My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1008: The art of beating

Regarding the sudden situation, Lin Siyan raised her head and looked at the person in confusion.

This is a young man in his twenties with a sickly pale face, his ears-long hair, and the movements of the corners of his mouth from time to time.

"Mr. Su, Lord Lord sent me to invite you..." Although the youth endured and endured, sharp white canine teeth appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Su Jin put down the knife and fork and stood up gently, looking at the youth.

Suddenly, like an electric flint, Lin Siyan felt that in the blink of an eye, the youth was suddenly attacked by Su Jin...

Fist and fly!

The young man screamed in sharp pain, and the person had fallen heavily on the floor more than a dozen meters away, and many tables and chairs were smashed along the way, even scaring everyone else to death!

Su Jin still maintained the posture of a punch. When the young man fell to the ground, he sighed, as if he had just shot a fly, sat down again, shook his head to Lin Siyan, and said gently : "I'm still too irritable. As a three-good citizen, this is a very bad example. Let's eat."

"But how do I are so handsome..." Lin Siyan looked like an idiot who admired her. She had never felt the way she is now, and she had an artistic feeling when hitting someone alone!

"Do you feel the same way?" Su Jin's weird expression was deeply impressed.

"How did it..." Lin Siyan couldn't get out of the impression of Su Jin's posture just now. She involuntarily propped up her slender lotus root arm and her pink cheeks, looking at Su Jin blankly. .

"It's a tune, it's very simple!" Su Jin nodded, and looked at Lin Siyan with a serious face and said, "Move fast and posture handsome!"

"Wow..." Lin Siyan still didn't finish her expression, and asked with her natural face restored: "Is he your enemy?"

"No~" Su Jin shook his head.

"That is……"

"I do not know him."

"I don't know you hit someone!"

"I just think he shouldn't bother us while eating."


The effect is naturally immediate. The young man got up and waited in place, not dare to make any trouble!

At this time, Su Jin skewered a steak made with small calf meat and put it in his mouth. The obvious Western-style flavor came out, and the beef was also very tender. When the flavor of the seasoning dissipated, he breathed. In the middle, the smell of meat is floating all over.

At this time, Su Jin held the goblet, knocked the glass with Lin Siyan, and took two sips of scarlet wine. The taste was really enjoyable.

The good times always go by very quickly. After a short half-hour meal is over, with a napkin filled his lips, Su Jin got up and looked at Lin Siyan and said, "I have something urgent, you can take a taxi home."

"Alright." Lin Siyan nodded slowly.

Seeing this, Su Jin left his seat, walked to the counter, and flicked the bank card in his pants pocket, "How much is the meal cost?"

"Sir, the meal cost is 6,888." The lady at the front desk said respectfully.

"Spend 10,000, the remaining money includes the damaged seats." Su Jin said.

"Okay." The lady at the front desk quickly operated, asked Su Jin to enter the password, sign, and then handed the bank card to Young Master Su with both hands, "Take it away."

After the checkout, Su Jin didn't even look at the direction Lin Siyan was in. He walked up to the young man with a pocket, and said lightly, "Lead the way."

The young man left the restaurant with Su Jin in anguish.


The warm breeze and the lights of the city that never sleep are still so brilliant.

Qincheng Bell Tower!

It is 13 feet high and was built more than ten years ago!

As a huge wide-body building, although the Qincheng Bell Tower is more than 40 meters tall, the citizens of Qin City passing by here can still clearly and accurately see the real-time turning time, whether it is day or night!

Su Jin stopped and didn't look up at all, but he could clearly feel that Lin Hao was on the top floor at this time, looking at him with condescending eyes.

This Lin Hao is not worthy of making him Su Jin look up!

With a chic pocket, Su Jin stepped into the bell tower building. There were very few people inside, but it didn't matter. He stepped on the stairs step by step, stepping up one step at a time. The young man who led the way did not come in, it was just Xiao Xiami. Just one.

Not long after, the open-air top floor of the clock tower!

Su Jin stopped and looked at Lin Hao, who was on the edge of the building, with his hands upright and his back facing him. There was a touch of disdain at the corner of his mouth. He wanted to see what he could exchange for this spicy chicken. , And in the middle of the top floor, there is a table of red wine. There are two nice-looking white-skinned Ukrainian girls who are constantly licking their lips with their tongues, looking quite enchanting.

But the sharp canine teeth of the two girls stunned the scenery.

"Brother Su, I didn't expect a goodbye in New York, we will meet again so soon." Lin Hao turned around, looking at Su Jin with a calm expression.

Su Jin vaguely remembered that Lin Hao was very arrogant at that time, but the price was being beaten and crushed by himself! He was surprised to be able to face it so calmly now.

"You seem to be a lot stronger again." Su Jin felt a slight threat from Lin Hao, raised his sword eyebrows and said.

"Hehe, for you, I recently killed another Grand Duke and sucked his blood. Now I am promoted to the position of High Lord!"

While Lin Hao said coldly, he raised his fist and squeezed it fiercely.

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