My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1067: Going out is the Lord!

No one can believe that Su Jin, who was seriously injured last night, even dared to come!

Although some people expected that Su Jin might come to ‘save’ Lavril, most of them didn’t expect him to sway so much, and the clouds came lightly, as if what happened last night had no effect on him!

how is this possible--

It is really terrible. Su Jin is almost the eye-catching star in the audience, and he is the only bright star in the audience. The scenery is simply unique!

"Is it early?" Su Jin frowned slightly, "Brother Hou, is there an accurate time for the goddess saint?"

"Yes, the exact time should be noon, it's still more than three hours away." Hou Bigu glanced at the people present, heard Su Jin's question, and responded.

"Say early, so long time, I can save a night in the hotel," Su Jin said lightly.

Everyone is drunk! Already burst into tears...

He still wants to sleep, should he be so strong, brother...

Don't do this, please take it seriously, darling~

"Brother, look, your wife is there too." Hou Bigu winked at Su Jin.

"Hold the grass, Lao Tzu's wife is still using you to remind?" Su Jin glanced at the place where Concubine Mu was not far away. That beautiful landscape is not who Xia Yuyan is, since the people here came into his sight. , He spotted his wife's figure at a glance.

"You're a full man who doesn't know that a hungry man is hungry. As a noble single dog, when and where can you hug a beautiful woman." Hou Bigu whirled tearfully, as if thinking of something, said angrily: "Seeing my brother next to him Surrounded by beautiful people, I know that I was deceived by my master. Men are afraid of getting into the wrong line, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man. If the old thing appears in front of me now, I just want to say a word to him!"

"Huh?" Su Jin retracted his gaze and glanced at Hou Bigu subconsciously.

"Bad **** Liu Qi, you are not a human! You owe 350 million yuan for eating, drinking, and gambling, and you ran away with your little wife! We have no choice but to take revenge on the society with our bodies~ "Hou Bigu actually began to sing, and he looks like this--

Su Jin frowned, and looked at Hou Bigu earnestly and said: "Taijun, don't sing it~"

"I can't help it, I'm proud of this~ Alas!" Hou Bigu clicked his lips, showing very helplessness.

"Follow me, within one month, return your heroic qualities." Su Jin said.


"I haven't lied to anyone, it's just a beauty."

"Ah? You, do you think I am like this now, where else can I attract beautiful women?" Hou Bigu was looking at himself, but he came to the can I get a word of "矬".

Su Jin looked at him carefully and shook his head sadly and said, "It's really not there."

After that, Su Jin pondered in his heart, hesitated, and walked to Xia Yuyan's side. Only Hou Bigu's head was weakened. Obviously he was shocked enough to think about it. You are a beggar. There are gold mountains and silver mountains, but they are also dismissed by beauties. Their career is not clean.


Xia Yuyan was still very nervous now. She opened her ruddy mouth and wanted to speak, but was interrupted by Su Jin: "Did I let you talk?"

"Yes." Xia Yuyan pursed her small mouth, and a shallow dimple appeared on her right cheek. She couldn't help it. Now as a wife, she has to give her husband a little bit of face outside. Instead of being at home, she has long been Pinch your waist and step on high heels to wait for him, and now you are out of the house, people are the master, so you have to get used to him!

Nice job--

Hou Bigu has been convinced by Su Jin. Chimei women like Xia Yuyan who have both beauty and temperament are so obedient by Su Jin's education.

Su Jin looked at Concubine Mu, who was looking at her with a smile, and said lightly: "Mister Mu, the plan has changed. Bring the people you brought back to Qincheng in advance."

"Uh, what do you want to do?" Mu Fei didn't understand Su Jin's meaning, "Your master..."

"Don't mention him, just do as I ordered and leave as soon as possible, because there is no need to observe the ceremony." Su Jin's eyes flashed coldly.

Fei Mu suddenly understood Su Jin's meaning, could it be... if the passage of Zhiyan Mountain Pass opens, he will... kill! ! !

"Your injury is healed?" Mu Fei took a breath in her heart. If that were the case, Su Jin's recovery ability would be too terrifying.

"Almost, they want to kill me, they underestimate the enemy." Su Jin smiled and said in a low voice, "I want to kill them out, I will follow their surnames!"

"Don't be reckless, we still have an arrangement, haven't you thought about it? The third divine residence hasn't appeared for some reason, they must be sure to deal with you, don't be arrogant..." Mu Fei persuaded.

Just as her words fell, dozens of stone gates on the Zhiyan Mountain Pass rose and opened in a semi-circular shape. The heat waves rushed in and made people very uncomfortable.

"One person to do things, one person!" Su Jinyin smiled, turned and walked towards the main passage opposite, and said to the two women behind him as he walked: "I know where the mansion is and why she doesn't appear. It’s useless to say more, you just need to remember, tell your people not to go in!"

"Hey! I only want to ask you one question, are you sure to survive?" Mu Fei asked Su Jin's back.

Without a response, Su Jin and Hou Bigu had disappeared in the passage.

There is only one thing in Su Jin's mind now, that is...

Kill Lavril!

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