My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1019: Silly white sweet little beauty

Onlookers handsome guy?

What Su Jin said to the Queen of the Silver Moon Wolf, Lei's outer focus and inner tenderness!

Can we stop being so arrogant!

Su Jin stood in the middle of the field confidently...

At this time, everyone on the scene also showed unexpected expressions, especially Huaxia's side. After seeing the Huaxia with black hair and yellow skin, they all felt a little relieved.

The scene calmed down. The four people in the fierce fight had stopped and stared at the incoming person.

Su Jin now enjoys being watched by everyone.

Although these people's faces are very strange, their eyes are no different from looking at ‘madness’.

"Fuck!" The dark-skinned man squeezed the handle of the spike hammer. After seeing the arrogant attitude of the uninvited guest, he gave a hammer at an angle.

"Be careful!" everyone exclaimed.

Among them, the girl who seemed to be "silly, white and sweet" had the loudest voice. They all felt that Su Jin who walked into the battle field was too big. After all, she looked very young. Young people generally think that they are the strongest. But I didn't know that others might kill him!

The black spike hammer is nearly two meters in length, and the hammer head the size of a washbasin carries the pungent fishy wind, directly blowing on the face!

If Su Jin is an ordinary person and is hit by the other party with this seemingly simple hammer, the end result may be that his head will be smashed like a watermelon.

Unfortunately, Su Jin is not.

Except for the Silver Moon Wolf, almost everyone had their eyes widened, especially the ‘Silly White Sweet’ little beauty who opened her aura eyes to the largest extent and opened her small mouth slowly...

All can only watch!

Looking at the poisonous hammer, smashing...

Hit empty?

how is this possible!

No one can believe that the two parties were originally very angry, but now Su Jin annoyed the nigger, and was attacked by the other party in a sneak attack at close range, but he was still empty!

"Fast speed!" Seeing this, the middle-aged man in plain clothes couldn't help saying.

"Father, he..." The petite beauty heard her father's praise and did not go on, because her eyes had been attracted by the proud figure in the court.

Su Jin is always calm.

It turned out that the **** just hit the sky with a single blow, and did not believe in evil, and threw the black wolf fangs into the wind, but this seemingly heavy weapon, under the display of its powerful strength, could not touch Su Jin!

"Originally, I wanted to keep the three-pointer handsome." Su Jin's eyes were calm, and he frowned slightly and continued: "I don't want to tell anyone that I am the most handsome when I kill!"


Su Jin fiercely stepped on the spot with his right foot, his whole body soared for several meters, his arms crossed in front of his chest, several small black umbrellas in his ten fingers turned into straight lines, and he struck towards the **** brawny!

Great momentum! I saw every small umbrella close up at extreme speed, but it was completely different when it first hit!

The black-skinned man also realized that he was in serious trouble. He held the hammer handle in both hands and quickly rounded it, but when he was airtight defending, the strange black umbrellas collided, and there was a sound of gold and iron. Produced, his arms are numb!

"Ah!" everyone exclaimed again.

The brawny black-skinned man tried his best to defend himself, but he didn't notice that Su Jin's figure disappeared in a flash!

When it reappears, it is behind the black-skinned man.

Perfect jump!

Su Jinjian's eyebrows were not frowned, and half of the strangely colored dagger in his hand had already pierced into the back of the black-skinned man!


Su Jin didn't even look at it, so he completely submerged the dagger!

Kill if you disagree! It's so crazy!

The black-skinned man stood there stiffly, vomiting blood and the boss with his eyes open. He still couldn't understand why Su Jin could find out his weakness and kill him so easily, and the opponent's speed was already Beyond his understanding, it is simply inhuman!

"Why, why someone wants to show my most handsome side." Su Jin put away his dagger, spread his hands, and asked the silent crowd.

A question appeared in everyone's mind.

Is Su Jinshuai?

Not so handsome! But... he is indeed very cool and strong!

When Su Jin saw the black-skinned young guys, those people saw that the boss was dead, and they disappeared immediately, where there is still the courage to face them!

"Daddy, you are obviously stronger than niggas, but why is it so difficult to deal with, and this person is not much bigger than me, so it can be easily solved?" The delicate little beauty suddenly felt the gap .

"The origin of this young should be very simple. Just now, he just relied on speed to beat the opponent." The middle-aged man was questioned by his daughter and laughed bitterly.

Is it so powerful?

With curiosity on her face, the little beautiful lady swaggered to Su Jin, who was facing her back, leaning forward with her willow on her hips, as if she was carefully looking at the magical man in front of her.

The distance between the two is only one meter.

Su Jin and her looked at each other, and didn't mind, let her see enough, I'm the second Olympic, I fight for her to be handsome!

"Handsome guy, okay to make friends?" The little beauty's face was full of youthful sunshine, her big smart eyes flashed back and forth, and she giggled and said, "My name is Ling Baobao, how about you?"

Su Jin:...

The name left him speechless.

After Su Jinfa stayed, she asked weirdly: "Miss Ling Baobao, your name is so peculiar, have you considered the feelings of your friends around you?"

"I am confident, I am willing, I want you to take care of..." Ling Baobao stuck out his tongue strangely and shook his head in front of Su Jin, "I am angry with you, I am angry with you--"

Su Jin looked dumbfounded.

In the end, Su Jin looked at Ling Baobao and said in a low voice: "You are so cute...I think it's time to reward you with a banana."

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