My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1003: Novel robbery

Su Jin's eye and place.

There are a few bamboo hangers on which are hung many inconvenient small pieces of personal clothing, mainly white and pink.

It wasn't these that attracted Su Jin the most, but the size...obviously it didn't match the feeling that Ma Qingyao had before him!

This old girl is wrapped in a lot of cloth. Is it possible that in the eyes of the bandit Ma Kun, is she using the size of her body to judge whether her daughter is suitable for marriage? That's why Ma Qingyao was so precautionary and deliberately wrapped around her body?

"If it's okay, I'll leave my brother first." After all, Su Jin was still worried about the three girls outside, so he looked back and said to Ma Qingyao.

"Wait! You haven't told me what is your name." Ma Qingyao asked quickly.

"Su Jin."

"Well, I got it!" Ma Qingyao expressed his understanding.

Then Su Jin held the scroll and turned around, as if thinking of something, he didn't turn around and said, "Sister paper, it's best to put the underwear outside, otherwise... it's easy to breed bacteria and it's not good for the body."

After finishing speaking, the official Su stood up straight and walked directly out of Ma Qingyao's boudoir, leaving Ma Qingyao alone to stand in place, desperately embarrassed.

Gentle and beautiful.

The hot mountain breeze blew between the towering camphor trees, the branches swayed, and the sunlight sprinkled scattered spots from the road under the leaves.

Su Jin walked out of the three-character archway that said ‘crossing the mountain road’, and looked at the state of the four people interestingly.

Hua Qing did not disappoint him! Although he hadn’t used the knife for many years, his skills had not fallen. Ma Kun was slumped to the ground with a blue nose and swollen face. You can stand, but obviously don't dare to act rashly, and the two sides are in a stalemate!

Su Jin looked at the position in front of Ma Kun's face meaningfully, the pig-killing knife was so aggressively inserted into the soil!

"Sister Hua, my skill is not diminishing back then--" Su Jin walked over with the book and said lightly: "Why didn't you kill him?"

"How to kill..." Hua Qing said helplessly at the corner of her mouth, retracted her feet from Ma Kun, and then said: "Don't think about this Ma Kun, but also think about his women and children..."

"I'm thinking about it." Su Jin glanced at Ma Kun, kicked him with his foot, and asked, "Are you wrong?"

"Jin... Lord Jin, my bastard! I **** it! It's all my fault! Lord Jin is forgiving... I have a ninety-year-old mother and a child waiting to be fed. You let me go, I promise me neither Dare!" Ma Kun's face was not only swollen, but also stained with a lot of dust, looking very embarrassed.

"You don't want to die." Su Jin touched his chin, looked at Hua Qing and said: "How far is it just to be here? How much time has been delayed for me?"

Hua Qing was puzzled, but still said, "About five miles, two hours!"

"Oh, multiply him. I'll go up and down several hundred thousand a minute, walk around one million mile, and give him a discount. The time will be counted as one hundred thousand per minute, um... I’m not good at math. If you are in a hurry with your wife, you have to go back immediately." Su Jin said calmly.

Ma Kun was listening now, his eyes rolled white, almost scared to death!

This robbery method is novel and high-end! Still very classy! It's almost like doing business, he is also drunk, so he won't play with us like this...

"Two hours is 12 million, and the distance is 5 million." Huaqing laughed, covering her mouth.

"The price of 20 million yuan, for your life, can you accept it?" Su Jin asked Ma Kun.

"Accept!" How dare Ma Kun say anything now, there is no room for any rebuttal, he is afraid that one will upset the price!

"Oh, within one working day, the money will go to Sister Hua's account." Su Jin yawned, walked to Xia Yuyan, who was standing under the tree with a cold temperament, and hugged Liu Yao, "The processing is complete. Come back home!"

Tong Miao is a little confused, is this the end of the robbery?

"Brother Su." Tong Miaoke followed, "Your math is really bad, and addition is not good. It's only 17 million."

"What are you telling the gangster——" Xia Yuyan was also secretly speechless, okay, it's only a while, and 20 million yuan!

"Why don't I make sense anymore?" Su Jin looked at the two women, and Sister Hua who turned around and followed him, then looked at Tong Miaoke and said, "I made a mistake, or you made a mistake."

"Hey! You... You were the one who was wrong." Tong Miaoke pursed his mouth.

"Have you learned about rounding?" Su Jin asked.

Tong Miaoke:...

Xia Yuyan:...

"Jin Ye~" Hua Qing hurriedly walked with the three of them, "I learned another trick today. I have never seen your robbery method!"

"It's right if you haven't seen it. Have you ever seen a truck driver looking for a woman who lost her footing on the side of the road. Did she calculate the money based on the long distance?" Su Jin squeezed his wife's soft waist with his hand. Go, Xia Yuyan provoked a demonstration with her eyes.

"No." Hua Qing never heard of it.

"There are too few people in the world." Su Jin responded.

Okay, Hua Qing didn't want to ask more about this issue, hehe said: "Ma Kun is going to lose money now, I am afraid it will be difficult in the future!"

"Ah? Will he really give it?" Tong Miaoke asked.

"Yes, 20 million he Ma Kun can take out. He has made a lot of land in the past few years. Of course, after taking out the money, he doesn’t have much money. You don’t have to worry about him running away. After all, the base camp is Here, he has seen Jin Ye's methods, and he doesn't dare to mess with it." Hua Qing didn't worry about it herself.

A few people walked and talked, and went back the same way.


after an hour.

Tong Miaoke has gone home in the restaurant of "Huaqianyuexia", Su and Jin are also just now, saying goodbye to Huaqing.

The car of the two of them was parked in a clearing at the entrance of the town after they finished taking a bath in an open-air puddle not long ago.

"Let's go, go home." Su Jin took Xia Yuyan and saw that she took back the clothes she had to change last night and walked towards the town.

"It's actually quite nurturing here. Sister Hua and Sister Mike are very beautiful." Xia Yuyan gave Su Jin a white look. "You are reluctant to leave, right?"

"It's better to have a big bed at home, how could I miss this place." Su Jin looked up at the front, and the two cars were still parked in place. Suddenly a thought came to his mind and said, "Wife, discuss something with you. Is it true?"

"What?" Xia Yuyan was worried, and when she heard Su Jin asked, she asked back.

"I'll take a car with you. My car is super smart and can drive automatically. Just let it follow you." Su Jin said.

"You...what the **** are you doing, obviously you can open your own..." Xia Yuyan opened her eyes wide.

"Hehehe." An incomprehensible smile appeared on Su Jin's face.

Xia Yu's face turned red with smoke.

At this moment, she and Su Jin couldn't help but think of a word in their minds.


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