My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1033: You don't understand art

Concubine Mu was watching, watching the incredible scene before her.

Su Jin was just there, jumping, and dancing with rhythm, as if dancing?

Street dance? Even buy it! Not! It didn't look like hip-hop, because there was no trace to be found, she couldn't understand it!

"You, what did you dance?" Mu Fei asked Su Jin dumbfoundedly with a short circuit in her head.

"Guess." Su Jin's expression was very serious, "Guess you are so smart."

Concubine Mu shook her head, couldn't help covering her small mouth, and then said: "It's funny, what the **** is it?"

"You didn't go to school at the first glance." Su Jin said in an illiterate tone, "Isn't this broadcast gymnastics? The kind of broadcast gymnastics that you danced in school, an evolutionary version."

"You're talking nonsense, you're doing radio gymnastics? It's like the monkey in Journey to the West."

Concubine Mu is really incomprehensible. Take Su Jin as an example. There is no one else. He plays seductively with him, and he plays rogue with himself. Play IQ with him, he fights brain damage with himself! What is this called? After a while, she did an offbeat dance, but she didn't know how to say it.

"Look at it." Su Jin didn't mean to be funny, and dubbed with a serious tone: "Now the eighth set of broadcast gymnastics ~ step in place, go!"

With his feet constantly on the ground, the official raised an arm and pointed his arm to the sky, and his mouth began to sing: "Red stars are shining brightly~ Red stars can be warm in mind..."

After a while, the rhythm changed, the movement changed, and the music changed again!

"I love to take a bath, and my skin is good, oh oh oh, wear a shower cap, sing and dance, oh oh oh -"

The serious consequences of Su Jin's behavior are--

Fei Mu looked dumbfounded.

She felt that Su Jin's fight was okay, but when she was telling the truth, her eyes felt dirty.

"Don't sing, my own person." Mu Fei slowly said a word softly, she was scared by the singing voice that Su Jin exhibited, her face was very pale, obviously thunderous.

"It's bad, isn't it? You know how to dance, so come, come, and dance a few!" Su Jin made an inviting gesture.

"I won't, I just feel that your brain is shrinking, it's hard to cure it." Mu Fei became embarrassed, and she was a little bit unspeakable when she said what she thought of him. A big man jumped on this, she could only do this. Speak to stop.

Su Jin stopped, his face full of regret.

"Art comes from life. If you are like this, I can only tell you that you don't understand art." Su Jin sighed deeply, "It should be the station. If I go out for a while and don't come in, you will take my wife to the pier. Right?"

"Yes!" Mu Fei breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that this task was extremely easy, and it was much more pleasant than watching Master Su dance. She was really afraid that Su Jin would sing and dance again to challenge her ability to resist lightning strikes.

Looking at Su Jin’s back, seeing him walking out step by step, and then disappearing, Mu Fei felt that Su Jin was not as angry as she thought now. Sure enough, things about the young couple are not a problem. She thought about it and opened it. Enter the cabin room where Xia Yuyan lived.

The big ship slowly stopped, and the staff dropped anchor in the sea, and the dock was already near!

Su Jin brushed a few pieces of snow on his face, and he lighted a cigarette indifferently. There were already many masters preparing to go ashore, but now there were some weird scenes.

These masters are far away from Su Jin, I don't know whether they are subconsciously or deliberately avoiding.

A mouthful of smoke came out, Su Jin pinched the smoke with two fingers, and his eyes narrowed.

At this time, a graceful body walked by his side, a black combat outfit, not only tight and tight, but also protruding a good figure of a woman, and she was wearing a cloak on her head, her eyes could not be covered. .

For some reason, Su Jin stared at her figure, and there was a special sense of familiarity in his heart, but he couldn't figure out how to think of it. Where did this sense of familiarity come from.

"Stop." Su Jin suddenly called out softly.

The girl in the cloak stopped and did not turn around, obviously able to understand the Chinese language spoken by Su Jin.

Official Su stepped forward and asked hesitantly: "Are we acquainted?"

"I don't know." The cloak girl finally opened her mouth.

This voice was very strange, and it made Su Jin's familiar feeling disappear.

"That's confession, please." Su Jin let go, watching the cloak woman board the pier, and gradually disappear into the wind and snow.

Afterwards, Concubine Mu also walked out of the cabin with Xia Yuyan. There were still a few of them on the boat. They had been urged twice by the masters attracted by "Heaven". If it weren't for Jing Su Jin's superior strength, they would probably drive others. It's all there, and it's pretty polite now.

Su Jin raised his right hand and opened a black umbrella. At the same time, he stretched his left hand in front of Xia Yuyan and held it.

Concubine Mu was very envious. The umbrella in Su Jin's hand could only hold Xia Yuyan. She had no place anymore. It was a lie to say that she was not jealous.

Originally, Xia Yuyan was still a bit cold, but after holding hands with Su Jin, a warm current poured into her body from the palm of her hand, and her coldness disappeared instantly.

The three walked back and forth to the pier. Su Jin watched the big ship pull its anchor, turned the bow, and set sail again, knowing that there were many masters here this time.

"Husband." Xia Yuyan turned to look at Su Jin and said, "I always have a question in my heart for you."

"Let's talk." Su Jin squeezed her fingers on the back of her boneless hand with a very calm expression.

"For example, last time in the Canglan River, or last time in New York, you made a good dolphin sound, which can attract dolphins. Do you know the meaning of that sound?"

Xia Yuyan asked this question.

Su Jin smiled slightly and nodded: "Of course I know."

"What does that sound mean?" Xia Yuyan felt very magical. If she hadn't come to the beach, she wouldn't have thought of this question.

"It means calling for help." Su Jin glanced at her and continued: "I keep calling for help, how miserable you are, can you all come to help?"

Xia Yuyan: ——

"I think, listen again--" Xia Yuyan lowered her head, her voice slightly lost.

"Don't! We are our own!" Mu Fei exclaimed, "Think twice!"

"I don't want to sing, I don't want to sing it now. I will sing it to you when I go back." Su Jin smiled and said: "Let's go, let's go and see what the legendary'Holy Vision City' is like!"

Xia Yuyan's face was startled, really, can he really go back?


The many masters that had been put on before had already moved forward, rushing to the direction of Shengzhu City, Su Jin took Xia Yuyan and walked behind Mu Fei unhurriedly.

It takes about half an hour to walk.

In front, a huge black building appeared vaguely, like a monster that cannibalize, standing between heaven and earth!

Sacred City, here!

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