My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1005: A bag of human blood

How could Xia Yuyan not be afraid?

Su Jin now controls her hand, she can only lean innocently on the main driving position, and then this big bad guy puts her big mouth under her ears——

As for the eagerness of the young master, Xia Yuyan could clearly understand it!

In the end, Xia Yuyan, who could not bear it, flushed, looked at Su Jin's head in front of him, raised his voice and said, "Stop! Foul! You used your teeth!"

"Foul? Are there any rules that say that teeth are not allowed?" Su Jin looked at Xia Yuyan's fire-breathing state and asked puzzled.

"I will bite you to try?" Xia Yuyan turned sideways slightly, but her mouth was pouting, still looking like I was very reasonable.

Su Jin stared at Xia Yuyan blankly, and after a while suddenly said, "There is a kind of wife called'other's wife'."

"What do you mean?" Xia Yuyan deliberately pretended not to understand.

Although this face has a little more beauty, combined with the dress of this village girl, it does reveal the hidden cuteness.

"Do you think... how obedient other people's wives are? Do whatever you want to do, don't you just move a little bit more, just say I bite you. This kind of pain, what kind of pain..." Su Jin also specially I looked at her upper body, just...

"Yes, I'm not good, then you find someone else's wife." Xia Yuyan's tone was still tough.

"Oh, forget it, I understand your temper, and I must be planning to let me pamper me on the night of the wedding." Su Jin shook his head, not disappointed, and waved his hand: "Hurry up, it's almost evening when I go back. Don’t wait to get home, it’s dark."

"Just know, I still don't worry about you, you say if you lie to me, leave me, and go to death." Xia Yuyan then started the car and continued on the road.

The car drifted away, but the people in the car were still bickering.

"Am I such a person?" Su Jin refused.

"You are." Xia Yuyan's voice.

Su Jin:...

The young master let out a long sigh in the car, and Xia Yuyan also made waves of triumphant laughter.


In the evening, Qincheng!

The fiery sunset in this steel city reveals fragments of afterglow, and the bustling Qin city has become the main theme.

However, under the green shade of the slightly wider corridor on the side of the road, there are vibrating old men playing Tai Chi, sanitation workers who are still building the city, and some young mothers bathing in the sunset, leading their children to play leisurely. , Everything is real.

And not far away, I saw two sports cars, one after the other, driving through the gate.

Parked the car, Su Jin put on his trouser pockets, turned his head and watched Xia Yuyan rushed into the living room as if he had escaped. His wife was a little strange.

When Xia Yunxi walked into the living room, Xia Yunxi's hand was still being raised. Obviously, her sister's dress just now made her unnecessarily ridiculous!

"What are you looking at?" Su Jin appeared behind Xia Yunxi.

The sister-in-law dressed up at home to look good, with white short hot pants on her body, a pink sweater with shawl on her upper body, and sandals on her feet. The youthful breath of the girl exploded in Su Jin's heart.

"Uh." Xia Yunxi turned around and said unexpectedly: "Just...Is that my sister?"

"Right." Su Jin smiled calmly.

"I almost didn't recognize that outfit!" Xia Yunxi said.

"Don't be surprised, brother-in-law is an artist, don't you think your sister is dressed pretty?"

"Being beautiful is beautiful, but I think you are more likely to be a man." Xia Yunxi is not surprised. Since it was from her brother-in-law, it is normal for her sister to change clothes so impatiently.

"Don't say that, in the future, if I have time, I will also make it for you to satisfy you." Su Jin put his hands on Xia Yunxi's shoulders and took her to the sofa to sit down.

"Forget it." Xia Yunxi refused slowly, with a worried tone, and said, "Brother-in-law, if you can come back safely, I will rest assured and tell you something."

"Huh?" Su Jin looked at the white legs under the shorts and responded.

"It's not clear in words, wait a minute..." Xia Yunxi hurriedly got up and walked into his bedroom. He quickly took two things and walked over and said, "You see for yourself."

Su Jin took it.

Things are ordinary, not ordinary!

One of the items is a bag of human blood!

Item 2: But it is a half-folded a4 paper——

To be honest, Young Master Su couldn't help feeling tight after receiving these two things. Looking at the content written on the a4 paper, the cold light in his eyes could not help but flicker.

"How did you get it?" Su Jin woke up from the silence, holding the a4 paper in his hand, kneading it lightly, the paper also turned into powder and fell to the ground.

"Someone knocked on the door last night and put it on the coffee table deliberately. I came out in a daze without seeing who it was." Xia Yunxi said in confusion.

"It seems that there are spies in our house..." Su Jin smiled, "Well, don't tell your sister about this. I'll go out and someone wants to see me."

"Brother-in-law, you must be careful!" Xia Yunxi looked at Su Jin nervously.

"It's okay, I know who it is." Su Jin got up and walked directly out of the living room with his trouser pocket before Xia Yuyan came out.

The front of the car outside the door.

Su Jin snorted softly and sneered.

What I thought in my heart was: dare to use my wife and sister-in-law to threaten me, you are dead!

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