My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1044: Declare war!

The intense fear of death permeated Celine's heart. Now she is so soft, how can she stand up strong...

"Please, no... don't kill me." Celine begged bitterly, looking at Su Jin's dagger, her heart almost jumped out of her throat.

Su Jin pointed at Celine with "Liying", "Give me a reason not to kill you."

With rain on Celine's face, she was terrified. Obviously, she understood the meaning of Su Jin's words. She didn't even hesitate for a while, so she threw away her short knife and crawled toward Master Su in a hurry...

no way!

In order to live, in order not to let the man in front of him not kill her, let her do anything!

Su Jinyintong flickered again, looking at her, immediately stretched out her hand, backed two steps, failed to make her wish...

Celine looked desperate, she still had some looks, Su Jin asked her to give a reason, she had nothing else but pretty looks! But now the other party regressed, obviously not interested in her!

"Get out!" Su Jin closed his eyes without looking at her.

Although this woman looks great, it is daylight, and the enemies around him are dark, and her initiative will only make him feel one word: dirty!

Now he also knows the fact that foreign women are also afraid of death! Even people in China are even more afraid of seeing God!

Celine looked at Su Jin a few more times. This was a strange man, but since the other party let him go, she also picked up the short knife wittily and quickly disappeared in front of Young Master Su, otherwise... it is inevitable that he will not change his mind. !

Su Jin turned around indifferently, walked to Bob's body, which had returned to normal, and shot again...

When he stood up, Bob's head was already in his hands!

One minute later.

The two cages brought by the four-man team have been loaded with the first level of Bob and JaVale!

Ying'er's heart bumped against the deer, throbbing, watching Su Jin with a cold face, step by step, carrying two cages with his head, and walking over.

It is really shocking.

"Su, Su Jin." Ying'er noticed that her tongue was spinning a little, and when Su Jin came in front of him, she couldn't help taking a step back.

What I'm afraid of is the thing in Su Jin's hands, what I'm afraid of is his strange silver pupil at the moment! Compared with the wicked Su Jin before, the one standing in front of him is totally different!

"Follow me." Su Jin's voice has no emotion.

"What are you going to do?" Ying'er pressed her nervous heart and asked cautiously.

Su Jin didn't answer her, just turned around and stood still, his domineering posture in a glance, suddenly! He opened his mouth and shouted at the hidden enemies: "You have the courage to fight!"

Don't lose your momentum just because you are weak!

He wants to take the initiative to declare war! Declare war!

The voice extended very far, Su Jin wanted everyone to know that whether he came or not, he... is here!

Ying'er let go of her heart, and suddenly mentioned it again. In her opinion, Su Jin is really arrogant...

The current situation is that there are enemies lurking as far away as a thousand meters and as close as a hundred meters away, but Su Jin doesn't know. At this time, two of the more than a dozen hidden locations cast complex eyes.

one place.

"It turns out...little brother is Su Jin." Sister Rong was very complicated. From the moment Su Jin appeared from the entrance of the cave, the group of five of them was staying, and they understood some things instantly, including why Su Jin concealed the truth. Name, which tells them that he is called'Su'.

"Sister Rong, what should I do..." Yang Yilin looked so hard that she couldn't see where she was going.

Li Haobo, the indifferent young man, and the middle-aged man all had a heavy heart. Judging from the strength of the Su Jin group destroying the four-member team just now, they united with the hidden masters and rushed forward. There may be a chance, but now everyone who comes here is pregnant with ghosts, and no one wants to die. , Stupid enough to make wedding dresses for others!

"We won't do anything." Sister Rong sighed without a good idea.

"Agree." Li Haobo nodded.

You must know that he was beaten by Su Jin miserably, and now his injuries have not fully recovered. Going up is simply looking for death, waiting for another chance.

"Agree." The indifferent youth and middle-aged man also nodded and said.

And the other place with complicated eyes is 300 meters away from where Sister Rong is, she is lonely, wearing a black robe.

It's the "Persian Poison Girl" Mitana!

Slowly, Mitana stood up, her clothes were hunting, and she walked towards Su Jin step by step. Her slender and proud figure was particularly eye-catching in the snow-colored world!

"That's...Mitana!" Sister Rong exclaimed, "Is there any other means she can use to deal with Su Jin?"

"The Persian Poison Girl has a long-standing reputation and is a maverick. Few people dare to provoke it. It is impossible without a second hand." Yang Yilin's expression became excited.

She doesn’t have the slightest affection for Su Jin. After all, it’s the guy who hurt her boyfriend, so she is especially looking forward to the Persian Poison Girl who can kill Su Jin with great power. By then, the head will appear, and the rest will be fighting for the rest. !

Not hurriedly, until Mitana walked two meters in front of Su Jin, she stopped.

Su Jin's expression is quite complicated now.

Beforehand, he admired Mitana very much. Although she was accustomed to the reputation of a poisonous woman, her temperament was even more pronounced when she was wrapped in a black robe, especially now that she stood quietly in front of him, her exquisite snow-white face, jewel-like Her blue eyes dotted them, and her thin lips moved slightly...

"You... also want to take my head?" Su Jin asked calmly.

However, the actions of the "Persian Poison Girl" went beyond everyone's expectations!

Seeing her slender arms lifted, the snow-colored green onion fingers lifted the black robe and hat off her head tastefully, her dark green hair tied a few strands, and the rest was hanging behind her like a waterfall, she slowly Shaking his head, walked silently behind Su Jin.

actually! Joined the team!

Ying'er was in a daze, staring blankly at the "poisonous girl" standing next to her, the beautiful woman who suffocated her, just standing by her side and becoming her teammate!

And as long as anyone is paying attention at this time, it is not that he can't believe it!

Su Jin alone is already very difficult to deal with, and now he adds another "Persian Poison Girl"!

"Oh!" Sister Rong sighed sharply, but then she smiled, as if giving up something, and said with a smile: "Now that I think about it, little brother is actually quite interesting."

"Interesting? Sister, how do you play this? Aren't Mitana and Su Jin enemies!" Yang Yilin wondered.

"No, you can remember that when Su Jin competed with her on the boat, he won easily when everyone was not optimistic, and took off Mitana's hat. From that moment on, In Mitana's heart, she may already think that this man has conquered her." Sister Rong analyzed.

"That's right! Mitana just took off the hat by herself. I have never heard of anyone who can make her so well-behaved. That's amazing!" Yang Yilin stuck out her tongue.

Li Haobo looked in the direction of Su Jin, wondering, and heard Yang Yilin seem to be praising Su Jin, and he was...very uncomfortable.


At this moment, Su Jin realized it suddenly, and his face was lightened a lot. He has the strength to defeat Mitana, but the woman he saw really wanted to start, how could he bear it?

With a playful smile at the corner of Su Jin's mouth, he turned to look at Mitana, who had taken off her hat, and stepped gently, gradually approaching...

Close to the famous "Persian Poison Girl" who is famous for her poison!

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