My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 1078: Wife's secret

"How did you meet that poisonous sister?"

Concubine Mu turned to look at Su Jin naturally, then opened the room and walked in.

"Sister Mu, who specializes in intelligence, would ask such unprofessional questions."

Su Jin said as he walked into the room, but his eyes kept staring behind Mu Fei.

I don’t know if it’s because of the warmer the climate is getting more and more south. Ms. Mu has already been replaced with a half-sleeved gauze dress. The bright patterns on it are quite eye-catching. The skirt is slightly shorter and the skirt is about a dozen above the knee. At the centimeter position, two long white legs stretched down, and sandals with a few blue gems were also stepped on their feet.

"What does this have to do with professionalism? The information can't be comprehensive. There are always omissions." Mu Fei said as she walked to the cot, she lifted the pillow on her own and took out a folded paper from below. I didn’t want to ask Su Jin how he asked Mitana to help him, and continued: “It should have been handed over by sister Ying’er, but your injury was so scary yesterday. She came on the boat and couldn’t see you, so... …"

Su Jin took the letter paper handed over by Concubine Mu, and found that Mitana was folded neatly, and there was no trace of opening, so he could not help but open it.

On the snow-white letterhead, there are not many words, and there is a beautiful line of handwriting, which is well written. Of course, this is compared to other people. If it is compared with a calligraphy master like Su Jin, it is definitely not comparable!

There are only sixteen words in this line: "In the past, I went here, Yangliu Yiyi. Today I come to think, Yuxuefeifei."

"What did you write?" Mu Fei stood in front of Su Jin curiously, and raised her head to ask.

Su Jin smiled, and then slowly shook his head, and handed over the letterhead for her to look at. He already understood the meaning of Mitana's letterhead.

"Yo-" Mu Fei said in surprise: "Mitana is a deaf and mute, I am not surprised that she wrote a good hand, but our ancestor's poetry can be picked off at will, it seems that she is also a talented woman. ..."

"In the past, I went away, Yang Liu Yiyi, meaning that when she first set off, she was still in the warm spring season." Su Jin did not feel discouraged, and quickly said: "The last sentence means that it is already winter when she comes back... …"

"That's what it means, but I always feel that she wants to say something, but it's hard to guess, alas, it takes a lot of brains..." Mu Fei touched her forehead, and Meiyan also looked at Su Jin.

"It's very simple. She said that she is used to the days when she travels abroad, and she will meet each other because of the reason..." Su Jin shook his head lightly, "Let her go, I will meet again anyway."

Concubine Mu curled her small mouth, raised her white arm in front of half of her short sleeves, put her hand on Su Jin's face, stroked his chest all the way, and said with a slight dissatisfaction: "No wonder you are so caring, Mitana is famous. , The face is even more beautiful. There is nothing to say, oh, my sister is bitter, she is old and yellow~ nobody loves it..."

Su Jin grabbed the delicate and white wrist, looked at Mu Fei faintly and said, "Ms. Mu, when you say this, it means you need help very much—"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Mu Fei was startled. She is not as cheap as Su Jin, she is just a woman. It is normal to complain a little bit, why he thinks...

Next, Su Jin put down her wrists and squeezed her waist, and then the two of them were almost close to their faces, very close!

"Sister Mu, come back to Qincheng and live with me." Su Jin whispered in her ear.

"My door is not closed, your wife is still outside, if you come in and see you holding me..." Mu Fei's face was slightly hot and she responded in a low voice.

"Do you think I will be afraid?" Su Jin asked back.

"Aren't you afraid?"

"No one in this world understands me." Su Jin let go of her, turned her back to Concubine Mu, and then said: "I have already decided, and when I return to Qincheng..."

He didn't finish speaking, but he said these words in a very calm situation.

"What do you do when you return to Qincheng?" Mu Fei was very curious about Su Jin's plan.

"Dump her."

After leaving these three words, Su Jin ignored Concubine Mu, who had been standing still, and walked out of the room alone.

The sun was shining, Su Jin returned to the deck, the clouds on his face were light and breezy, as if the haze had been swept away in a few days, a few beautiful women were unusually eye-catching under the umbrella, he came and sat down without saying a word .

The women looked at each other, obviously also aware that the atmosphere was wrong, and didn't speak any more. They waited for a while until the atmosphere eased before someone took the lead and started talking.

And the big ship where everyone is, is riding the wind and waves at sea, moving fast!


Near noon, when the women were chatting happily, Xia Yuyan found an opportunity to force Su Jin to the cabin room on the grounds that Su Jin needed to be recuperated.

Su Jin was still wondering that Xia Yuyan didn't seem to be thinking about his body. She asked a few doubtful words and was taken by her with a vague response. Finally, she said that she had only been in the room where they slept at night. Just willing to tell him!

Came to the room where I slept last night.

"You turned around, I have a secret that I want to tell you..." Xia Yuyan blushed and seemed to say happily.

"What secret, so careful?" Su Jin became more puzzled.

"You will be very happy, turn around!"

"OK." Su Jin turned around.

Ten seconds later, Su Jin couldn't help but turn his head slightly, and without Xia Yuyan's permission, he saw a dumbfounded picture——

Why should my wife show this to Lao Tzu when she has not recovered from her injury...

Su Jin's face suddenly looked like chicken blood! The nutrition is not enough--

Xia Yuyan unexpectedly...

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