My Beast Master Is Really Not An Evil God

Chapter 528: Creating the Prototype of the Thousand-Handed Demon God! Face the Pure White God!

"No wonder it's called the final feast. I really feel so hungry..."

Lu Yu whispered, feeling the endless hunger coming, like rolling waves, constantly impacting the mind and reason.

As long as all the heavens and worlds are eaten up, the end will naturally come!

Whether it is people, the world, or gods, they are all just food at this banquet. The only difference is the hors d'oeuvres, the main course, and the dessert.

This is also Lu Yu's first time using the authority of the Final Banquet in an armed form after Dandan evolved into the juvenile body of the Final Dragon God.

That's right, it's not ability, it's not mythical skills, it's...


True god-level power!

The first meal was a Seraph Archangel...

Seraph - Mikael!

this moment,

The foolish musicians played chaotic, ignorant, and ancient music, which ran through the years and resounded throughout the heavens.

"This is……"

Before countless angels had time to react, their wisdom was reduced and they entered a state of ignorance and ignorance.

The so-called guarding the heaven...has also lost its meaning because it is simply incomprehensible.

They cannot even understand the meaning of their own lives.

In an instant, he was smeared by the swarm of blood-eating insects and fell into prey. His vitality was instantly sucked away, leaving only an angel skin floating around.

Or maybe it was crushed by the huge origami Hurikishi, and the pure white radiant blood spilled all over the ground, distorting the light and shadow.

The swarm of reincarnation insects swept across, and the flesh, flesh, corpses and even souls of the angels entered the reincarnation, and they could not be reincarnated forever.

"The banquet...let's begin!"

Lu Yu whispered softly, his body shape remained unchanged, but his shadow was transformed into a terrifying black-gold dragon burning with doomsday flames under the interweaving power of the endless feast.


With three heads and ten horns, it breathed out endless Doomsday Dragon Breath, and countless doomsday barbs sprouted from its body. It was hideous and terrifying, and it opened an almost infinite mouth, dripping with black dragon saliva.


The mysterious and treacherous final banquet begins!

The strange figures stretched infinitely, lingering with endless aura of finality. Both the soul and the world began to perish at this moment.

This group of world-destroying shadows became the most loyal servants of the Dragon God. They began to clean the dinner plates and prepare...

Share the divinity!

The blazing angel Mikael struggled wildly, but he was suppressed by the world and penetrated by the spear of the old sky. He was unable to compete with the power of the final feast.

As for the only promising law, it was also suppressed by mountains of chaos eggs and the [Royal Court - Palace of Truth].

Soon, its body containing divinity was constantly decaying, and its white and beautiful feathers began to be stained with filth. It was as if it had entered the five declines of heaven and man. The divinity and the power of the Final Feast were intertwined in the body, and an unknown change began to occur. .

But it is not destruction, but this banquet is constantly absorbing its fear and anger, like an excellent chef, making the ingredients more delicious.

When the deliciousness reaches its peak,

Hollows appear constantly in Mikal's body, and he is swallowed silently by these twisted figures. The scene is extremely strange.


Mikael was desperate.

As the left hand of God, it actually...

He was going to be eaten!

"Is this the banquet? It is indeed the banquet that ends all things!"

When the eldest son of the Toad Ancestor saw this scene, his infinitely elongated thoughts flashed through his mind. He felt a bone-chilling coldness and his eyes were filled with fear.

It was as if I saw that after this banquet started, all the heavens and all the worlds would become extinct.

Once the host of the banquet finishes his meal, all things will usher in eternal death!

As an ancient demigod, although he is simple, he knows a lot about the inside story. He immediately thought of the God of the End who was replaced by the Mother of Twilight.

Could it be that He has returned?

As expected of a mother, she has found such a powerful partner and can join in this banquet of the end of all things.

It’s stable now!


Seeing this scene, the Eternal Darkness Feathered Serpent attacked even more frantically, denying the Angel of Virtue Raphael, the Angel of Ruling Uriel, and the Angel of Strength Gabriel a chance to support.

Shi Weijun and Wan Yinwu looked shocked and could no longer understand...

Is Lu Yu a pawn of the great existence?

Or is it the great being?

To directly swallow Seraph Archangel alive would be too shocking.

Or is it a gift from a powerful person in a higher dimension?

"He is on the human side now, that's enough."

Shi Weijun said, having absolute trust in Lu Yu.

It's just that not everyone is a monster like Lu Yu. It is extremely difficult for the false king to defeat the true king, even if he is suppressed by the world.

Therefore, Shi Weijun's head continued to shine, overflowing with thousands of streams of light, intertwining in the void, turning into eighteen pairs of sacred wings of light. In the center of the wings, there was a huge ball of light, with vast pressure.

Wherever the brilliance reaches, wisdom shines!

And in the center of the light ball, there is a vague shadow of an angel, which is so powerful that it has exceeded the limit of the false king level, but it is still far away from the true king.

"I didn't expect that one day I would be able to fight back to the heaven. Lao Shi, you really chose an incredible guy this time."

Shi Weijun's pet beast spoke, his words filled with nostalgia, naturally...

The former wise angel!

"Cherubim!" The deceased angel Thasos looked solemnly.

Unexpectedly, this former betrayer actually lived a second life.

And it is an angel called the right hand of God.

The status of the right hand is more than a little higher than that of the left hand!

This one, in particular, has already entered the realm of demigods, but fell down because of his betrayal of God, otherwise he would have had the hope of becoming a god of pure white God.

Even though it was a sacrificed angel, it was once only its deputy.

"You have betrayed the Lord again!" Thasos, the obedient angel, said coldly, his eyes cold.

Traitors are more hateful than enemies.

"No, I am saving Him!" Cherub said calmly: "You don't understand the nature of God. Killing Him is the right choice!"

"Shut up!" Thasos was angry, and endless brilliance swept across, colliding with Shi Weijun, and a war broke out.

Even the aftermath is enough to shatter countless worlds.

The madness of the battle made Wan Yinwu unable to help but complain:

"Really, the alliance doesn't pay overtime, is it necessary to risk your life?"

Having said that, he also chose to go all out. Jigsaw [Tianwu Realm] appeared, and powerful fighting beasts rushed out and began to besiege the kingdom Michael with all their strength.

Although they are antiques, they will not be swallowed up by the old times.

"Those who disobey God will eventually be destroyed!" Michael roared angrily, slashing with the sword of the Angel of Light in his hand to judge all things.

Everywhere in the heaven, there are angels who were killed and fell, turned into countless rays of light, and were swallowed up by the breath of the original heaven.

Without the reinforcements of other Seraphs, there was no accident for Chiai, and he was quickly eaten by the Final Banquet, leaving only his mutilated eyes.

"The angel tastes really good!" Lu Yu couldn't help but sigh.

A large amount of true king-level brilliance was digested through the final feast, allowing Dandan's strength to increase rapidly. At the same time, the semi-mythical skill [Primordial Celestial Breathing] was also constantly improving.

The most intuitive thing is that the three hundred and thirty-three-armed Heavenly Demon God has doubled, and the number has directly accumulated to six hundred and sixty-six.

There is already a prototype of the Thousand-Armed Demon God.

The number also happens to correspond to the demon Satan in the Bible in his previous life!

Lu Yu's sub-system has also been directly upgraded to the pseudo-king level, and is even still improving, and has been fed back to the beast master system. If it were not for the corresponding ecology, it is estimated that he could directly surpass the eco-master and be promoted to the pseudo-king.

But now, Lu Yu's combat power has been doubled from the original basis.

Coupled with the growth of the ancient mortal dragon, even an ordinary true king can shake it head-on instead of retreating completely.

Such vast spirituality would have been overwhelming for ordinary people, but for Lu Yu, it was easy to suppress it with the ranch.

"This is only two-thirds of a Seraph Archangel. If you eat a few more, you should be able to become a king instantly!"

Lu Yu's eyes were filled with surprise. He was just about to finish digesting the blazing angel Michael when he heard its weak voice:

"Kill me and that woman will die too."

"I have set up a spell in the Cage of Light in advance. As long as you kill me, all the prepared laws of Seraph will explode."

Lu Yu stopped, looked at Mikal indifferently, and said lightly: "Are you trying to threaten me with this?"

"Mortal, you are too arrogant. I am the left hand of God, the Seraph Archangel created by God. How can I bow to a mortal!"

Mikal's mutilated eyes shed blood and tears, feeling the bite of the final feast, and roared:

"This time, because of my fault, you blasphemers broke into the heaven and committed numerous crimes."

"You can kill my body, but you can't kill my devout faith in the Lord!"

Shi Weijun suddenly turned his head and reminded: "Lu Yu, don't let its law die. Cherubim told me that the fall or betrayal of the Seraph Archangel will awaken the divine slough deep in the pure white world. There is a chance that Wake up the pure white god.”

At the beginning, the cherubim were severely damaged by the divine transformation of the pure white God.

Otherwise, he would not die miserably in the mother river.

The moment the other party opened his mouth, Lu Yu had already reinforced the final banquet, preventing Mikal from getting out of trouble.

"You do not understand the power that our Lord has given me, the law of the blazing angel - the prayer of God!"

Michael the Seraph roared.

The law of the Seraph Angel, just like its name, has the power of law, spirit and faith condensed with blazing love and piety like the sun, and possesses miracles that transcend the material world.

Although it cannot resist the shackles of the Last Feast and the Spear of the Old Heaven, it is enough to destroy the angelic law and ignite life.

I want to die, can you stop me?

Too underestimated the Seraph Archangel!

"I will make you feel extreme pain and fear!"

Mikal let out his last roar before death and returned to nothingness. At the same time, the light cage exploded with a bang, and Yu Xiyan inside turned into thousands of light points and scattered.

This scene made many people look ugly.

Jiang Ji's body trembled slightly.

The person you wanted to save was killed by Mikal?

The rest of the Seraph Archangels were also extremely angry.

The noble Seraph was actually forced to commit suicide in exchange for the target they wanted to save.

What a humiliation!

The most important thing is that Shen Shen didn't even wake up. Could it be that he was suppressed by the world?

At this moment, everyone looked at Lu Yu who was standing quietly in the void. They thought he had been hit. They were about to say something to comfort him, but they heard him suddenly say:

"Okay, stop playing hide-and-seek!"

His eye of truth was open the whole time.

"Hehe, I knew you could find me!"

After the words fell, the shadow of the long river of destiny emerged, and pale arms stretched out from it, intertwined, and emerged holding a black pyramid.

Yu Xiyan sat on the top of the pyramid, wearing a white dress, looking at Lu Yu with a smile, just like...

When she looked at him under the tree, her eyes were burning, with an unyielding determination.

It has never changed from beginning to end.

Lu Yu looked at her laughing and said unhappily: "Are you stupid? For a birthday present, is it necessary to take such a risk?"

"The gods will not care about my life or death, but I guess..." Yu Xiyan was scolded without being angry, and smiled more, saying: "You will."

"And this is a skill of the destiny system - the pyramid of destiny, at the cost of consuming a destiny, burying yourself in the long river of destiny in advance. As long as I die first, others can't kill me!"

"The probability of death is only 70%, and the probability of survival is 20%, but the probability of being remembered by you is 99%. Isn't it worth it?"

Lu Yu rolled his eyes and was speechless to this woman.

He doesn't want to take risks most of the time, okay?

It's just that I'm happy on my birthday today, and I want the heaven to fall to help cheer me up.

But in the end, Lu Yu's thoughts flowed and he stretched out his hand.

"Enough of the trouble, let's go home!"

With such emotions, it would be too heartless to refuse again.

Since she is willing to go deep into the heaven for him, it has already said a lot.

If there are flowers to be picked, you must pick them immediately, don't wait until there are no flowers and there are empty branches.

He doesn't like regrets, but prefers a happy ending.

Yu Xiyan looked at Lu Yu's outstretched hand, stunned for a moment, and vaguely guessed what he meant, and her body trembled slightly.


"Don't hesitate..."


In fate, countless pairs of dark blue eyes opened, dragged their twisted bodies out of fate, and looked at her excitedly.

His eyes were full of envy, jealousy and...


Countless failures, countless deaths, countless lonely wanderings...


In this last and only timeline, he got his recognition.

At this moment, Yu Xiyan couldn't tell whether this was true or not. Even if it was false, she wanted to drown in this sea called "happiness".

However, at the moment when Yu Xiyan trembled and stretched out her hand, the pure white world shook violently, and the sky collapsed and the earth cracked.


The vast divine power rushed into the sky, and cut a pure white light curtain between Lu Yu and Yu Xiyan.

Even the earthly ecology could not stop the spread of this terrifying power.

The angel reincarnation pool was running, and countless angels who had fallen were revived, reincarnated, and returned again at this moment.

Only Mikal, who was swallowed by the final feast, could not be reshaped, proving that this was not a reversal of time.

"God's transformation has revived?" Wan Yinwu's eyes were solemn.

"No... This seems to be..." Shi Weijun's hoarse voice sounded.

At the same time, the Eternal Dark Feathered Serpent stopped moving, looked into the depths of the pure white world, his eyes obsessed, and murmured:

"Finally... I see you again!"

In the land of glory, a figure emerged.

Sacred, majestic, supreme, grand...

All weak creatures can't even look directly at Him.

Every step he takes, billions of brilliance shines on the Mother River, and even the mortal world cannot extinguish its power.

All the Seraphim archangels, with excited eyes, said respectfully:

"Praise the great and supreme God, come to the mortal world!"

The voice echoed in the heavens, reflecting the terrified eyes of countless people.

Next, they will face the Lord of Billions of Brilliance, the Creator of Heaven, the God of Light, the God of Acceleration...

Pure White God!



ps: Ask for monthly tickets, and sacrifice a friend's book.

Me! The immortal who returned from the Xianwu world!

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