My Beast Master, What The Hell Is This Red Lotus Godzilla?

Chapter 96: The National Unified College Entrance Examination! Unlock Griza's Skill - Dark Thun

"Congratulations, you have successfully unlocked the skill: Creation Requiem!"

"Congratulations, you have successfully unlocked the skill: Megaros Lightning Strike!"

"Congratulations, you have successfully unlocked the skill: Dark Thunderstorm Energy!"

The newly unlocked monsters such as the colorful dragon and the magic snake are indeed quite powerful, and they have gained a large amount of experience points and points in one night.

Su Mu unlocked several scary monster skills in one wave.

Especially Requiem for Creation.

Finally here!

"Creation Requiem: Rugset's super killer skill, which gathers energy and releases it from the luminous part in front of the body, can make all material atoms collapse, thereby achieving the effect of eliminating everything. When releasing this skill, the universe devours Lugeset will generate golden lightning waves all over his body, and burst out a giant purplish-red beam, and the exploding red spiral beam has extremely strong destructive power..."

"Dark thunderstorm energy: The dark thunderstorm energy triggered by Griza is a powerful and mysterious terrifying force. Once released, it will be accompanied by strong black lightning, and even the space will be distorted by it, making it possible to jump across space. At the same time, this ability can turn docile monsters into fierce and violent, and can also transport monsters across time and space or strengthen monsters.www

"Very strong!"

Su Mu's expression changed, and he looked at the newly unlocked skill introduction.

Needless to say, Requiem for Creation.

Let all material atoms collapse directly!

Eliminate everything!

In this setting, it can be called invincible.

As for the dark thunderstorm energy, Su Mu couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"It can cross time and space, making monsters violent and violent... It can also strengthen monsters across time and space... This kind of skill effect, if it is placed in the Ultra monster universe, maybe there are not many tricks, but if it is in In this world where everyone changes jobs..."

Su Mu's eyes suddenly lit up.

this world.

There are many copies.

Each dungeon has countless boss monsters.

If Griza's level is raised to a certain level.

Use this dark thunderstorm energy again.


It can directly cross time and space, so that the final boss monster in the copy of the entire national job transfer world can complete an ultimate sublimation!

And, release all copies of the boss, let them appear in the real world.

I am afraid.

As a result, the whole world will trigger an unprecedented ultimate chaos and suffer a truly devastating blow.

that moment.

I'm afraid Su Mu is the real monster lord behind the scenes!

Behind the scenes of all bosses in the world...


"Adjudicator of Civilization, Cosmic White Blood Cell, Void Monster, Angel of Root Destruction, Magic Serpent..."

Su Mu's eyes brightened slightly, her heart tightened, and she murmured softly.

The monsters he currently owns.

Without exception, they are all ultimate monsters at the level of the starry sky and the universe, and every single one of them will cause a terrifying sensation all over the world.


He no longer needs to do everything personally.

It is completely possible to stock some monsters.

Put it in the legendary copy.

second world.

Kingdom of elves.

Kingdom of Angels.

The endless abyss.

Let these terrifying creatures known as the arbiters of civilization and devourers of the universe hunt to their heart's content.

Until it grows into a copy.

Or in the second world.

Existence at the top of the pyramid!

At that time, experience points, points, skill books, equipment, or monster materials...


For Su Mu, they are all things that are readily available.

He will be behind the scenes.

Become the real master of this world of job transfer for all!

"Try it in a while". "

Su Mu smiled lightly.


He glanced at the golden trophies all over the floor, and began to count the trophies he got from the demon temple.

That's right.

In addition to the points of hundreds of thousands of points.

Last night, in the Devil's Temple, Su Mu also obtained a large number of high-level items.

Except for legendary monster materials.

Epic Skill Book, Epic Equipment

There are too many to count.


What excited him the most was a set of legendary equipment...

【Legend·Temple·Demon God's Spear of Triumph】

Grade: legendary

Attributes: Physical Attack +74000, Physical Crit +400%, Physical Vampire +400%, Physical Penetration +300%. Triggerable equipment skill Triumph Blade (Triumph Spear, exclusive equipment for the Demon Temple, can trigger Triumph Blade when attacking, countless silver blades will be released from the tip of the spear, bringing physical damage X800% sacred damage, ignoring everything defense and magic resistance!)

Requirements: Level LV.100, exclusive to the Temple of the Abyss World

【Legend·Temple·Devil's Bracers】

Grade: legendary

Attributes: health +200000, constitution +3500, magic resistance +300%, maximum life limit +50%, which can trigger equipment skills, life recovery/damage absorption (life recovery: after being triggered, it can bring 30000 points of life per second, Lasts for 30 seconds! Damage absorption: After triggering, it can absorb part of the damage received, regardless of whether the damage is holy damage, after absorption, it can be used to strengthen health or increase physical attack!)

Requirements: Level LV.100, exclusive to the Temple of the Abyss World

【Legend·Temple·Demon God Apostle Robe】

Grade: legendary


Requirements: Level LV.100, exclusive to the Temple of the Abyss World

This set of legendary equipment is the exclusive divine equipment of the Demon Temple, and there are seven pieces in total.

They are: Demon God's Spear of Triumph, Demon God's Bracers, Demon God's Apostle Robe, Demon God's Life Shoulder Armor, Demon God's Storm Boots, Demon God's Fire Belt, Demon God's Skull Crown

Temple exclusive.

Demon suit!


"The main weapon of the legendary long spear, the physical attack power has been directly increased by 74,000 points! The Demon God's Bracer has brought a 200,000 point increase in HP? At the same time, two equipment skills are added...a seven-piece legendary costume!"

Su Mu's eyes suddenly lit up.

Quite a surprise.

This set of legendary demon god suits was not all released last night.

During this month in the abyss world.

Brush the demon temple frantically.

Su Mu already obtained three or four pieces of legendary equipment.

last night!

The Demon God's Bracer, the Demon God's Apostle Robe, and the Demon God's Spear of Triumph exploded again.


Finally put together this set of demon equipment!

"Congratulations, you have successfully activated the exclusive suit 'Demon God' for the Demon Temple in the Abyss World!"

"Acquire set effects: maximum life limit + 1000%, physical attack power + 700%, magic attack power + 600%, physical defense + 1000%, magic resistance + 800%, damage crit + 600%, crit trigger effect + 800%..."

Su Mu switched the demon suit.

The previous set of undead equipment was replaced.

A cold reminder sounded.

Su Mu's expression changed again.


"Is it so crazy? The suit effect and attribute bonus are so exaggerated? The upper limit of the maximum life value has been increased by ten times, and the physical attack, physical defense, and magic resistance have all been greatly improved!"

"The effect brought by 7 pieces of legendary equipment is no less than that of 10 pieces of legendary equipment..."

Su Mu narrowed her eyes.

The heart is tight.

The demon suit is already strong enough.

If you count the Dragon Emblem Holy Sword, Demon Lord Scepter, Thor's Hammer, Gold Skull Ring

And a series of epic and legendary items.

His current attributes have been superimposed to an extremely terrifying level.

Rao even Su Mu himself can't estimate it accurately.

With all his strength, he exploded.

Has he reached that level of strength?

I'm afraid, there is no need for little monsters to attack, Su Mu alone is enough to kill two hundred level boss monsters.

Even if it is the imminent natural disaster of the undead.

Only Su Mu took the shot.

It may be possible to suppress it!

*`~Go to the college entrance examination first. "

Su Mu took a deep breath.

Today, the strength has soared crazily.

It's time to test the results too.

The national unified college entrance examination has begun to test admission tickets.

If you don't go again.

Just be late.

Thinking of this, Su Mu waved his hand, opened the passage to the abyss world, and returned directly to Zhonghai City.

And the other side.

In Zhonghai City, the national college entrance examination is in full swing.

city ​​center.

An incomparably huge golden magic circle appeared, with exquisite lines releasing gorgeous firelight.

Array is a channel.

Connected to the copy of the college entrance examination...Dungeons and Dragons!

Before the magic circle.

Students from various colleges and universities in Zhonghai City are orderly verifying their admission tickets and entering the court.

And in the sky above the magic circle.

The hundred-level professionals in Zhonghai City, the city lord Bai Zheng, the head of the Rose Legion, and the heads of the six official associations all rode flying pets.

Watching all this.

for them.

Today is also an important moment.

Not only is it a time to test the grades of this year's high school professionals, but it is also the day when monsters siege the city and the undead natural disasters come!


God of Law, God of Faun, Creed Assassin, Holy Light Knight from the imperial capital......

They are also quietly watching this high school (Wang Leo's) exam in the dark.


The college entrance examination situation in Zhonghai City.

Because, they knew, Su Mu would make a move.

That alone.

It is worthy of attention!

"What's the matter, haven't you arrived yet?"

In front of the dungeon dungeon teleportation circle.

Chen Fangzhou, the principal of No. 1 Middle School.

He glanced at the candidate candidates lined up with a complicated expression, no matter how hard he searched, he never saw Su Mu.

To know.

In Chen Fangzhou's view, Su Mu is definitely the most promising seed for the national college entrance examination champion today. Even if it is difficult for the national champion, it is definitely not difficult for the provincial champion.

But now?

I have passed the college entrance examination, but Su Mu is not here yet?

in a little while.

It is impossible to enter!

What's more, what Su Mu chose was to brush only the copy of the college entrance examination.

Nightmare difficulty.

How can you not be anxious!

"Nothing will happen..."

Chen Fangzhou gasped, and couldn't help being suspicious.

after all.

Some time ago, there were continuous incidents in Zhonghai City, and 4 curse-forbidden boss monsters appeared in Qianhai Bay.

Even the bosses at the level of Fashen were blown away!

Could it be that Su Mu was also affected and an accident happened?

If so.

That's a serious problem!

For a moment, Chen Fangzhou's face turned pale, his heart was suffocated, and he couldn't sit still.


Just when he was at a loss, a familiar figure appeared.

Su Mu! County!.

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