My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1076: Don't be so cheap, sir!

Then Xia Yuyan's white hands were placed on one of her long legs.

The fair skin added a lot of points to the two long legs out of thin air. She took off the thick warm socks with her hands, and then carefully folded them into squares and placed them on the bedside cabinet. The head was extremely close, and the scent of the fragrance came out, which made his heart tremble.

Without the thick socks that cover the legs, and the snow-white shirt with a dark blue skirt that can highlight Xia Yuyan's own temperament, the well-informed Young Master Su cannot resist the wonderful feeling at this moment.

Long legs Yiyi, white and delicate, stretch out from the dark blue skirt.

"Hey." Xia Yuyan turned her head and looked over, sighed, then pressed her hand on the light switch on the bedside.

The cabin was suddenly dark.

Su Jin immediately felt that there were many people not far from her left hand. Although the cabin room was not too big and the bed was small compared to the home, she was still on the pillow after all, but at this time she was injured and her wife was afraid to touch When it comes to yourself, try to hide as far away as possible. Before changing to sleep, she would not say anything if she hugged her to sleep.

Opening his eyes, Su Jin felt very uncomfortable.

If you are more ordinary and can give your wife an ordinary life without worrying about each other, how good would it be?

But Su Jin denied this idea in the next moment. If he is ordinary, I am afraid I don't know where to move bricks and dig coal, or sell dough sticks with the old guy in the old town, right?

Xia Yuyan followed her precisely because of his extraordinaryness. No girl dislikes the heroes. In short, no matter how hard you work, isn't it a hero in the end? There is nothing wrong with my persistence!

"Yuyan." Su Jin turned sideways, facing Xia Yuyan, and placed his five fingers in claws in front of her.


Xia Yuyan was taken aback, her heartbeat soared to one hundred and eighty pas per second... She couldn't react, the **** Su Jin just didn't fall asleep at all, and he gave his warm socks with his eyelids down... …

Su Jin took her into his arms forcefully, and after a while, he felt a sob, and a drop of clear tears dripped down his chest.

Xia Yuyan seemed to be erupting, and she couldn't stop breaking down. She had always been strong in front of others, but in the two-person world, she was so fragile and vulnerable.

"Xiao Yuyan, stop crying, isn't it all right?" In the darkness, Su Jin kept smiling bitterly.

Xia Yuyan buried her head in his chest and did not respond, even though Su Jin called it so nauseous——

Tired of crying, Xia Yuyan fell asleep in her arms.


One night passed, Su Jin was screaming with the dark night anyway, opening his eyes until dawn, tangled all night, he was very complicated~

It was already bright outside, Xia Yuyan's long eyelashes moved, and slowly opened his eyes, startled!

Damn, what a pair of big eyes!

After Xia Yuyan saw it clearly, she realized that the distance between their noses was only about three centimeters!

A weird smile was drawn at the corner of Su Jin's mouth, and when she saw her waking up, she said, "Xiaoyanyan, is it sweet to sleep in her husband's arms?"

Xia Yuyan subconsciously stretched out his hand and pressed it on Young Master Su's wound, and the painful official grinned.

"Ah, I'm sorry! Is it very painful~" Xia Yu was in a state of desperation, but forgot that Su Jin was seriously injured.

"No, I feel distressed..." Su Jin covered his heart, the fine sweat beads on his forehead had already ooze out, it is natural that it doesn't hurt, such a beautiful wife, can't let her do something wrong. , This pot of husband back!

"You don't want to be so nauseous..." Xia Yuyan sighed at Su Jin after seeing that there was nothing wrong with him.

Xiaoyanyan, can I call you Xiaojinjin? Uncomfortable?

Su Jin saw Xia Yuyan standing up from the bed, staring dumbfounded for a moment——

What a beautiful long legs! Not only that, he also saw...

However, it was only a lost time that Xia Yuyan got out of bed, and two blushes rose on her cheeks. Su Jin woke up from the daze and said, "This is Xiu Enai! Wife, I think you should be transformed. Try to accept something romantic and ignore the eyes of others."

"Cut~" Xia Yuyan immediately responded strongly with the corner of her mouth. She can do it now, has been changed a lot by Su Jin, okay, and this guy is still doing her own way, and it's becoming more and more unreasonable. Too!

Besides, she can't play with sensual things at all, such as deliberately wearing some exposed clothes to show them to others! Perhaps Su Jin would think she was too conservative, but this was due to her character, and she couldn't force it.

"My wife, I'm thirsty." Su Jin likes to see her anxious and curling up her lips. President Bingshan still has a cute side.

"I'll get you juice, wait a while." Xia Yuyan turned and walked to the corner of the cabin room, opened the freezer, and took out a bottle of juice.

Unscrew the bottle cap, walked to Su Jin, and handed out...

However, Su Jin did not pick it up! Xia Yuyan stared blankly at the young master touching his lips with his finger, this, this turned out to be for her to feed him.

Do you want to be so cheap, sir!

Xia Yuyan almost wanted to cry without tears, how could such a person live...

Su Jin waited arrogantly, squinting his eyes, wondering what his wife should do next?

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