My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1056: What a martial arts young man!

"I'll know right away?" Ying'er gripped the quilt tightly in front of him, "I heard you talking nonsense again."

In Yinger’s cognition, the master’s words are particularly important, and she has always kept in mind since she was a child that she believes that kiss and hug are the love between men and women. The master also told her that when young men and women are together, men catch who is pregnant and get pregnant. When a boy kisses, he will be like a brand, he will never forget, and he will fall in love with him!

"Do you really don't understand, or are you pretending to understand?"

In the darkness, Su Jin asked dumbfounded.

"My master said that if a man holds a baby, I don't want to have a baby." Yinger's tone was obviously very alert.

"Your master didn't tell you, there is still such a sentence." Su Jin thought for a while and said.

"What are you talking about?" Yinger asked.

"Between countries, they rely on guns. Between people, they rely on money. Between men and women, they rely on sleep." Su Jin said helplessly.

"What kind of guns or guns, I don't understand." Ying'er stepped aside and said hurriedly: "It's warm here, come closer—"

I heard Yinger's words.

The officials have burst into tears...

It turns out that the warm bed is such a warm bed! It turns out that Yinger is such a shadow!

"Give me some way to survive, old girl." Su Jin clicked his lips, "You know, you let me...make me feel bad now~"

I originally hoped that she was pretending, and the kind of bath towel that came in was wearing the kind of very high-class bath towel. How can I know that this kind of pureness is really pure? If you hug it, you will give birth to a baby. That is from the back hug——

It can be seen that Tian Cailin, ‘Princess of Guiyang’, knows a lot, but she doesn’t explain enough!


"Uncomfortable? Is it cold? Come in quickly." Ying'er greeted hurriedly.

Su Jin's face was instantly beaten with blood, and he turned to lie down.

If Su Jin selects the most fragrant taste in the world at this moment, it will definitely be the fragrance of the girl! And Ying'er came out like Myolie, full of youthful sunshine.

Unable to help, Su Jin began to think of her delicate face in the dark night, the white and delicate face brought by the short hair, the slender figure of a few meters six meters, and a bath towel...

Unable to help, Su Jin touched her little hand.

Originally Yinger wanted to take it away, but I still don’t think about it, as if hiding the shy deer in her heart. After all, there is no outsider and it can’t affect much. Although Su Jin secretly grabs the palm of her hand, it’s not a bad feeling. .

"Su Jin." Ying'er felt Su Jin's fingers touching the back of her hand, and couldn't help but blush and scream.


"Are you a good person?"


"You are so funny, how can anyone say that he is a bad person." Ying'er laughed.

"Oh, the cost of being a good person is too high, and I really can't afford it--" Su Jin was full of emotion.

"I have never heard what you said." Ying'er did not agree with what he said.

"If you haven't heard it, you haven't heard it." Su Jinyi was complacent, and the atmosphere was a little embarrassing. After a while, he asked tentatively: "Girl Yinger?"

"Huh?" Yinger responded.

"I'll pinch and count." Su Jin's tone was serious.

"What did you figure out..."

"Pinch a finger, I'm missing you."

If Su Jin was serious, Ying'er was shocked when he heard it, this guy is not serious, and the person who said it is embarrassing.

That is to say, in such a dark and gentle country, lonely men and women are whispering. Although the atmosphere is a bit awkward, they are actually quite enjoyable. Being teased by Su Jin in the bed, Ying'er is really a big **** the sedan chair. !

"I blushed when I said that, hehe." Ying'er chuckled softly.

"It's so boring, how about let's play a game?" Su Jin approached, the breath of words sprayed into her ears.

"Uh, okay." Ying'er replied in a panic.

Su Jin has been smiling all the time, but the smiling face at this moment is like a demon who succeeded in trickery, pushing the girl into the abyss step by step, bewildering her forever sinking into it, unable to get out!

For Su Jin, this was destined to be a happy night. In the next hour, in the dark room... Ying'er cried and said to him, "Fucked, this game is tired and painful. Fun—"

The cloud disappears and the rain rests.

After finishing his clothes, Su Jin sat on the edge of the bed and smoked a cigarette, spitting out the smoke one by one, then he turned his head to look at the sleeping shadow, feeling very complicated.

Perhaps, there is a trace of regret mixed in it.

After two cigarettes in a row, Su Jin heard the knock on the door and threw away the cigarette **** that was about to burn his fingers, and got up with his pants pocket to open the door.


Opening the door, unexpected people appeared in front of Su Jin, very elegant. But elegance is only the surface, the character of the female tyrannosaurus still exists in the bones of Jiu Mei Niang, which is elusive.

"Good martial arts, young man."

Jiu Mei Niang is holding a high-footed wine glass with half a glass of dark blue ‘Starlight Blue’ liquor in it, which is truly charming.

At this moment, Jiu Mei Niang's tall and perfect figure was covered by a white skirt, her mature charm was flawless, and those Dan Feng eyes were looking at Su Jin with a smile.

"Just laughed, compared to my sister who has been fighting on the battlefield for a long time, I am afraid I am still far behind."

Su Jin's faint self-confidence was revealed, and he looked at Jiu Mei Niang more or less for a while.

"Brother Su really likes to joke." Jiu Mei Niang said with a playful smile on the corner of her mouth, "My sister came to you, not to see your martial arts."

"That's—" Su Jin hesitated slightly.

"I have not seen your face just now, I know you are not quite clear." Jiu Mei Niang smiled, "In less than two quarters of an hour, the Holy Realm will come to the four'Divine Residence'. At that time, the white holy light will cover the entire Sacred City, like daylight, which is definitely a great wonder. I know they are here for you, but despite this, don't you want to go out and see?"

"Oh?" Su Jin was a little surprised, but he heard that the "Divine Mansion" would come, but he didn't know when it would come.

"What do you mean..." Jiu Mei Niang opened her bright red mouth.

"Naturally want to go out and have a look." Su Jin's expression was already very natural.

"Then go out and take a piece."

"Okay, Mrs. Xie reminded me."

After Su Jin finished speaking, he closed the door and the two went downstairs together.

The snow outside the door has not stopped, and there is no wind, and the snow flakes are like two-finger leaves, gently falling directly.

There are already many people on Qingshi Street. From a distance, they are all human heads——

At the entrance of the hotel, Su Jin and Jiu Mei Niang talked and laughed happily, and there was no pressure at all, but the proprietress admired his courage. Of course, the businessmen walked in with him, and Jiu Mei Niang was a small figure in the eyes of heaven and even the holy world. No one would embarrass her or worry about being implicated.

Ten minutes passed in a flash.

"Husband~" A familiar voice, as if waking up thunder, caused the officials to suddenly turn their heads and look in the direction of the sound.

A figure is walking in the lotus step, coming in various forms.

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