My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1026: Not afraid!

The "Persian Poison Girl" Mitana is so powerful!

Su Jin only frowned when he saw it, but it seemed that he was not finished. When the dark-skinned man on the ground slowly lost strength and stopped scratching, the skin exposed on his body became riddled with sores.

In about half a minute, the man curled up on the ground had lost his breath! But strands of green fleshy water flowed from the sore to the ground. These fleshy water contacted the air, and the temperature suddenly rose.

From Su Jin's point of view, green flames rose from the man's body. After a while, from a miserable state, his skin gradually turned black and his flesh disappeared!

Then there was only one withered bone left!

It's really cruel and inhumane!

At this time, only the poisonous girl ‘Mitana’ made a move with her hand, and a wisp of dark green fog was received in her palm, and the dark green fog was taken into her body.

After excluding Su Jin and Silver Moon Wolf, the present including Ling Tailai couldn't help but take a step back.

Ling Baobao was covering her mouth all the way, her beautiful eyes filled with fear! She grew up so big, had she ever encountered such a thing, this mysterious black-robed girl would kill without blinking! Not to mention the methods are so cruel.

Even the Silvermoon Wolf Queen's face is not so good now.

"Natural poison, really powerful." Su Jin whispered to himself, staring at Mitana's face, the deep and pure blue eyes attracted him again.

But this time he was not as uncomfortable as before, after taking a deep look at her, he looked back.

At this moment, the dry bones on the ground have disappeared, and the hapless guy who was still screaming bitterly has now turned into a pile of ashes!

Mitana was expressionless, but everyone present had regressed, but Su Jin did not, which also caused her to glance at Su Jin.

Still not moving! It seems that Su Jin also looked into her eyes.

"Hehe, there is indeed proud capital."

Thousands of things should not be for nothing, Mitana's eyes should not be seen by Su Jin! There are many women who are unruly and unruly. This "Persian Poisonous Girl" who doesn't seem to treat people as a human is not to blame for Su Jin's cold words.

Silvermoon Wolf Queen's face changed, and he whispered: "Hey! Go back and tell you not to provoke her!"

"My second Olympics, I am afraid of hanging, can I still be afraid of her being a woman?" Su Jin sneered, ignored Yinyue's words, and took a few steps forward.

He dropped his hands, his sword eyebrows were slightly raised, and his eyes appeared like the sea of ​​stars!

Almost all the people on the ship were there. When they saw the terrorism of the "Persian Poison Girl" Mitana, they all felt jealous. At this moment, seeing Su Jin standing up unrestrainedly, many of them did. In the mood to watch a good show.

In their view, Su Jin is looking for death! Surely he will follow in the footsteps of the hapless guy just now. You have to know that as long as you dare to go to the "Holy Vision City", who has few brushes? But apart from Su Jin, who has the courage to stand up?

"This man named'Su'... is really reckless." Yang Yilin in the five-man group of the Gale Mercenary Group frowned, and when she said to the teammates around her, her little hand was still held by Li Haobo.

Sister Rong hesitated a little, and then smiled slightly: "Then let's take a look at the true strength of the little brother."

"Sister Rong, who do you think is stronger for the two of them?" Li Haobo asked in a low voice. He was most concerned about this, because he had been beaten by Su Jin before, and he even wished that the "Persian Poison Girl" would beat Su Jin to death.

"It's not easy to say. But... I think Mitana is stronger!" Sister Rong lowered her voice, "But brother... Since she dare to stand up, she must have some support. I really mean to look down on my little brother, no wonder he is angry..."

"The Persian Poison Girl is too scary, I don't believe that'Su' can defeat her!" The middle-aged person in the Gale Five also felt the same as Sister Rong.

Only the indifferent man in the group of five looked at him blankly, but the more he was like this, the more he felt that Su Jin was very difficult.

No one is optimistic about Su Jin.

Most of the expressions of abuse!

"If there is a fight later, shall we help him?" Yang Yilin asked in a low voice hesitantly.

"Help? How to help?" Sister Rong shook her head, "It's not worth offending'Mitana' for this."

Hearing Sister Rong's thoughtless words, Li Haobo's heart also relaxed, he wanted to see how Su Jin was tortured to death! The Persian Poison Girl is not easily called out!

The other party...

"Daddy." Ling Baobao tugged at Ling Tailai's sleeve, with a hint of imperceptible anxiety on his expression.

"Shut up." Ling Tailai's face was very ugly, and he was caught in a dilemma now.

After Silver Moon Wolf walked to Su Jin's side, he gently raised his hand to stop him.

The wolf queen is anxious. This guy is really too troublesome. It doesn't matter what it is. If you look down on you, you will look down on you. If you fight and win, it's okay if you don't win. Not only will you be ashamed, but you may also lose your life! It's not a good deal at all!

But she didn't know that Su Jin never convinced anyone, and was able to go to the present level. This status can be said to be related to his stubborn and desperate personality!


On the side of the boat, there were three stepping noises suddenly!

Master Qing Niu, who had been enjoying the gourd wine with his eyes closed, did not know when he stood up with the gourd wine, and the sound was the movement of the green cow.

Just three steps before the green bull stepped on it, the body of this beast seemed to be strong against the wind, and it was more than five times bigger in a short time!


Many masters know a lot about the person named "Master Qingniu", but no one thought Master Qingniu would make an appearance for Su Jin!

"That's... Master Qingniu!" Sister Rong took a breath, couldn't help but glanced at Su Jin's back again.

This little brother actually knows Master Qingniu!

Su Jin squinted, he clearly saw that the "Persian Poison Girl" also sensed the existence of Master Qingniu... But it didn't matter!

The officials are not afraid of themselves!

I don’t know if it’s too self-confident. The Persian venomous girl Mitana just turned her eyes slightly, but she didn’t see a green bull riding on the deck not far behind, ready to go! Those two huge nostrils continued to spray out the hot breath visible to the naked eye!

"Brother Qingniu, let your cows retreat!" Su Jin closed his eyes and said deeply.

The sound is not loud, but it appears very clearly in everyone's ears.

Master Qing Niu was stunned for a moment, but he still knew how to speak to the cow, but although his body did not grow longer, it did not fade.

As Su Jin closed her eyes, the "Persian Poison Girl" Mitana slowly raised her snow-white lotus arm, and on her fist, a cloud of green poisonous mist began to rise.

Everyone wants to know how Su Jin responds, and they are all looking at the official Su with the mentality of watching the show.

At this moment, there was a strange howling sound on Su Jin, who closed his eyes.

A two-meter-wide black dragon soul gradually rose from his body!

The black dragon howls! Soar!

Above the top of the ship, the huge body of the black dragon soul continued to swell! It even blocked everyone's sight, and in the end it shrouded the entire ship!

The audience...


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