My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 102: Really like him

Su Jin slowly stretched out her hand, grasped Dai Meiyun's chin, and then gently picked her up.

In the room, like spring——

after an hour.

There was even a begging for mercy.

Now, all Su Jin wanted to ask was to accept it!

Nobuko Sanada must be malicious towards him, didn't he also obediently want to be with him in the end? But a Japanese woman, he has no affection! No one likes others approaching themselves for purpose, no matter how beautiful they are, he is such a person.

Dai Meiyun's special eyes were a little complicated, she thought too simple, really, originally thought that Su Jin might be in control of herself, but now? Looking at the face of this guy, you know that anyone who plays chess can be calculated. She is of the level of Xia Honghai, but now the intelligence of this guy makes her feel terrible. No one dares to just take her. Yes, but not only did he do it, he did it well, and even she was a little scared, how she would communicate with this kind of person in the future, she was afraid, afraid that she could not extricate herself from falling into that kind of continuous dependence.

"Sister Yun, it seems we can talk about the matter you said." Su Jin said lightly.

Dai Meiyun sat up with some of the strength she had just recovered, looked at him and said, "I still have that request."

"Jutu, do you know some details?" Su Jin squinted, planning to pry something out of Dai Meiyun's mouth.

"Know something, but we may not be very accurate." Dai Meiyun took a deep breath. "Although we are sure, there will be accidents sometimes. We just want to minimize the occurrence of such accidents."

"Let's talk about it." Su Jin touched her chin and looked at her. It should have been time for appreciation.

Dai Meiyun nodded, "If you know the forces behind the giant map, I am afraid there is no benefit. The old guy didn't tell you? If so, I can only tell you not to get involved."

"You are not afraid of me! You are afraid of dragging the old guy in?" Su Jin's heart sank, and this woman still doesn't trust herself! Do you look down on yourself?

Dai Meiyun looked at Su Jin and sighed inwardly. Su Jin was too smart, and even thought of this. Indeed, Su Jin, they are definitely not afraid! But what they are really afraid of is the key person who can change the situation! If Jutu goes to war with her Meiyun Group, even if she is a later generation, she can be sure of Qisan, because their funds are not supplied by Qincheng, but if the old guys are mixed in, the eldest lady of Jutu It's Su Jin's woman again, the old guy might really help Jutu, and things will happen!

"It's all the same, isn't it?" Dai Meiyun had no choice but to fool around, but she knew that hope was very slim.

Su Jin is actually not angry. He just needs to work hard, the old guy will not give everything to himself in the future? Even if he doesn't give it, he is sure to make a big shot in China. This is his self-confidence, and these people value themselves, but they are just afraid of the old guy. The giant picture is, Dai Meiyun is, and so is the Qin Shisanniang!

In addition, since Dai Meiyun said that, Dark Blood dared to assassinate herself again, indicating that the relationship between the forces behind her and "Dark Blood" was not as good as expected.

After a quick analysis, Su Jin nodded, looked at her and said, "Should I make a choice now?"

"Yes." Dai Meiyun hummed.

"Can I... ask you two questions before answering." Su Jin said with his eyes lightly rolled.


"How many of yours am I?" Su Jin touched his chin and looked at Dai Meiyun.

Dai Meiyun's eyes widened. This guy is also of Tai Chi, right? At this time, she still asks about this. Isn't she looking for it?

Su Jin was waiting for her, and he felt different when he was with her, but he didn't believe it.

Dai Meiyun was silent, as if she was a little hard to tell, she smiled bitterly: "I said it was the first one, you definitely don't believe it, so it's better not to say it. I can only tell you that I used to... Because some things have been missed... after we come back... things are different, the family is ruined."


Su Jin was shocked and nodded slightly in embarrassment, "The second question, are you still not from Huaxia?"

"Is this important?" Dai Meiyun looked at him and said.


"I don't belong to any country now."

Listening to what Dai Meiyun said, Su Jin felt that she was getting more and more mysterious. What happened to her? Why does she want to help the Japanese, why is the ninja organization behind her?

Su Jin was a little silent. The matter was beyond his imagination. He then sighed, "I can give you the answer."

Dai Meiyun raised her head fiercely and stared at Su Jin.

"It doesn't involve my interests, and doesn't hurt those close to me. I don't have to be amicable, but as long as I touch these bottom lines, don't blame me for being cruel!" Su Jin flashed a serious cold light and finished speaking. After waiting for Dai Meiyun for a while, Seeing that she was silent, she greeted her without saying a word, turned and walked out.

After Su Jin left, Dai Meiyun laughed bitterly. What kind of promise is this? Too bad!

Originally, she wanted to pull Su Jin into her camp, but the eldest lady of Jutu had something to do with him, so it was impossible. Then she felt the least help to stay neutral, but she got in. Xinzi, now that he even got in, what did he get in return?

At first glance, Su Jin’s words seem to be in line with what she said, but they are actually useless. This also means that you can’t hurt Su Tianlong, Susan, or Xia Honghai and the others. What is meant by infringement of interests? What does this thing represent? One day Su Jin is unhappy, just find an excuse.

This is the last thought of Dai Meiyun at this time. Thinking of this, she lowered her head and looked at the messy room and messy clothes. The kind of electric shock-like refreshment just came to mind, and finally it seemed to stand in the clouds. She has never had a sense of airiness before, so she had the complicated look in her previous look. She understood why Xinzi would want to see him, it turned out that it was because of this...

After a long time in the room, a sigh came.

Su Jin, who was already in the car, did not start the car. What happened just now had already exceeded his expectations. Originally, he wanted to strongly refuse. Since the other party is afraid of the old guy, I believe he will not provoke him, let alone Will restrict his freedom, but after thinking about it carefully, he can't do it. Ninjas are very disgusting. They get caught up and are not afraid of themselves. What about their own women? Moreover, although it has now been shown that, as Dai Meiyun thought, even the effectiveness of verbal agreements is not as good as that.

After starting the car, Su Jin yawned. He planned to go back and not practice the exercises today. Today is the most exhausting day since he was released from prison. Tomorrow he will have to go to Zhiman to work and take the time to communicate with Xia Yunxi. The general manager himself It's better not to be, not too fun.

It took ten minutes, and it was already ten o’clock after returning. Su Jin washed and went into the room to take a look. It turned out that the two girls were still in Xia Honghai’s room. Forget it, his eyelids had already started fighting. After jumping on the bed, he quickly fell asleep.

"Su Jin?"

Someone shouted in a daze.

Su Jin didn't wake up...

It just felt that after a while, Xiangxiang's body was close to him, and he just hugged it casually, familiar with the road, and mastered some of his own things.


Early in the morning, Su Jin stretched and checked the time. It was not too late, even when he got out of bed to check, Xia Yuyan was still eating breakfast.

But today my wife’s condition is a bit different, why do I blush when I see myself? Since the relationship has been a little bad recently, he didn't ask.

Something's wrong, last night, it looked like he... Su Jin's eyes lit up, he seemed to be holding it till dawn, he was thinking.

No wonder Xia Yuyan was like this, Su Jin was secretly proud, but on the surface he was calm.

"Yunxi, I feel that the assistant you were looking for before is quite good, so let me go and register. For other things, such as operating things, she can ask for my opinion, and then work for us. I Just sign it?" Su Jin sat down and asked, there was no way, it would be too tiring.

Xia Yunxi hesitated, "Alright, isn't this worrying about her? Since you are here, I'm relieved, and if you can pay attention, just ask me."

Su Jin was very happy. He only signed, planned and other audits were done by others, so he was a lot easier. Thinking of this, he didn't talk to Xia Yuyan, and planned to leave after breakfast.

Xia Yunxi couldn't bear the cold war between the two, found an excuse to see if his father woke up, and left the dinner table.

"Yesterday, yesterday, I'm sorry." Seeing Yun Xi leave, Xia Yuyan hesitated for a while before looking at Su Jin, and said something.

It's amazing!

His wife took the initiative to apologize to herself, Su Jin felt that she took advantage of her last night, and she didn't say anything! His eyes turned lightly, and he smiled secretly in his heart. What else could he do? If he can accept it, accept it.

"Well, it's good to know, I went to bed last night, I seemed to hug you?" Su Jin looked at her and asked.

Just open the chattering box, otherwise the cold war between the two will not be a problem.

Xia Yuyan's face was even redder, more than just a hug, her behavior could be described as shameless, he could no longer be described as a gangster, but how embarrassed she was to say those words, she was still a woman after all, and her face was not as thick as Master Su.

It would be great if Su Jin had a big steamed bun in her hand. Not only could she eat it, but she could also show it to her wife, making her even more embarrassed.

Under Su Jin's gaze, Xia Yuyan nodded slightly and got up: "I have to go, you can eat."

Want to go?

Su Jin stepped up and stopped in front of her. Now Xia Honghai and Yun Xi should be on their side. Even if they make any movement, they shouldn't say anything. On the other hand, his wife is at a disadvantage!

"My wife, I found a problem." Su Jin said, looking at her seriously.

"What?" Xia Yuyan looked curiously.

"Look." Su Jin touched his nose and said badly: "We are becoming more and more like husbands and wives, and we reconcile so quickly, aren't we? The kind of bedside fights at the end of the bed."

Xia Yuyan widened her eyes, "What"

"Hehe, isn't it difficult or impossible?" Su Jin lowered his voice, acting like a fool: "I originally planned to accept you, but you don't want to round the house. Who is your husband and wife if you don't round the house? I think about it, too. Let the matter go, maybe we will blow it whenever we want, and I won't beg you."

Xia Yuyan looked at Su Jin blankly, she had the urge to scold him! I just took advantage of it for a night, and now I said this to myself immediately, why did she feel a little pain in her heart?

Could it be...I really like him?

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