.

"Forget it, let him go."

Lu Yu looked at the Old Source without an Old God, only endless darkness.

The stingy man of the Long River of History actually questioned his character and did not give him the opportunity to fleece the Old God.

In this case...

Lu Yu turned around and reversed the Spear of the Old, causing the Long River of History to riot again.

But compared to the first shock, this time was more like...


So, he rode the waves of the long river of history and approached the present world with great momentum.

The ancient beings who had just calmed down because the long river of history had calmed down were shocked.

Come again! ! ?

Although they didn't know who was tossing, they still avoided it decisively, fearing that they would be crushed to death.

The Tianzhou clan on the Ashes Boat also accelerated to avoid it, fearing that they would be killed by the waves. They kept praying, and finally relied on the collector's flag to escape again.

However, the false king of Tianzhou stood on the deck with a shocked look.

He seemed to be above the waves of the long river of history. Although it was just a glimpse, he seemed to see a black shadow that was incompatible with the dust of history.

Could it be that this was the source of the chaos that caused the riot in the long river of history!

Now it is approaching the present world, could it be...

Is a certain old god going to return?

The chaotic era is really dangerous, and I don't know how Lu Yu is doing now?

See if there is a chance to inform him of some information, and prepare for these returning old gods in advance.

Don't die on the way.

The Tianzhou clan is still waiting for him to inherit the family property!

However, at this time, Lu Yu stood on the long river of history, with pets behind him, exuding a vast aura.

The dust of history keeps clinging to him, but it cannot cover his body, nor can it bury him in the ancient years.

Instead, it makes the grass in the pasture more lush, as if silently mocking.

He opened his arms, as if embracing the world, and chuckled:

"I am older than the ancient times, and the past is nothing but the future, so..."

"Main world, I'm back!"



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